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“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

No, they don't.

Besides why should the Arab world not have relations with Israel just because of a a few million Palestinians? I only care about Al-Aqsa in Palestine and the safety of civilians. That's about it. I don't give a **** about Hamas or other groups. They don't represent any Arabs other than Gazans.

Yeah, most Arab nations seem to only mind their own business.

Good point. Which is why democracy is our path. But, not the Jewish democracy. Our democracy.

Do you mean the Arab Spring to topple the current leaders one by one, then re-create a whole new united Arab World?

This has been proven to be pretty detrimental to the current Arab World, and it cannot be accomplished without a great revolutionary leadership.
Yeah, most Arab nations seem to only mind their own business.

Ignore Al-Hasani. He is a regime worshipper who worships his King as if he's God. No one said anything about KSA or asked KSA for anything or ever got something from KSA. People are upset with Egypt/KSA cooperation with Israel which was exposed to the Arab public in this Israeli assault on Gaza. Which is why the KSA spokesmen came out and began randomly bashing Israel. Because the Arab public wouldn't have tolerated it anymore.

Arab nations aren't run by the will of the people. Don't mind these few people on the internet. Of course the Arab world has many issues to deal with rather than Palestine right now. That isn't related to any divisions at all. Which is why number 1 hastag on facebook/twitter this week is #we are all Hamas.

Do you mean the Arab Spring to topple the current leaders one by one, then re-create a whole new united Arab World?

This has been proven to be pretty detrimental to the current Arab World, and it cannot be accomplished without a great revolutionary leadership.

No one really knows how it will play out. Better we don't speculate but it will happen as I said it would. A united Arab world driven by Islam against everything Jews stand for.
Yeah, most Arab nations seem to only mind their own business.

Do you mean the Arab Spring to topple the current leaders one by one, then re-create a whole new united Arab World?

This has been proven to be pretty detrimental to the current Arab World, and it cannot be accomplished without a great revolutionary leadership.

Why should they not? Do you see Latinos being obsessed about uniting into 1 country or other pan-ethnic groups? Arabs are the second biggest ethnic group on earth after the Han Chinese. 1 single Arab country will never happen and I am not sure if this would be a good thing in reality. It appeals to nationalists, historical events etc. but in reality it will have little success.

Ignore Al-Hasani. He is a regime worshipper who worships his King as if he's God. No one said anything about KSA or asked KSA for anything or ever got something from KSA. People are upset with Egypt/KSA cooperation with Israel which was exposed to the Arab public in this Israeli assault on Gaza. Which is why the KSA spokesmen came out and began randomly bashing Israel. Because the Arab public wouldn't have tolerated it anymore.

Arab nations aren't run by the will of the people. Don't mind these few people on the internet. Of course the Arab world has many issues to deal with rather than Palestine right now. That isn't related to any divisions at all. Which is why number 1 hastag on facebook/twitter this week is #we are all Hamas.

No one really knows how it will play out. Better we don't speculate but it will happen as I said it would. A united Arab world driven by Islam against everything Jews stand for.

You clown. Nobody cares about any rulers. My family itself belong to a family that ruled longer than anyone else in ME history. Do you think that I get impressed by the House of Saud or any other rulers?:lol:

Just understand that no Arabs will sacrifice all that we did to you ungrateful Palestinians and that we only care about Al-Aqsa and civilians. Most don't give a crap about your irrelevant Hamas.

Your Hamas are worshipping Qatari dick right now anyway.

Besides only a tiny minority of Saudi Arabians or other GCC citizens wish to unite with Mauritanians, Sudanese, Palestinains or whoever.
Why should they not? Do you see Latinos being obsessed about uniting into 1 country or other pan-ethnic groups? Arabs are the second biggest ethnic group on earth after the Han Chinese. 1 single Arab country will never happen and I am not sure if this would be a good thing in reality. It appeals to nationalists, historical events etc. but in reality it will have little success.

