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Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

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And lose our soldiers and innocent children just because of Governor Salman Taseer. No Thanks.

No more wars. No more fightings with fellow Pakistanis. We fight only india.


First of all these people are not fellow Pakistanis, they are traitors and deserve to be hanged. But let me get your point straight, if we withdraw our troops from FATA you think this problem will go away. I don't know what logic you are applying Good Sir but this problem will continue to grow and eventually reach a point where we will be seeing these people roam freely in Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore etc. This problem is like a cancer, if we dont cure it now it will continue to spread around our body and reach a point where it would be incurable.

As much as i hate this WOT, but the reality is that this is our war now. We might not have wanted to fight it but the reality is unless we don't defeat these PIGS, they will not stop unless they take over the entire country and run it the way they want to. Have you forgotten the peace deal in Swat, these PIGS made it quite clear that they had grand ambitions and that is why they stormed Buner and Dir. Pakistan Army has broken their backs in Waziristan and Swat, and i hope that they continue on and kill each and everyone of these PIGS.

Pakistan is not a violent country, we dont want to fight either India or the TTP. But if war is imposed upon us, we all will rise up and fight this menace. Right now the terrorists have declared a war upon Pakistan, we all need to rise up and fight them. Pakistan Zindabaad :pakistan:
In Pakistan's own madrassas, the second generation of extremists bred there since Zia came to power. The first sought power abroad, in Afghanistan; the second thought, "Why bother traveling when there is so much we can do at home? (Besides we would have to face the Americans.) " Similar things have happened numerous times in history.

this is your narrative, with extra masala.

you are using pakistan being an islamic country against it, this will hold sway with the anti-islam crew who will just nod along, because it makes sense to their narrow logic.
The best revenge or justice now would be to abolish this law forever! How many people can these mullahs kill, if we don't stop them and get rid of this mentality then there will be no hope
First of all these people are not fellow Pakistanis, they are traitors and deserve to be hanged. But let me get your point straight, if we withdraw our troops from FATA you think this problem will go away. I don't know what logic you are applying Good Sir but this problem will continue to grow and eventually reach a point where we will be seeing these people roam freely in Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore etc. This problem is like a cancer, if we dont cure it now it will continue to spread around our body and reach a point where it would be incurable.

As much as i hate this WOT, but the reality is that this is our war now. We might not have wanted to fight it but the reality is unless we don't defeat these PIGS, they will not stop unless they take over the entire country and run it the way they want to. Have you forgotten the peace deal in Swat, these PIGS made it quite clear that they had grand ambitions and that is why they stormed Buner and Dir. Pakistan Army has broken their backs in Waziristan and Swat, and i hope that they continue on and kill each and everyone of these PIGS.

Pakistan is not a violent country, we dont want to fight either India or the TTP. But if war is imposed upon us, we all will rise up and fight this menace. Right now the terrorists have declared a war upon Pakistan, we all need to rise up and fight them. Pakistan Zindabaad :pakistan:

Going off topic a bit but if drone strikes are stopped and the Tribals are offered dialogue and end of violence from the government, the militants will have no leg to stand on anymore...

Our politicians in ruling as well as the top brass in the military share in this crime of bringing such chaos to Pakistan...

and may TTP murderers of our armed forces jawans burn in hell too...
Going off topic a bit but if drone strikes are stopped and the Tribals are offered dialogue and end of violence from the government, the militants will have no leg to stand on anymore...

Our politicians in ruling as well as the top brass in the military share in this crime of bringing such chaos to Pakistan...

and may TTP murderers of our armed forces jawans burn in hell too...

this is part of the problem, everyone is so selfish to pursue their own agenda.

some insist on an end to drones.

some want the head of this politician or that politician.

some want to change the constitution.

are there not enough sane heads between us to form a basic broad consensus on the way forward?
Why can't we just all agree with one thing here first..........


"...If anyone killed a person not in retaliation for murder or to spread mischief in the land, it would be as if he killed the whole of mankind. And (likewise) if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the whole of mankind"
(Surah Al-Maaida 5:32)

Lets agree on that at least and both will be right

Thumbs up to you sir!!!
And lose our soldiers and innocent children just because of Governor Salman Taseer. No Thanks.

