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Govt allows import of life-saving drugs from India

wow, you are special! Maybe another way of looking at it is that he saved the life of a pakistani which despite the money offered your country wasn't able to, Despite the hatred amongst their hearts for each other you see people of one country keep coming to their neighbour when it comes to saving their life or diagnosing their disease (i hope you know the countries here)!! Lack of skills, eh?

There is no hate for a doctor. A patient is a patient. Once the mask goes on and the patient lies opened on the table, he or she is not a Pakistani. He or she is just someone whose life is in your hands.
Indian chest thumping aside, the reasons for this are as follows.

The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan has been in a tiff with Pharma makers over several issues, but specifically their pricing, patents ;foreign drug companies have developed drugs in Pakistan and then declined to sell them in Pakistan, even though the Federal Government covered most of the costs, availability etc.

The Pharma companies have been forced to cut production due to new prices (their claim) or as pressure tactics (what every right thinking person knows). This has at time and place led to shortages.

The Governments decision to permit imports from India is just another move in this battle. I support them. Big Pharma are di*ks and the GOP needs to bring them to heel.
Indian chest thumping aside, the reasons for this are as follows.

The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan has been in a tiff with Pharma makers over several issues, but specifically their pricing, patents ;foreign drug companies have developed drugs in Pakistan and then declined to sell them in Pakistan, even though the Federal Government covered most of the costs, availability etc.

The Pharma companies have been forced to cut production due to new prices (their claim) or as pressure tactics (what every right thinking person knows). This has at time and place led to shortages.

The Governments decision to permit imports from India is just another move in this battle. I support them. Big Pharma are di*ks and the GOP needs to bring them to heel.

Basically when you say pharma MNCs (not necessarily big pharma) have "developed drugs in Pakistan" what they have really done is conduct their first in human Phase 1 trials on Pakistanis, and used Pakistanis for quick recruitment of subjects as feeder study sites in large multicentric GCTs (global clinical trials) for licensure. Something we long ago in this part if tge world coined a term for. Guinea pig syndrome. It's not (only) the MNCs at fault here fir exploiting your people. As they would do in any African country to hasten their time to market. Who is really at fault is your NRA and ultimately your government, for allowing it to happen.
From my understanding, India buys the rights to a drug and then produces generic versioNS. Pakistan does do the same thing, but Pakistan's purchasing power, when it comes to pharmaceutical, is far smaller
i dont think a pharma company would sell rights to their product
look at aids medicine, very expensive in eur or usa, india has reverse engineered and created a generic version and doesnt care about patents whereas in the great pakistan we have these beuracats and red tape that actually are more like helping the pharma companies
Because Chinese medicine is more expensive than India.I think you should know clearly of developing process of Indian medication.Anyway it is a good thing to the masses.
Are u saying Indian medications process is cheaper than China because Indian medication is less evolved than China?

On topic : Giddiness general. But how Pakistanis will feel when they think about their lived saved by Indians?
Are u saying Indian medications process is cheaper than China because Indian medication is less evolved than China?

On topic : Giddiness general. But how Pakistanis will feel when they think about their lived saved by Indians?

Some would say it was just business. And that they paid for it. And put food in the hungry mouths of the doctor's family.

With an attitude like this it's no surprise that their young doctors are striking every second month there.

No offense, but this (mol tol saudagardi) is a very Punjabi trait.
Basically when you say pharma MNCs (not necessarily big pharma) have "developed drugs in Pakistan" what they have really done is conduct their first in human Phase 1 trials on Pakistanis, and used Pakistanis for quick recruitment of subjects as feeder study sites in large multicentric GCTs (global clinical trials) for licensure. Something we long ago in this part if the world coined a term for. Guinea pig syndrome. It's not (only) the MNCs at fault here fir exploiting your people. As they would do in any African country to hasten their time to market. Who is really at fault is your NRA and ultimately your government, for allowing it to happen.
No. Not Drug Trials, those are highly regulated . You really seem to be rather ill-informed and basing on presumptions conjectures and surmises.

Actual research and development institutions of which we have many. The workings of Big Pharma are Byzantine but as a simple illustration let say (made up examples) Ferozesons (a Pakistani manufacturer with a large R&D focus) contracts with Glaxo-Smith-Klein (GSK) for research. Ferozeson develops an Oncology drug (example chosen since oncology drugs tend to be made rather quickly) using research grants given by GOP and GSK. Ferozesons then sells the Patent to GSK who in return give Ferozesons the rights to sell one of their own drugs, lets say an antiviral, in Pakistan at a fixed price. They then license said oncology drug on to Pfizer, who then markets it selectively in certain markets, not including Pakistan.

When GOP finds out, they cry foul, which leads GSK to reduce supplies of antiviral drug leading to shortage

One of the bigger differences* between India and Pakistan Pharma Industry is that India spends most of its efforts in making cheap generics, while Pakistan tends to concentrate more on development of new and improved drugs and treatments. This allows India more leeway in fights with Big Pharma since you can beat them on volume, while Pakistan has to maintain long term relationships as we rely on them to get drugs to markets, Ferozesons in the above example has noway near the international reach and distribution of Big Pharma.

