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Granting India transit rights through Pakistan to Afghanistan

Now this is just a joint statement by Zardari and Singh, not a pact, and it may only be laying out a general road map for how the relationship moves forward.

The Indians at the beginning of this thread were confident that transit was agreed upon. Do they know something the rest of us don't? Was there a secret agreement? A public pronouncement may have been considered too controversial. Does the opening of the Wagah-Attari route necessarily allow for transit in the future as indicated my Dr. Mazari and Moin Ansari and others?
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The Indians at the beginning of this thread were confident that transit was agreed upon. Do they know something the rest of us don't? Was there a secret agreement? A public pronouncement may have been considered to controversial. Does the opening of the Wagah-Attari route necessarily allow for transit in the future as indicated my Dr. Mazari and Moin Ansari and others?
stop provoking people and contribute to the forum already. all you have did is sh!t without logic and engaged in name calling. is that all you can do? lol.
The Indians at the beginning of this thread were confident that transit was agreed upon. Do they know something the rest of us don't? Was there a secret agreement? A public pronouncement may have been considered to controversial. Does the opening of the Wagah-Attari route necessarily allow for transit in the future as indicated my Dr. Mazari and Moin Ansari and others?

I don't believe it. The Indians know what is publicly available. Same as any other folks.

Was this the rigour that was applied for the "research" for the India doctrine! Unbelievable.

Guess, Indians and Pakistanis are less concerned about this than some others!

For reasons of GK, of course.
frankly speaking, pakistan has ruined itself by thinking about india day and night. it would be best for them to forget about india and concentrate on growth. zardari seems to have a lot on his mind about the progress of his country. but off course there are always illogical morons like the commie's in india who always question sh!t they don't know or just for do it for hate's sake.
I have made an entirely legitimate query. In Bangladesh a train service has started from Calcutta to Dhaka. There are moves for this to be extended from Dhaka to the Indian border in Agartala. Should this be considered as a prelude to transit? The same question may be perfectly applied to the Wagah-Attari route. I do not know the geography of this area so I do not know whether this could lead to a similar situation as in Bangladesh.

I do not understand why my questions received such an aggressive Indian response.
Munshi, tell me what did you mean by this?

The Indians at the beginning of this thread were confident that transit was agreed upon. Do they know something the rest of us don't? Was there a secret agreement?
Munshi, tell me what did you mean by this?

Well several Indians stated directly that a transit facility had been agreed to. Since no one knew about this it is possible that a secret agreement was made between Zardari and Singh. I was trying to find a reasonable explanation for the contradictions in this debate.
Well several Indians stated directly that a transit facility had been agreed to. Since no one knew about this it is possible that a secret agreement was made between Zardari and Singh. I was trying to find a reasonable explanation for the contradictions in this debate.

Your paranoid mind is working overtime, sir.

I doubt any of the Indians on this forum hold top-secret info about international deals.
Oh give it a break all of you.

Fatman17, that Indian article you were talking about, do you have any links to it? Thanks.
Your paranoid mind is working overtime, sir.

I doubt any of the Indians on this forum hold top-secret info about international deals.

And that makes me extremely curious as to the research that Mr. Munshi claims he put in his book.

This shows extreme naivete to expect the forum members to have confidential information which is somehow hidden from the rest of the world.
And that makes me extremely curious as to the research that Mr. Munshi claims he put in his book.

This shows extreme naivete to expect the forum members to have confidential information which is somehow hidden from the rest of the world.

Indeed it does.
I have made an entirely legitimate query. In Bangladesh a train service has started from Calcutta to Dhaka. There are moves for this to be extended from Dhaka to the Indian border in Agartala. Should this be considered as a prelude to transit? The same question may be perfectly applied to the Wagah-Attari route. I do not know the geography of this area so I do not know whether this could lead to a similar situation as in Bangladesh.

I do not understand why my questions received such an aggressive Indian response.
i think if bangladesh would have handled anti-india extremism in there country a little good then they could have benefited a lot from india. there wasn't a big fuss over illegal bangladeshi immigrants until they started finding huji links. india's reaction was natural.
i think if bangladesh would have handled anti-india extremism in there country a little good then they could have benefited a lot from india. there wasn't a big fuss over illegal bangladeshi immigrants until they started finding huji links. india's reaction was natural.

Oh but you see, the self-proclaimed advisor to the Bangladeshi government claims that HuJi is a creation of the RAW and MOSSAD.

So how can anything be the fault of the innocent B'deshis?
Well several Indians stated directly that a transit facility had been agreed to. Since no one knew about this it is possible that a secret agreement was made between Zardari and Singh. I was trying to find a reasonable explanation for the contradictions in this debate.

Munshi the good thing is that this has been exposed.

Look at the development.

Zardari is doing all that which has already been planned by CIA.

But its also a good thing that he is being exposed by himself.

As far as this tranist route access well its the biggest treason.
Besides did you notice the timing of this treason ???
150,000 Indian army in Afghanistan and this transit route access hmmm well what a coincident.
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