No more wars. No more fightings with fellow Pakistanis. We fight only india.


That's precisely the kind of thinking that's landed Pakistan in a hole it can't dig itself out of. The mullahs have already grown beyond your control so taking on them is out of the question. India isn't going anywhere, and frankly the Pakistani establishment's India centric policies are working to our advantage. Please, carry on. :pop:
I am embarrassed that these people call themselves Pakistanis.





These are just a few comments from one page, many more were praising the killer and saying to kill non muslims and enemies of Islam

No wonder why Muslims are known to be violent and intolerant, a couple of people supporting to kill people in the name of Islam are giving every Muslim a bad name.
I am embarrassed that these people call themselves Pakistanis.





These are just a few comments from one page, many more were praising the killer and saying to kill non muslims and enemies of Islam

No wonder why Muslims are known to be violent and intolerant, a couple of people supporting to kill people in the name of Islam are giving every Muslim a bad name.

Like I said these are probably the same people who were ranting and crying over how facebook had insulted the Prophet and will never come back to facebook in May. And now they are back on facebook insulting Pakistan and Islam with their uncivilized behavior and stupid mentality.Oh the irony!
I am embarrassed that these people call themselves Pakistanis.





These are just a few comments from one page, many more were praising the killer and saying to kill non muslims and enemies of Islam

No wonder why Muslims are known to be violent and intolerant, a couple of people supporting to kill people in the name of Islam are giving every Muslim a bad name.

Its indeed sad that people hold this mentality.
For non-muslims in pakistan i would advise one thing.
Work so hard and excel so much in your fields in pakistan, that one day muslims like these on FB realize where they stand and where minority stands.
It would have dual effect, prosperity for nation and solid reply to lunatics.
I have gone thru almost all the pages of this thread. This in my view reflects the confusion amongst the common Pakistani populace today.

1. Are we Islamic enough or are we more than enough Islamic? Should we be having an Islamic system or a democracy?

2. Who are the terrorists? The less Islamic or the more Islamic? How do we classify those with progressive opinions and may not really agree with all that is in Quran?

3. Do we support terrorists? Don't know - we couldn't yet define who are terrorists.

Even after 63 years of existence, it looks to me the common Pakistani is still in search of an identity, and still hasn't got it.
And lose our soldiers and innocent children just because of Governor Salman Taseer. No Thanks.

No more wars. No more fightings with fellow Pakistanis. We fight only india.


How many people did India kill last year and how many thousands did religious nut jobs like this kill in shrines and markets?

This is the face of the enemy of Pakistan, its not Indian its not American it is they guy down the street.

What will you do Omar? lie down and let them take over turn Karachi in to another swat where people with trouser to long or beards to short are murdered and hung from trees? Where your daugters are "married" to thugs at the point of a gun?

There has to be a day when people get thier head out of the collective ***** and realise its not some one elses problem.

Every man and woman in Pakistan needs to wake up and realise its Pakistans problem, its Pakistan that allowed uneducated thugs to stand in every mosque and preach hate and murder and call it islam.
Its is time for the people to take back the religion of peace from the promoters of hatred.
You want a jihad worthy of you, stand up for the peace of Allah the compasionate, take back Islam from the viloent and the evil its is our Islam not thiers and it is time to say it.
Insensitive or hurtful posts will not be tolerated, remain within bounds of decency and humility.

You either condemn or convey your condolences on this topic.

Your own version of the blasphemy law? It is blasphemous on Def.Pk to have a different view on the assassination of Salman Taseer most corrupt man in Punjab.

So much for freedom of speech.

Why not allow analysis of the pros and cons of the assassination Salaman Taseer the most corrupt man in Punjab. Why not allow an analytical discussion instead of demanding sympathy for your party lovers, or politician you may or may not support.

It seems with "acts of terror" more restriction on speech arises.

I think the assassination of Salman Taseer the most corrupt man in Punjab should be free, civil, factual, and reasonable.
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