Bullshit, every believer of Muhammad knows it will happen again and want it to happen. People that don't have zero yaqeen.

You clown. Nobody cares about any rulers. My family itself belong to a family that ruled longer than anyone else in ME history. Do you think that I get impressed by the House of Saud or any other rulers?:lol:

My family also belongs to the same family genius. The difference is I uphold their values and you don't.
Just understand that no Arabs will sacrifice all that we did to you ungrateful Palestinians and that we only care about Al-Aqsa and civilians. Most don't give a crap about your irrelevant Hamas.

No one asked you to do anything. Don't speak for Arabs you king worshipper. LOL, Muslim Arabs all want to liberate Palestine and king worshipper morons/kings themsevles are the only thing getting in their way or else it would happen. Just as all Arab Muslims would defend holy sites in KSA.

Your King worshipping supports/army will sink in the ground after they try killing Imam Mahdi.

Your Hamas are worshipping Qatari dick right now anyway

Yeah sure, like we brought up anything about Qatar. :lol:

Jeaolousy drives so deep down you people that no matter who supports us you curse us for it yet you refuse to take their place. And yet you're trying to convince that you're a descandent of the Prophet's family. :lol:
Why should they not? Do you see Latinos being obsessed about uniting into 1 country or other pan-ethnic groups? Arabs are the second biggest ethnic group on earth after the Han Chinese. 1 single Arab country will never happen and I am not sure if this would be a good thing in reality. It appeals to nationalists, historical events etc. but in reality it will have little success.

But uniting as one block will help your ethnicity to become a potential superpower, where you can have the human resource to make everything possible.

Even most Pan-Arabism Baathists are following this logic.

But for KSA and other GCC nations, not uniting with other Arab nations will help you to maintain a high GDP per capita.
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Bullshit, every believer of Muhammad knows it will happen again and want it to happen. People that don't have zero yaqeen.

My family also belongs to the same family genius. The difference is I uphold their values and you don't.

No one asked you to do anything. Don't speak for Arabs you king worshipper. LOL, Muslim Arabs all want to liberate Palestine and king worshipper morons/kings themsevles are the only thing getting in their way or else it would happen. Just as all Arab Muslims would defend holy sites in KSA.

Your King worshipping supports/army will sink in the ground after they try killing Imam Mahdi.

Yeah sure, like we brought up anything about Qatar. :lol:

Jeaolousy drives so deep down you people that no matter who supports us you curse us for it yet you refuse to take their place. And yet you're trying to convince that you're a descandent of the Prophet's family. :lol:

I am afraid that you have no relation to any Hijazi Hashemites.

Are you dumb? I just said that I only care about Al-Aqsa and civilians. Why the **** should I care about ungrateful refugees like you that failed on every front and who consider their own flesh and blood (1000 of them) word that of 1 Israeli?

Your hypocrisy is just hilarious. You cry about the House of Saud and Al-Sisi while you never utter a word about the Qatari ROYAL family whose little country are the biggest US puppets in the region.

Give me a break. Just understand that Arabs have stopped falling for the tricks of you ungrateful Palestinians. Thank God that this has ended once and for all.

Go whore yourself to Iran or whoever is next and ready to use you in their political games so the retards of the region will follow their regimes.

After all shouting "Jew" in the ME will give you a great head-start already. Just look at the barging Erdogan, Mullah's of Iran. Empty barking as usual from such likes yet the retards fall for it.

KSA should stop donating to ungrateful entities and people as well. Don't play any religion card. Makkah and Madinah is in our lands and we do not need anything more than that.
I am afraid that you have no relation to any Hijazi Hashemites.

