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Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

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aur tu Mr. salman sahab key damagh main awam ke falah ke koi baat nahin ayee...aur ayee bhe to sirf blashphemy law...

he was only consistent towards basant, roaming around with socialites and boasting about asia bibi...

in my personal view, i support the assassination...not for blashphemy, but because, it serves as the message that our politicians cannot simply get away with corruption and carelessness and tyranny any more.

i would also support assassination of more naked tyrants.

this is my personal view and i might be wrong.
As i said before....

@Omar :: i disagree if we give up to these biggots just because they can kill any body as they like than why are we fighting a war against extremism in this country? infact they will than have the right to kill the secular minded

Zaroori hain yeh shour tamasha aur jang larna?

Why not save Pakistan from all this headache and stop fighting. If Pakistani people want blasphemy laws then why not keep blasphemy laws. Pakistan had these laws for over 30 years, why all this tamasha now? Just because a blasphemous Christian Pakistani lady made instant fame in the west and this Governor sahab made statements against blasphemy laws. Had that lady kept her mouth shut, we wouldn't be in this mess and Governor Punjab sahab would still be alive right now.

And war OF terror is not in Pakistan's interests.

You are just destroying your country by pleasing the west.
Are you Muslims?

What has happened to the thought of Muslims? Are you going to support people who have said bad words against the Prophet SAW.

Should tolerance be used here!

Moderation in Islam is not what you are talking about. Agreed that this is not the right way to do it but shouldn't Salman Taseer have been arrested for supporting people who used bad words against Prophet SAW. When you are not going to uphold the LAW people will do what should have been done!

nobody is supporting the badmouthing of prophet, you act as if people like you are the only ones who are muslims. dont kill people even if they insult the prophet, if we kill everybody for something they have said, then this will be the religion of murderes, for god's sake think about it, we dont need to force people to respect our prophet, we have to manage our behaviour so the others will judge islam based on that. you are simply making others to find your teasing point and tease you everywhere and everytime possible, how can you controll the internet? the other countries? book writers? etc.
Ppl are dying everyday in drone attacks without the proof of guilt
You mean people like Baitullah Mehsood and Hakim Ullah Mehsood.....

I never supported killing of civilians in drone attacks..... Supporting civilian killing is just supporting TTP bombing in meena bazaar and Khyber bazaar or killing in mosques by TTP. And salman taseer was also a human who if was on wrong could have trialed in a court. Those who support this should never ever again cry on extra judicial killing or Military takeovers... As Law means nothing for you in this case why should it in any other??
Are you Muslims?

What has happened to the thought of Muslims? Are you going to support people who have said bad words against the Prophet SAW.

No, but should brute force be used to shut peoples mouth

Should tolerance be used here!

Moderation in Islam is not what you are talking about. Agreed that this is not the right way to do it but shouldn't Salman Taseer have been arrested for supporting people who used bad words against Prophet SAW. When you are not going to uphold the LAW people will do what should have been done!

Tolerance should have been used here , and if the Mullahs felt, Salman Taseer should have been sued in court of law rather than being murdered tragically ... !
And please ans that will this murderous activity help in restoring the Respect of Our Beloved Prophet(SAW) or it would further detriate and provoke hate and make things miserable for those Muslims who keep themselves within the bounds of sanity and discuss issues with maturity rather than act upon the fatawa of some retard fanatic.
I ask you are we the right and pious Muslims who even have the right to say its Right or Its Wrong...???
Majority in Pakistan is not insane,

They won't come on streets to save this idiot

I would say, Hang before even such scenario is rumoured

Such things don't happen where majority is sane ... such things happen where injustice prevails ...

My question is that Why are the politicians making a buzz when Asia was trialed and convicted of blasphemy in Pakistani court and that too so publicly ??? Aren't they just trying to create more tensions between ordinary people ??? Any sane person would know how much controversy it will cause and it is not that our so called democracy preaching leaders react to every victim's cry in our country .... Why only the issues which inflame religion tensions ???
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Just tell me we all want to follow prophet's footstep. Then what happens when it comes to blasphemy. Prophet himself on several occasion forgive blasphemers. Prophet visit to Taif is a good example.

prophet also forgave all those people who had done crimes against muslims when he conquered makka.... please explain what to deduce from it???
Salman Taseer, a rare moderate voice in Pakistani politics

ISLAMABAD, Jan 4, 2011 (AFP) - Provincial governor Salman Taseer, who was killed on Tuesday, was one of Pakistan's most colourful and outspoken moderate politicians whose stance against extremism appears to have cost him his life.

Appointed by the governing Pakistan People's Party (PPP) to the most politically important province, Punjab, he was shot dead outside an upmarket shopping centre, apparently for opposing the country's tight blasphemy laws.

He was 66 years old.

Taseer regularly spoke out against the Taliban and other Islamist militants, accusing opposition parties of failing to stand up to terror groups.

A dapper dresser with jet black hair, he embraced the media and modern technology, becoming one of Pakistan's most prolific users of social media website Twitter as an outlet for his bold views.

