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Good sectarianism vs Bad Sectarianism (PDF double standards)

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I never started hating Saudi after the elections... I always hated Saudi...
But I have no prejudice between the humans...

Just the govt of Saudi I absolutely despise
Leader, Iranian crowed, Indonesian dragon dude,ceylal, cheetah etc. all are just speaking the truth to you it seems correct?

I am not sure what these people have been saying, but had it been that objectionable they would have been penalised. Someone created a thread about twitter fatwa from a saudi cleric and you abruptly created a thread about Internet fatwa from Iran......with a proclaimation that "two can play that game". So whatever they are doing you are reciprocating aptly, but with this thread you are trying to score extra points with admin by playing the victim card. As for leader, I saw one of his threads about KSA having imperialist plans for the Muslim world.........It was based on someones observation and beliefs but despite that it was not derogatory in any way. This is a Pakistani defence forum where we discuss every matter related to Pakistan, be it a conspiracy theory or a ground reality we discuss them......So if we are going to cou ter any such scenario which includes an Arab state we simply cant sweep it under the rug just because we are all "muslim brothers"
I am not sure what these people have been saying, but had it been that objectionable they would have been penalised. Someone created a thread about twitter fatwa from a saudi cleric and you abruptly created a thread about Internet fatwa from Iran......with a proclaimation that "two can play that game". So whatever they are doing you are reciprocating aptly, but with this thread you are trying to score extra points with admin by playing the victim card. As for leader, I saw one of his threads about KSA having imperialist plans for the Muslim world.........It was based on someones observation and beliefs but despite that it was not derogatory in any way. This is a Pakistani defence forum where we discuss every matter related to Pakistan, be it a conspiracy theory or a ground reality we discuss them......So if we are going to cou ter any such scenario which includes an Arab state we simply cant sweep it under the rug just because we are all "muslim brothers"

Oh yeah, "Jahil Arabs, you are nothing but dumb slaves" is a very acceptable post I supposes. "Arabs are low lives who will all die very soon according to yada yada hadis" is okay too right?

You can go and put a sock in it. Hate threads will not be tolerated, or rather I should say "Should not be tolerated".

I know you support all of this because you are no better than these people.
Oh yeah, "Jahil Arabs, you are nothing but dumb slaves" is a very acceptable post I supposes. "Arabs are low lives who will all die very soon according to yada yada hadis" is okay too right?

You can go and put a sock in it. Hate threads will not be tolerated, or rather I should say "Should not be tolerated".

I know you support all of this because you are no better than these people.
Mosa, just report them and get them closed. There will always be people bashing you, the same way you bash some others. Its human emotion on display. If you find somebody going too far, just report it mate. And if mods/TTs do it, open a thread in GHQ with the post, and shame them.
Oh yeah, "Jahil Arabs, you are nothing but dumb slaves" is a very acceptable post I supposes. "Arabs are low lives who will all die very soon according to yada yada hadis" is okay too right?

You can go and put a sock in it. Hate threads will not be tolerated, or rather I should say "Should not be tolerated".

I know you support all of this because you are no better than these people.
What you are saying represents one side of the story...........For an impartial action to be taken the concerns of the other side should be addressed as well......So quit your sniveling charade, I am not supporting any one, I just want the admin to act impartially.
Thats why Kafirs want to promote.

Webby, please take care of this sectarian menace, which never existed on Defence.pk before certain members of a certain country in the Gulf with a certain ideology from a certain region registered on this forum.

Webby, as you can see below, i was labeled a "Safawi" in a condescending way by a Saudi member, a word who's meaning i don't know, and only found out after looking up its meaning. It's a sectarian word with affiliations to the Shi'ite sect.


I was labeled a "Safawi" by a Saudi member more than once, despite that i am not a Shia and despite the fact that i did not mention any sectarian related word, my posts on that thread were completely ON TOPIC and the thread was derailed by these sectarian bigots from a certain country whom i need not even mentions since its pretty obvious who i'm talking about.

Once they realize they can't bring up a counter argument, they resort to personal attacks, and start whining and use abusive language along with wishing ill upon others who don't share their bigoted views and bigoted mind set.

Now certain people here might be shedding crocodile tears (they know who they are), despite they themselves stated they wanted all people belonging to a certain sect to be burned alive, a sect to which Quad-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, one of the founding fathers of our nation and its dear leader, belonged to.

What you are saying represents one side of the story...........For an impartial action to be taken the concerns of the other side should be addressed as well......So quit your sniveling charade, I am not supporting any one, I just want the admin to act impartially.

If you don't agree with these people on a certain matter, they will attack you, get all personal, start wishing ill upon you and your family, and then shed crocodile tears.

And when you catch them red handed showing their bigoted sectarian mindset, they start trolling like bunch of 9 year old school boys on a sugar rush.
I am not sure what these people have been saying, but had it been that objectionable they would have been penalised. Someone created a thread about twitter fatwa from a saudi cleric and you abruptly created a thread about Internet fatwa from Iran......with a proclaimation that "two can play that game". So whatever they are doing you are reciprocating aptly, but with this thread you are trying to score extra points with admin by playing the victim card. As for leader, I saw one of his threads about KSA having imperialist plans for the Muslim world.........It was based on someones observation and beliefs but despite that it was not derogatory in any way. This is a Pakistani defence forum where we discuss every matter related to Pakistan, be it a conspiracy theory or a ground reality we discuss them......So if we are going to cou ter any such scenario which includes an Arab state we simply cant sweep it under the rug just because we are all "muslim brothers"

That is the difference between us and these people who originate from a region where only the dominant mindset is allowed to prevail, anyone holding a contradictory views is shunned or silenced through any means.

Here on this forum we have more indians than Pakistanis, why?? Because we allow others to express their views, even the people from a nation that has been our bitter enemy since the birth of our nation. And we tolerate them. When they get out of hand, we report them and everyone goes on with their lives, Mods take care of business.

However, these people consider themselves special. They think only their demands should be met, anyone with views opposing theirs should be silenced. Is that fair???
typical, notice how Shan's packets now only work on half as much salan/rice as they used to?

LOL - I know and noticed it instantly because i have to import
Looks guys, according to the reports there are members from the both sides who go personal and racist.

We can clamp down on that when we see it, but if it is just their opinion about certain group/country. We can't really do anything and that is why the forum is available to discuss, defend and project views.

Also understand that when you discuss vs one another, there is another party that reads. Your goal should be for the reader to judge, and let it go..
I am of firm view that moderators and webby should avoid discussions and debates. No matter how resonable they might be, it just create the impression that moderators are partial to people of certain view.
Infact, when they select mods, they should see whether the person has strong views(right or wrong does not matter) or not.

Rest of us do not matter much, nobody will feel victim if I or you say something stupid.

Unfortunately.. I am starting to agree with that.
Webby should develop bots for Moderation.

For a long while I felt moderation was forcing me into opinion celibacy.
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