Shutup idiot, it has nothing to do with 'Hijazi Hashemites'. You're a tribal moron. Prophet was inspired by God, in fact he despised that garbage 'Hashemtite' polytheist tribe. You're starting to sound like a Jew who believes in superior blood/genetics/tribe. Mom's side of family goes back to Imam Hassan's son. However whether I did or not, doesn't matter me to me. What makes us Muslims is our actions not our blood.
Your hypocrisy is just hilarious. You cry about the House of Saud and Al-Sisi while you never utter a word about the Qatari ROYAL family whose little country are the biggest US puppets in the region.

I don't have any love for any regime. Nor do I have deep hate. Hamas is a movement that does its own politics and needs relations to feed its people. I don't care about that. I'm an individual who cares about us a whole. And you know this yourself.
Give me a break. Just understand that Arabs have stopped falling for the tricks of you ungrateful Palestinians. Thank God that this has ended once and for all.

Once again, you pathetic racist. This is not an 'Arab' issue. Arabs like you are no different than Quraysh, etc.. they are pure shit. What drives us is Islam and not your pathetic 'Arab' obsession. You obsess over culture, our Prophet was the exact opposite. He hated Arab culture and did everything to reform it.

Before you start complaining, Persian culture is also garbage. I'm not into any of your culture obsession cults.

Choose your side.
But uniting as one block will help your ethnicity to become a potential superpower, where you can have the human resource to make everything possible.

Even most Pan-Arabism Baathists are following this logic.

But for KSA and other GCC nations, not uniting with other Arab nations will help you to maintain a high GDP per capita.

We already had centuries if not millenniums of past glorious be it as Arabs or Semites. There will be no glories in this time and age or generation. There are too many retards for that to happen. Moreover none of the main powers will accept or allow the Arab world to unit into 1 official country as this would mean that a new superpower had emerged. USA, Russia and your own country China would be against that as it would mean another competitor. A united Arab world would become a nuclear power ultimately, population wise it would become the 3rd most populous country, second biggest in the world in terms of area and the most strategically placed with the most natural resources and mineral resources of all countries of the world by far.

Not going to happen and it will be a failure in this current time and age and this generation.

This dream/fantasy or whatever it is is dead for my part. GCC is more than enough as it is.
We already had centuries if not millenniums of past glorious be it as Arabs or Semites. There will be no glories in this time and age or generation. There are too many retards for that to happen. Moreover none of the main powers will accept or allow the Arab world to unit into 1 official country as this would mean that a new superpower had emerged. USA, Russia and your own country China would be against that as it would mean another competitor. A united Arab world would become a nuclear power ultimately, population wise it would become the 3rd most populous country, second biggest in the world in terms of area and the most strategically placed with the most natural resources and mineral resources of all countries of the world by far.

Not going to happen and it will be a failure in this current time and age and this generation.

This dream/fantasy or whatever it is is dead for my part. GCC is more than enough as it is.

We are not the US, and we don't against any potential competition.

But managing as united Arab nation is quite a difficult task, and a really strong competent leadership is a must.
Shutup idiot, it has nothing to do with 'Hijazi Hashemites'. You're a tribal moron. Prophet was inspired by God, in fact he despised that garbage 'Hashemtite' polytheist tribe. You're starting to sound like a Jew who believes in superior blood/genetics/tribe. Mom's side of family goes back to Imam Hassan's son. However whether I did or not, doesn't matter me to me. What makes us Muslims is our actions not our blood.

I don't have any love for any regime. Nor do I have deep hate. Hamas is a movement that does its own politics and needs relations to feed its people. I don't care about that. I'm an individual who cares about us a whole. And you know this yourself.

Once again, you pathetic racist. This is not an 'Arab' issue. Arabs like you are no different than Quraysh, etc.. they are pure shit. What drives us is Islam and not your pathetic 'Arab' obsession. You obsess over culture, our Prophet was the exact opposite. He hated Arab culture and did everything to reform it.

Before you start complaining, Persian culture is also garbage. I'm not into any of your culture obsession cults.

Choose your side.


What has this to do with stating facts? You seriously think that I am somehow impressed by the House of Sauds or any other ME rulers.:lol: The Hashemites are the direct ancestors of Prophet Ibrahim (as) and the first monotheists on this earth. Come again.

