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GoodBye General (R) Pasha !!


Sep 7, 2010
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P.S. there is a misunderstanding that is why comments removed... read before you post...
I read somewhere that the new ISI chief is distantly related to Shah rukh Khan?

so from this article you will know

that hamid mir is a traitor.

gneral pasha is the only patriot

all who speak against ISI role in pakistan are traitors deserve to be abducted, tortured and killed..


general pasha is representative of major general Robert Cawthome thinking

general pasha believed himself to be above law and constitution

general pasha didnt respect other institutions, and was into politics,

genreal pasha wanted to topple the government,

general pasha used all means to make sure he gets extensions.

general pasha failed miserably to perform his duty.

Leader...As a thread starter, First gives us your thoughts on this piece of column? What you think about Hamid Mir or G. Pasah? If you finding it hard to take side...let it know us as well..!!
Leader...As a thread starter, First gives us your thoughts on this piece of column? What you think about Hamid Mir or G. Pasah? If you finding it hard to take side...let it know us as well..!!

Satire :angel:
My deluded friend, if only you had the faintest idea of how many a time we came within a hair's width of catastrophe and came out alive, you would count this man as a blessing. Just because he doesn't beat his chest and proclaim his wins does not mean he has none. That's the problem with being in the intelligence, if your doing a good job, not even your neighbors know you, screw up and all of a sudden you're a headline.
My deluded friend, if only you had the faintest idea of how many a time we came within a hair's width of catastrophe and came out alive, you would count this man as a blessing. Just because he doesn't beat his chest and proclaim his wins does not mean he has none. That's the problem with being in the intelligence, if your doing a good job, not even your neighbors know you, screw up and all of a sudden you're a headline.

I didn't get it...can you please elaborate. I do have some guesses
Pasha was one of the best officer Pakistan Army had seen. Do you or this Hamid Mir even know what Pakistan is going through these days? The very survival of Pakistan is an achievement. Fighting against the biggest,most powerful and most influential spy network on the Western border and taking on Indians as always. At the same time , fighting TTP/Suicide bombers within the state... ISI is doing a great job. Mehran Attack? really? How could Gen. Pasha be blamed for that attack? His only big failure is OBL operation. As General Musharraf recently said in an interview , media only focuses on 5-10 failures of ISI but what about hundreds of successful operations and save disasters in Pakistan? Do you think its easy? hah!
Rafeal! See, This column of Hamid Mir is on the same line you are augmenting with me that it didn't possess any hidden meanings, He’s becoming more explicit now compares to last time, didn’t he??
Many are against Pasha. But then he was just doing his duty. As a top honcho of the ISI he had his work cut out. He was doing what he was tasked to do. Unfortunately he did screw up sometimes but then to err is human. No one's perfect.

The ISI wasn't raised to cut grass. It was specially organized for undertaking the cloak and dagger stuff like ALL other intelligence agencies, be it the CIA, RAW, MOSSAD, AMAN, DIA etc. So why do people keep bashing Pasha and the ISI? They're being paid for doing what they're supposed to do according to their laid down charter of duties.

Do you guys for a moment think that the other spy agencies as mentioned above do not meddle in politics and terror related activities? If they don't then they aren't worth their salt! Even RAW has been known to be tapping phones and bugging the premises of rival politicians and buying them off for votes. So what's the big deal? But if the ISI does it then the whole wide world cries foul! Jeeez!

Let's get real. The ISI is just doing what other Intelligence agencies round the world are doing. Only we know squat about what exactly they're up to unlike the ISI which is in constant media glare because of the so called WOT.

Many are against Pasha. But then he was just doing his duty. As a top honcho of the ISI he had his work cut out. He was doing what he was tasked to do. Unfortunately he did screw up sometimes but then to err is human. No one's perfect.

The ISI wasn't raised to cut grass. It was specially organized for undertaking the cloak and dagger stuff like ALL other intelligence agencies, be it the CIA, RAW, MOSSAD, AMAN, DIA etc. So why do people keep bashing Pasha and the ISI? They're being paid for doing what they're supposed to do according to their laid down charter of duties.

Do you guys for a moment think that the other spy agencies as mentioned above do not meddle in politics and terror related activities? If they don't then they aren't worth their salt! Even RAW has been known to be tapping phones and bugging the premises of rival politicians and buying them off for votes. So what's the big deal? But if the ISI does it then the whole wide world cries foul! Jeeez!

Let's get real. The ISI is just doing what other Intelligence agencies round the world are doing. Only we know squat about what exactly they're up to unlike the ISI which is in constant media glare because of the so called WOT.

I never thought I'd say this to any Indian on PDF but yes, I agree whole heartedly. The job of any successful spy agency is that no proof ever connects them to their operations in the Media. And as one can see, no ISI agent has ever been in the news after being caught in a rival country. For example, take the Mumbai attacks. Many say they were ISI sponsored. Let's agree for a minute that they were. Did you notice that the terrorists knew the area better than the police. However, now look at the Mehran base one, the area was RECOVERED with ease. Few were killed and some SUPPOSEDLY escaped. I don't buy that anyone escaped, the area was cordoned off. None of them were chatting to the media unlike what happened in 26/11. Pasha did a fine job of preventing so many bombs. Everyday, if someone bothers to read the news, 2 to 3 bombers are caught before the bombing. That's prevention, that's what Pasha has done

That said, I'm excited for the new DG ISI. He's honest, hard working, loyal and smart. (OH and he supposedly organized 26/11 xD)
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