We are in a peaceful neighbourhood? Where do you think Iran is located? Somewhere near Belgium and Switzerland?
American has attacked 2 of our neighbours. Have military bases in all countries surrounding us and have puppet regimes set up everywhere that will do whatever they like... Not to even mention the daily threats from Israel and Saudi Arabia (Saudi King said cut the head of the snake in reference to Iran).
I really think you where either trying to troll or are very ignorant about the area... If it is indeed the second option I hope you go and read up on it rather then making bad claims.
Israel is not even on your border, they have never invaded any nation with a population and military as large as Irans, their force is mostly defensive. Saudia Arabia???? lol whom have they ever invaded alone?
USA wont attack you if you dont mess with them or their allies. Iraq invaded Kuwait, Afghans refused to hand over OBL.
Seriously. You sound as paranoid as North Koreans.