Hamas are a regime themselves. They rule Gaza no different from the regimes that you cry about. Yet you are still silent about the Qatari regime. We know why that is so quit the hypocrisy and just mind your own business. Stop mentioning KSA in every second thread and I will not care.

Yes I dislike Farsis by large. Every Arab with any self-respect in him should. Just returning their favor. Anyway they are irrelevant compared to Arabs on almost every front. If you want to whore yourself out to them you are more than welcome. I piss on those fake wannabe-Arab Mullah Rafidah rats and their followers.

What has this to do with stating facts? You seriously think that I am somehow impressed by the House of Sauds or any other ME rulers.:lol: The Hashemites are the direct ancestors of Prophet Ibrahim (as) and the first monotheists on this earth. Come again.

Hamas are a regime themselves. They rule Gaza no different from the regimes that you cry about. Yet you are still silent about the Qatari regime. We know why that is so quit the hypocrisy and just mind your own business. Stop mentioning KSA in every second thread and I will not care.

Yes I dislike Farsis by large. Just returning their favor. Anyway they are irrelevant compared to Arabs on almost every front. If you want to whore yourself out to them you are more than welcome.

Hamas is an Islamic movement which defends our honor. Like I told you before, there's no point in arguing with you. I don't care about 'Hashmeite' tribe, 'Morrocon' 'berber', 'Egyptian' , etc...

I didn't even know a 'Hashemite' tribe exists. Why? Because tribal/cultural obsession means nothing to me. I want a revived Islamic community which the Prophet told us would once come back as we started. And many Muslims are eager for this. Besides you and other crazed sectarian Iranians/Saudis.

And before we get into discussion of who's side is more wrong. I won't answer that. It will only create more divisions. The point is I believe in moving forward, and the rest of the criteria mentioned in hadith which we are expecting. And I follow the main Jamaaah and want the rest of us to do so to.
Hamas is an Islamic movement which defends our honor. Like I told you before, there's no point in arguing with you. I don't care about 'Hashmeite' tribe, 'Morrocon' 'berber', 'Egyptian' , etc...

I didn't even know a 'Hashemite' tribe exists. Why? Because tribal/cultural obsession means nothing to me. I want a revived Islamic community which the Prophet told us would once come back as we started. And many Muslims are eager for this. Besides you and other crazed sectarian Iranians/Saudis.

And before we get into discussion of who's side is more wrong. I won't answer that. It will only create more divisions. The point is I believe in moving forward, and the rest of the criteria mentioned in hadith which we are expecting. And I follow the main Jamaaah and want the rest of us to do so to.

The House of Saud is very powerful, and they just used their influence to oust the Muslim Brotherhood in last year.
The House of Saud is very powerful, and they just used their influence to oust the Muslim Brotherhood in last year.

Muslims don't believe in acting out of the interests of one nation. Thereby competing with our own people, causing mess devastation to our own people.

We believe in acting out of the interests of our community as a whole for the sake of our community. The Arab Muslims are getting more and more fed up by the day and will eventually make this a reality. It''s the will of the people that will prevail even if it still needs time. And it will not be suspicious or weak, it will be apparent and truthful.
Muslims don't believe in acting out of the interests of one nation. Thereby competing with our own people, causing mess devastation to our own people.

We believe in acting out of the interests of our community as a whole for the sake of our community. The Arab Muslims are getting more and more fed up by the day and will eventually make this a reality. It''s the will of the people that will prevail even if it still needs time. And it will not be suspicious or weak, it will be apparent and truthful.

Does this Muslim community even include Pakistan?

Does this Muslim community even include Pakistan?

Muslim community includes all Muslims. But, their is relevance to the Arabs. The change will begin with the Arabs. Our Prophet emphasized the Arabs in the end times. During/After that initial period will the rest join in.

Any more questions? :D
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