Taseer often updated his more than 5,500 followers hour-by-hour, if not minute-by-minute on his thoughts, activities and reaction to public events.

"Prezdnt Zardaris total support of PM has once again silenced rumours of split in PPP top leadership. Govt is here till 2013," was his last tweet on Tuesday, a characteristic expression of confidence in the face of major crisis.

As a businessman he amassed a fortune but was first elected to the Punjab provincial assembly in 1998. He was close to assassinated ex-prime minister Benazir Bhutto and inspired by her father, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, who was hanged in 1979.

Taseer served as minister for industry and production under former military ruler Pervez Musharraf from 2007 to 2008 and, after the PPP won general elections in February 2008, was appointed governor of Punjab.

His father was principal of the prestigious Islamia College of Lahore and he grew up among the country's intellectual elite, going to school with opposition leader Nawaz Sharif, who later became his chief political opponent in Punjab.

According to his website, his father died when he was still young, leaving little money for a university education, so his mother sent him to England, where he worked days and studied nights to qualify as a chartered accountant.

He was jailed for his political views in Lahore during the martial rule of General Zia-ul-Haq in the late 1970s and 1980s, a period that accelerated Pakistan's growing Islamisation.

Taseer made his money as a chartered accountant, setting up consultancy firms and a brokerage house, and with investments in telecommunications, the media, insurance and real estate before going into politics.

He married twice and fathered six children.
Are you Muslims?

Yes we are. Do we need Fatwa from you?

What has happened to the thought of Muslims?

Nothing!!! But we don't let insanity or more specifically idiocy over come us on any basis whether it is religion or politics or racism.

Are you going to support people who have said bad words against the Prophet SAW.

Obviously no. But did anybody said bad words about Prophet(SAW)? In fact with more than 97% muslim population do you think is it a matter to be debated? Unless Mullahs want to use this issue to earn their livelihood.

Agreed that this is not the right way to do it but shouldn't Salman Taseer have been arrested for supporting people who used bad words against Prophet SAW.

Again no body used bad words for Prophet Muhammad(SAW). Stop listening too much to pathetic Mullahs. In fact cases like Asia bibi aren't going to do any kind of harm to Prophet(SAW) or His dignity. Don't make it a battle of Kufr and Islam because it isn't.

When you are not going to uphold the LAW people will do what should have been done!

Don't support lunatics and anarchy!!!

If we are Muslims, then we should be happy that someone did what was right, as he only acted when all Muslims of Pakistan didn't!

Anyone who lives in Pakistan has to think before saying anything against our Prophet (SAW).

Show some compassion for the dead person. God made you a human as well not just a Muslim. It's not a matter of celebration for us that a person was killed in the name of our religion. Salman didn't do anything other than supporting that woman. I never liked that guy personally but i have just realized that he was in deed a courageous person. May his killer rot in hell.
because he is the ruler of "Islamic Republic of Pakistan"

then why the people of islamic republic of pakistan voted for the party of drunk? they could have easily voted to Mulana Fazal Rahman or Qazi Hussain Ahamd.
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Just tell me we all want to follow prophet's footstep. Then what happens when it comes to blasphemy. Prophet himself on several occasion forgive blasphemers. Prophet visit to Taif is a good example.

Agreed Brother!

But try this,

If in an Islamic land you use abusive language against the Prophet SAW or support such people, what actually are you doing?

It reflects that freedom of speech can give you the right to Abuse Prophet, Burn Holy Quran and say anything and not accountable for that!

Agreed that there should be Tolerance and forgiveness but that is what i said by brother that if the LAW is not held and people like him are not held accountable for saying what he said in past days, things like this will happen again and only Allah will know was it right or wrong!
Pakistan is in this state because sanity is no where to be found in our society these days ....

My question is that Why are the politicians making a buzz when Asia was trialed and convicted of blasphemy in Pakistani court and that too so publicly ??? Aren't they just trying to create more tensions between ordinary people ??? Any sane person would know how much controversy it will cause and it is not that our so called democracy preaching leaders react to every victim's cry in our country .... Why only the issues which inflame religion tensions ???

The answers to your questions dear Uzi lie in Washington D.C and London...
Show some compassion for the dead person. God made you a human as well not just a Muslim. It's not a matter of celebration for us that a person was killed in the name of our religion. Salman didn't do anything other than supporting that woman. I never liked that guy personally but i have just realized that he was in deed a courageous person. May his killer rot in hell.

Would you have supported that women?

No muslim will, donot see me as an extremist my brother! But will you let people say anything against Prophet SAW and Burn Quran!
i support the assassination...not for blashphemy, but because, it serves as the message that our politicians cannot simply get away with corruption and carelessness and tyranny any more.
Do you really think assassination eliminates these characteristics? I maintain, based on the historical record, that it does not; rather, the successors are more careful to cloak their wrongdoings and protect themselves.

If faced by a totally unreformable institution, supersession is, I think, the correct response: you build up new democratic institutions from the very bottom. If you keep to your goals, eventually the existing power structure will either change to serve the new democratic leadership or wither away into insignificance.
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