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Govt to stop buying INSAS rifles from Ordnance Factory Tiruchirappalli

I saw somewhere that the factory workers are protesting because of the canceling of the rifle, is this true?
it is. I guess the state polices will still keep ordering. They should launch a semi auto variant for civilians...but that's be asking too much....
Ordnance factory staff fear job insecurity - Times Of India

Some interesting points from a seemingly tedious news story-

1) IA/MoD is not going to be inducting anymore INSAS post 2013, which begs the question what will replace it? And is this related to the F-INSAS program?

2)MoD is allowing pvt compaines into the fold- a VERY good move IMHO.

3)"the government has decided to import multipurpose rifles from Israel and Austria"-Isreal I'll assume the Tavor but what weapons is India getting from Austria? I know some state SWAT teams are using the AUG STEYR but I don't think these workers would notice that devlopment, they seem to be implying this is being done in large numbers and for the IA.

Once again thsi article is screaming F-INSAS at me. I could be completly wrong but I can't think of any other reasons behind this news.

We are not going to dump INSAS, It started getting inducted into the IA from 90s and all IA units (except SF) are using the same platform. Now IA may not want this because we already filled it.

I believe it is costing only Rs-8-10k per unit, we should replace this guns with our old .303 of all police forces.
They're obviously transitioning away from the INSAS.

That's okay. No issues with the transition; but why is it that they're not making a new assault rifle on their own?

I mean how many possible different firing mechanisms can exist that they've to re-invent the wheel all over?

I just hope that the OFB has an indigenous alternative replacement to the INSAS.

Otherwise it will be very shameful.
Just Putting Some Info On RFI for F-INSAS rifle:


Integrated Sighting System

(i) Does the weapon have luminous tipped Flip-up iron sights?
(ii) Does the weapon have a Holographic Sight / Reflex Sight? What is the weight of the sight?
(iii) Does the weapon have a Telescopic Sight? What is its weight, magnification and field of view?
(iv) Does the weapon also have Visible Laser Target Pointer and Laser Illuminator? What is its range and weight? Are they integrated with Holographic/Reflex Sight?

Can a Under Barrel Grenade Launcher (UBGL) be attached to the weapon?. If yes then

(i) What is the caliber of the UBGL?
(ii) Is UBGL breech loaded or muzzle loaded?
(iii) What is the maximum range of the UBGL?
(iv) What is the weight of the UBGL?
(v) What types of grenades can be fired from the UBGL?
(vi) Can the UBGL be fired in a standalone mode? If yes, then what are the modifications required?
(vii) Does the UBGL have a multipurpose fire control system? If yes, then please provide specifications and features. What types of grenades are supported by the
programmable ballistic computer? Is integration of Laser Range Finder possible with the Fire Control System?

Is the weapon modular and facilitates replacement of subassemblies without the use of any specialist tools?
If the weapon is modular then :-
(i) Is it possible to have multi caliber barrel change capability for the following calibers.
(aa) 5.56 X 45mm.
(ab) 7.62 X 39mm.
(ac) 7.62 X 51mm.
(ad) 6.8 X 43mm.
(ae) 6.5 Grendel.

What is the reliability of the Assault Rifle, specify in terms of various stoppages during a firing cycle of 1000 rounds?

Picatinny Rails.
Does the Assault Rifle have full length Picatinny Rails at 12 O’clock position with additional rails at 3 O’clock, 6 O’clock and 9 O’clock position?

More here: http://indianarmy.nic.in/writereadda...mo_03dec10.pdf

So the IA wants a rifle able to fire 5.56,7.62,6.5 and 6.8, wants the rifles to come with holographic and or telescopic sights (for snipers/marksmen), come with UBGL, have a QuadRail (all round picatinny rail system).
nothing but KICKBACKS in this scenario ! we can put satellites into orbit but can't make decent assault rifle . i refuse to believe ! we made anti material rifle in record time ( that too with changeable caliber ) !

i am really sad what the nation has come to !

