There is no "Magic" pill there is only hard work and sweat = results
The magic pill may give you a 0.001 % good feeling but really in end it is your "MIND" which has to change when it says
1-2 Hours per day = Results (Daily or every next day but Daily is ideal)
3-6 hours = Beast Mode (Olympian Level for which people train for 3-4 years)
It is really when you realize there are
24 hours every day and out of these 24 hours god has given you , you just need to be deciplined for
1-2 Hours Total
22 Hours for sleep , family , work , relations with world , studies , watching TV
2 Hours investment for your health 100% time for your own self
2 Hour break down
- Morning 1 hour (Run/Walk right after you wake up , and wake up early)
- Afternoon 30 min (Bicycle Ride or Walk in between work)
- Night 30 Min (Weight lift or Pushup or Run or Walk or evening Cricket or Tennis)
Remember folks
DRIVING is not excercise , if you drive to work daily and you feel you traveled 30 km , it was excercise that is not true. That tiredness may be mental tiredness but your body / muslces are all at 100% capacity
Change = Mental Power / Focus so you have to train yourself to beat your mind
BEAT YOUR MIND ? Even now I want you to break and listen what your mind is telling you as you read my post ... your mind must be saying no , yar this is not for me. Your mind may be telling you 2 hours a day that is too much I can't commit . Your mind might be telling you no yar this is embarassing for me my family or friends will laugh at me for excercising so regularly at my age. People will joke and say look he is trying to be young
That is impossible daily, daily ?? at my age in Pakistani culture? . I can't imagine wearting a short or shirt and walking or running in (Gym or Ground)
What wear this for Excercise daily ? Me in this ? No no no , I can just may be eat 1 roti less and may be not eat sweets but excercise 2 hours daily ? ! me no way ... what will the people in street or Gym say looking at me any my unhealthy body . Everyone else will be so fit in Gym or only Young People?
Me ? in public for
2 hours daily workout ?
You mind will play 1 last trick and tell you , ok look I am ok if you eat may be salad 1-2 times or for week to loose weight but 2 hours workout is not acceptable not for YOU !!!
You mind will play 2nd trick and tell you, "Come on man , this 2 hour thing is not realistic , it is bad idea !!! very BAD who has 2 hours daily impossbile !!!" You can just sit on coach , open a nice fresh coke drink and open bag of chips and talk to people". You were in school or your worked 8 hours , that is enough excercise I am your mind and you are so tired ... this excercise stuff is bad for you. Just just , may be don't eat lunch at work? I know and lets not eat breakfast may be eat small break fast. This is it, don't eat breakfast and lunch and that is perfect
And that , my friends exactly the
thought you have to beat!!!! It is your mind
If you can shut down your mind and tell it ,
"Look We will do 2 hours a day training from now on daily" and "mind" you will have to accept this decision
I will count the excercise minutes daily and put it in book or computer to track my workout minutes daily !!! DONE
a) We will do that 2 hour Commitment , all that sugar in body , yeah we will burn it from blood when we excercise
Think about it ....
Glucose = Fuel , and when you do activity , you burn it out of body
b) All that extra cholestrol , yeah every day we will target it by excercise 2 hours daily walking / running / and lifting weight going to burn that stuff out of body. Every time will lift a dumb bell it's a battle ... fight vs cholestrol
IT IS A FIGHT !!! let the battle begin
MIND VS WILL POWER !!! ever time you lift up are burning Glucose, Cholestrol Levels adjusting
Warning :
Never lift looking at other people , lift what you are comfortable with even if it is small weight
Every time you walk the machine
You are reducing % of your blood pressure or that Cholestrol figure
After 365 days we will go to doctor and do the physical checkup and see what improvements were made
65+ right here below picture