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Greatest Mughal Emperor???

Ahmed ,
Mughals have Mongol Ancestory!
This is right.

Mughal and Mongol is the same thing, as i mentioned before Mughal is a persianized term for Mongol, we all understand that. but according to the chart you presented, it shows that Timor is son of Changiz khan which is wrong.
tamerlame(timur) was tattar(timurid empire) he has no relation from mongolians
but babur itself was having family link with both temarlane anf mongols
Yeah i have also read that Timur was not related to Genghis eventhough he said he was. As we know it was a common practise to say you were related to some great King of the past. Babur however through his mother was a decendent of Genghis.
Yeah i have also read that Timur was not related to Genghis eventhough he said he was. As we know it was a common practise to say you were related to some great King of the past. Babur however through his mother was a decendent of Genghis.

After the death of Chengiz, while Ogadai was elected the great Khan, Central Asian lands were allotted to another son named Chaghatai. In the later times nearly all the tribes of the Chaghatai's army were clubbed together as Chaghatai Moghals.

Taimur was not pure blood Mongol. He was from Barlas clan of the Tartar/Turkic tribes who were part of the Chaghatais. By the time of Taimur, even though Chaghatai lands were ruled by many semi independent warlords; there was a Mongol Khan; descendent of the Chaghatai, who was accepted as nominal sovereign. Much the same way as Marathas and Lukhnow Nawabs accepted later Delhi kings as their overlord.

One of my close friends is a Numismatist. He showed me a coin of Taimur with the inscription “Taimur Gurgaan”. Apparently to legitimize his right to rule the Chaghatai lands, Taimur married one of the Mongol Royal princesses and adopted the title of Gurgaan which in Turkish mean ‘Son in law’.
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Was going through the thread.All the Indians were appreciative of Akbar while among Pakistanis the support for Aurangzeb was highest (though there are a few Pakistani members appreciative of Akbar).
This thread sums up in a few pages the basis of nationhood of our respective countries.

And I would end up by quoting a lyric from the epic Jodha Akbar regarding Akbar - 'Jitna kahe hum utna kam hai, tehjibo ka tu sangam hai'.

sangam- meeting point.
This is how we remember & respect him.

PS- To prove Aurangzeb as liberal , those who say that Aurangzeb had higher Hindu mansabdars compared to Akbar forget one small fact.Akbar didnt inherit an empire from Humayun. He built the empire. from scratch.He was the second founder of the Mughal empire after Babur. Also it was he who started the mansabdari system and absorbed Hindus into it.Gradually their numbers increased as the late rulers Jahangir and Shah Jahan didnt showed any big fanatical streak.So the highest number of Hindus in bureaucracy in Auranzeb's time was actually because of inheritance from earlier periods
Akbar "The Great" and Aurangzeb "Alamgir" stands out...
Abu'l-Fath Jalal ud-din Muhammad Akbar .............. aka Akbar the Great!!
Greatest Mughal - Babur
Greatest Central Asian Conqueror - Mahmud of Ghaznvi and Timur
I believe Timur not only conquered Central Asia, Iran, large part of South Asia & Mid East, but also routed the Ottomans & attacked Russia. Died on the way to invade China. Extra ordinary feat indeed !
Dont know who was good or bad but undoubtely was the worst !!! the man who ruined whole Mughal empire :(

Ahmed , Mughals have Mongol Ancestory!
This is right.

No, it may not be right. Babur was the direct descendant of Timur Lang who belonged to Turkic race. There were many invasions by the Mongol troops in the western front of Hindustan after the Turkic Kings started to rule India since 1190 after the defeat of Great Prithviraj Chauhan at the hands of Muhammad Ghori in the Battle of Tarain.

So, because of these invasions for hundreds of years from the west, almost all people there were known invariably as Mongols to the Hindustanis, both domiciled Muslims and local Hindus.

When the forces of Babur attacked Delhi, it was 1526 and the Turkic Muslim dynasties have been ousted by Bahlul Lodi, a Pathan, in around 1456(?), and his descendant Ibrahim was the Sultan.

The invasion of Babur, like many others in the past, was from the west. So, people started to think it as a Mongol invasion. As a result Babur's family came to be known as Mongol, although it is not true.

the word Mongol changed to Mogol, Mugal, Mughal etc. However, the House of Babur spoke in Turkic inside the palaces and among themselves although Persian was also spoken. Persian remained the Official language of entire Hindustan since around 1190.
I'd say Shah Jahan for building Taj Mahal for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal . An example of a true love even in those times where Emperor's could have fucked literally anyone whosoever they wanted .
Guys wat do you think who was the greatest Mughal emperor?? and why?? 

1. Zaheeruddin Babur
,2. Mirza Humayun
,3. Jalaluddin Akbar(Gen musharraf of that time)
 ,4. Jahangir
,5. Shah Jahan
,6. Aurangzeb Alamgir(Gen. Zia of that time)
,7. Bahadur Shah Zafar.

My vote goes to Gen. Zia of that time great Aurangzeb Alamgir.

i request mod to change this thread in to poll.

they were dumb, cruel and kept their public uneducated and slaves to themselves. there was so visible improvement from day one to the last days of their empire, they were nothing but money collecting mafias.
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