Dude its so painfully obvious. Even the folks who are whistleblowing on corruption in govt and private agencies are dying off. Are we that stupid to believe that they are dying naturally? Tell me why is General Kapoor still free today, walking about? Whatever happened to Adarsh scam in Mumbai? Its unreal when folks tell me how great the fuking Indian army is. I laugh infront of their face and tell them to shut the fuk up. AK;s in my opinion are Numero Uno when it comes ot reliability. Tshering made some great valid points. Mismanagement and corruption is killing us
but according to my little understanding,the army needs different calibers for different kinds of operations (like for counter insurgency they prefer 7.62 mostly,while they wanted 5.56 for kargil) so how can multi-caliber guns be the standard assalt rifle???.they might need it for special opeations and purposes but will mcr really do any good to the IA?? i mean,even usa,nato,russia,china do not use mcr as their standard assalt riffle???
i have great regard and respect to the soldier who are guarding our border and laying thier life for the security of us but i hav some hard opinion abt indian army and its treatment towds the weapon procurement and protectionism mentality for our indegenious industry, it had not yet materialized any big ticket deal be it artilary or light helos , what is the problm to procure atleast a 1500 of newly produced 45 cal ofb gun and take another 1000 from the DRDO it will fulfill our whole towed arty demand and then go 4 int tender for the self prop, wheeled and tracked version, The fate of FICV is also very uncertain and despite dragged T-90 in real batl field exercise ARJUNS are being inducted as a consolation prize . Navy and IAF are asking always for quality that is som how acceptable but for an army or land forces quantity always maters , why army is feeling hard to get it?
why is the army not asking our pvt industry come up with a solution atleast for a good assualt rifle and then compete for a large tender for mass production, i am very dure our indusry will must come with a better product than INSAS in any cost.
i have great regard and respect to the soldier who are guarding our border and laying thier life for the security of us but i hav some hard opinion abt indian army and its treatment towds the weapon procurement and protectionism mentality for our indegenious industry, it had not yet materialized any big ticket deal be it artilary or light helos , what is the problm to procure atleast a 1500 of newly produced 45 cal ofb gun and take another 1000 from the DRDO it will fulfill our whole towed arty demand and then go 4 int tender for the self prop, wheeled and tracked version, The fate of FICV is also very uncertain and despite dragged T-90 in real batl field exercise ARJUNS are being inducted as a consolation prize . Navy and IAF are asking always for quality that is som how acceptable but for an army or land forces quantity always maters , why army is feeling hard to get it?

why is the army not asking our pvt industry come up with a solution atleast for a good assualt rifle and then compete for a large tender for mass production, i am very dure our indusry will must come with a better product than INSAS in any cost.

Because even today the only way private firms can participate is as subcontractors to the government owned PSUs. That's the only capacity in which you can participate and only in limited fields like special land vehicles like MPVs and Marksman.

Private firms cannot enter into production of tactical combat platforms such as simple platforms like assault rifles or even complex ones like fighter jets and tanks and submarines which is exclusively a government domain. It is something that the government is protecting the PSUs using unfair laws.

It is because they know that private firms with good pay packages will ensure massive brain drain from PSUs like DRDO and ADA of good scientists and engineers who will bring out better stuff; This will give the MOD lesser excuses to buy from outside India and thus reduce their fat commissions from Russian, American and Israeli firms.


Arjun MBT's coming to light is the biggest example about how Army was left blubbering for words when the public asked them the question about why they were not choosing Arjun despite Arjun performing way better than T-90s.
Graft is the principal reason for moving away from local production in favor of foreign purchase. The other reason why India has so far failed to produce any defense eqpt indigenous, is because DRDO,ISRO,etc are always try to add something Bharati to an otherwise excellent eqpt, and in the process ruin it. Old INSAS is an example. Indian troops have complained against this rifle from Day 1.
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