* And before you say it, yes I am aware that India does a lot of Pharma R & D as well (and Pakistan makes generics) point is a far larger fraction of Pakistan is focused on development.

i dont think a pharma company would sell rights to their product
look at aids medicine, very expensive in eur or usa, india has reverse engineered and created a generic version and doesnt care about patents whereas in the great pakistan we have these beuracats and red tape that actually are more like helping the pharma companies
No. India does not "reverse engineer" drugs. They get licenses on patented drugs and sell them in bulk in India and other markets. They also then make drugs with expired patents.
No. Not Drug Trials, those are highly regulated . You really seem to be rather ill-informed and basing on presumptions conjectures and surmises.

Actual research and development institutions of which we have many. The workings of Big Pharma are Byzantine but as a simple illustration let say (made up examples) Ferozesons (a Pakistani manufacturer with a large R&D focus) contracts with Glaxo-Smith-Klein (GSK) for research. Ferozeson develops an Oncology drug (example chosen since oncology drugs tend to be made rather quickly) using research grants given by GOP and GSK. Ferozesons then sells the Patent to GSK who in return give Ferozesons the rights to sell one of their own drugs, lets say an antiviral, in Pakistan at a fixed price. They then license said oncology drug on to Pfizer, who then markets it selectively in certain markets, not including Pakistan.

When GOP finds out, they cry foul, which leads GSK to reduce supplies of antiviral drug leading to shortage

One of the bigger differences* between India and Pakistan Pharma Industry is that India spends most of its efforts in making cheap generics, while Pakistan tends to concentrate more on development of new and improved drugs and treatments. This allows India more leeway in fights with Big Pharma since you can beat them on volume, while Pakistan has to maintain long term relationships as we rely on them to get drugs to markets, Ferozesons in the above example has noway near the international reach and distribution of Big Pharma.

* And before you say it, yes I am aware that India does a lot of Pharma R & D as well (and Pakistan makes generics) point is a far larger fraction of Pakistan is focused on development.

That's a lot of fairy dust you just typed buddy.

Can you name ONE novel molecule (small or large) that has come out of Pakistan?

Do you see a problem between us saving your lives (medicines, hospitals, doctors) and you taking ours (Jihadis, army, Kasabs) ???

I see a major problem here.
Don't sell then.

You guys are top-class baniyas and would sell anything. We all know about rent-a-womb business that is thriving in India. You'll sell anything for money. So if you have a problem, don't take our money and don't sell. Simple.
Don't sell then.

You guys are top-class baniyas and would sell anything. We all know about rent-a-womb business that is thriving in India. You'll sell anything for money. So if you have a problem, don't take our money and don't sell. Simple.

Looking at your birth cohort, and volume of sales by doses shipped, two out of every three Pakistani infants gets an Indian vaccine as part of your EPI.

Leave your baniya rants for a time when you can actually vaccinate all your future generations with home made vaccines.

Baat karte hain ...
Don't sell then.

You guys are top-class baniyas and would sell anything. We all know about rent-a-womb business that is thriving in India. You'll sell anything for money. So if you have a problem, don't take our money and don't sell. Simple.

You ban them simple
i dont think a pharma company would sell rights to their product
look at aids medicine, very expensive in eur or usa, india has reverse engineered and created a generic version and doesnt care about patents whereas in the great pakistan we have these beuracats and red tape that actually are more like helping the pharma companies
Pharma companes sell the rights to medicines all the time. Medical IP has a very small term limit, and eventually companies automatically lose those IPs, due to proper rights related to health laws.
That's a lot of fairy dust you just typed buddy.

Can you name ONE novel molecule (small or large) that has come out of Pakistan?
Dozens. Hundreds. Doubtless India has many more.

Just look up Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology. (last issue here http://www.pjps.pk/?page_id=13), where by my count there are publication of at least three. Synthesising new molecules is literally the easiest thing in the field. So you isolated or developed a new molecule. Congratulations. You have accomplished about 2% of the work needed to bring a medicine to the market.

Once you have made a new molecule you need to

1) Check if it has any effects against pathogens in the dish
2) If so check (on mice, then eventually humans) if it does so on humans with the disease
3) Then see if it does not have adverse events (as the saying goes even a pistol will kill pathogens in a petri dish, what you need is something that will kill them in your body while not harming the rest of you).
4) If so can it be produced on an industrial scale economically?

A new substance can fall at any of these hurdles. Moreover the each of these has various sub tests and milestones within them a drug has to clear. Maybe it has excellent results in humans, but horrid side effects. Maybe the costs are too great to cheaply make. Maybe its effects are sp easily countered so as to be useless practically.
Well ..... too bad some of them hardcore India/ Indian haters from Pakistan would be refusing these life saving drugs to save them and their close ones!!

Do you see a problem between us saving your lives (medicines, hospitals, doctors) and you taking ours (Jihadis, army, Kasabs) ???

I see a major problem here.

Foolish comment.
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