Are are we sure that it is not people from outside hacking into google but physically based in china. If someone gets assassinated in a country, must it be a work of that country?
Cyber attack might not be traced to their true source, if there is private wireless network between wired network in between to break up the path.
It's like I dial from phone one to your mobile, then you pick up the mouth piece of phone two and dial phone 3 then put your mobile close to mouthpiece of phone two. What authority will trace to is phone two even though the real attack came from phone one.
Even a computer illiterate can understand that the real
hackers, assuming what google/NSA/CIA claimed were
true which is highly questionable, will not be dumb enough
to allow other parties to trace them down.
Particularly in cyberworld, one can sit at the North Pole,
hacking into the White House, while easily leaving
a "trace" to prove he is somehwere around Antarctica.
So can one sit at Langley CIA HQ, hacks into his own Google,
before easily leaves a trace that he is in Moscow or anywhere
you want him to be : an entry-level trick for a CyberUnit
Summer Intern of CIA, with no hard evidence to prove or disprove anything.
The whole Google story is politically-motivated, as a part of
the US Offensive Media Warfare Campaign , alongwith weapon
sales to Taiwan and meeting with Dalai Lama, etc., to put pressure
on China to keep buying the US treasury notes!
At the end of the day, "it's economy, s....." as he said.