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Of course there are. That you are not aware of it, doesn't mean that there isn't.

we are working on a solid fuel monster with 2m diameter ...

we can put a warhead on the missile & send it to America with full of love ...

but without nuclear warheads this kind of ICBM is useless ...

so ... we can use it for polar orbit & researching satellites in geo orbit ...
Iranian rockets can't launch Turkish satellites for various reasons. Even Simorgh (which is not operational yet) can transfer satellites below 150 kg to orbit while the less heavy Turkish satellite Göktürk-2 is 400 kg.
Iranian current SLVs can not launch a 400 kg to 700 km.
Iran might be able to do it in 2013 but so far did not have that technology.

@tyrant You like to speak without a damn knowledge, don't you?

Ukrainians designed this:
They also have world-class producing facilities and design bureus like this:
Tysklon-4 is better than both Safir and Simorgh btw.
It is just a mess around with Russian engines and they have not even tested that yet, as far as I know. The plan is for 2014. It is not their own SLV by the way. They have a black box imported from Russia.
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Iranian current SLVs can not launch a 400 kg to 700 km.
Iran might be able to do it in 2013 but so far did not have that technology.

It is just a mess around with Russian engines and they have not even tested that yet, as far as I know. The plan is for 2014. It is not their own SLV by the way. They have a black box imported from Russia.
Yuzsmash is capable of designing engines. And this is the only thing Turkish authorities interested in.
Russsians didn't export critical structures for Tsyklon-4 btw. They even couldn't block Brazilian-Ukranian launch deal. But they tried so hard to do so.
Cabatli made a polite comment which was not answered in a polite way.
The best way you could have answered it was showing Iranian current SAR (www.iemil.ir) and stating that Iranian microSAR is being reverse engineered using RQ170 and the other drones. Also you had to show the Iranian 0.5 m satellite camera which is under construction.

I doubt that any country will provide sincere help to any other country regarding SLVs except two exemptions (France providing Israel and Iran helping NK). I highly doubt there was any deal between Iran and Turkey ever.
Russia is just playing with SK to rip them off. SK will not be anything more than Ukrainian totally dependent SLVs. However SK has its own missile program planned to be tested in 2021.

Ukraine does not have SLV technology. They just play around with Russian SLVs.

oh ! ok :) you are right , sorry my bad :D

I agree with you about s.korea ...

but about Ukraine !!! they are really advanced in aerospace ...

for example : Zenith SLV , Dnepr SLV ( based on Russian death toys ) & ...
Iranian current SLVs can not launch a 400 kg to 700 km.
Iran might be able to do it in 2013 but so far did not have that technology.

It is just a mess around with Russian engines and they have not even tested that yet, as far as I know. The plan is for 2014. It is not their own SLV by the way. They have a black box imported from Russia.

how you know we don't have the technology ???

man !!! we are working on cryogenic engines ... so how we can't make a middle weight SLV ???
Iranian upcoming solid fuel SLV ( Qaem )

similar to Russian start-1 ( based on topol-m )

how you know we don't have the technology ???

man !!! we are working on cryogenic engines ... so how we can't make a middle weight SLV ???
The disciplined SLV program of Iran is Safir and Simorgh. It is planned not to add additional stages for the sake of propaganda but only to increase the efficiency in the long run. It would be Iranian Soyuz someday but after a decade or so.
The Iranian GEO project is obscure and solid fuel now. I think it should be a heavy solid fuel (Aryan type but heavier) which is a diversion of the disciplined liquid project, only to squire achievements. It reminds me of the sloppy Indian space program (GSLV) that was not well programmed and ended up with 2/9 successes.
before Syrian unrest , Turkey sent to Iran about 20 experts for transferring rocket technology ...

but after Syrian unrest IRGC deport your experts back to turkey ...

you should develop your SLV by yourself ...

south Korea's experience shows that Russians & Americans are unreliable ...

no man !

sadly we don't have any program for longer range missiles ...

IRGC completely focused on huge SLVs for heavy payloads ... manned missions & ...

I always support collaborations and joint-developments with any country all around the World. The technologies We lack should be acquired in a short time so Nothing wrong with sending some engineers to Iran or Russia or Japan...etc Turkey made lots of agreements with Ukraine, Russia, China and some other states to gain the SLV technologies but Co-efforts on a military related subject such as SLV between Iran and Turkey is impossible cause of political reasons. As far as I know, The officials are planing to send own satellites with own launchers since 2000's but It is the first time a Turkish institute, Roketsan, charged to develop domestic SLV system in Turkey. At this mission, I think Israeli lobby activities on French to cancel Turkey's spy satellite project-statements-restriction offers, accelerated the Turkey's space programs and sharply increased the ambitious level. That's why Turkish industry suddenly concantrated on too many satellite programs along with SLV launchers...
I know You Iranians accept development of SLV tech. as honour issue (Turkey paid 20 million $ China to make Gokturk-2 send into space but developed Gokturk-2 with a budget of 150-200 million $) but Put all those achievements aside, Even If you develop World' biggest and most capable SLV, Without strategic satellite system/subsystem and technology which will be on par with Western equivalents, Your SLV's and low failure launching rates don't make any sense. It is the same for Turkey's space achievements and programs as well so I personelly give all priorities for high resultion SAR and E/O satellite systems instead of SLV.

You are right.But you should also know that Iran is going to launch a satellite (Sharif Sat) at the end of this year with 5 m resolution camera.The important part is, Iran has developed the camera sensors all by itself and yes, 5m resolution is not great, but it's a start.
Do you know of GokTurk's camera is built in Turkey or not?
Anyway, we just started our space program in 2005 and I believe,if Turkey develops its own SLV and Iran builds more sophisticated and advanced satellites, both Iran and Turkey, in 2020, will be among the best, not only in Asia, but in the world, considering the potential and desire both countries have for space program.
I wish we could have a GPS-like system developed by both Iran, Turkey and maybe other ME countries, it's not unreachable, if only we stop these childish fights.
I wish we could have a GPS-like system developed by both Iran, Turkey and maybe other ME countries, it's not unreachable, if only we stop these childish fights.

Boro baba, jamesh kon... to ham hale maro be ham mizani ba in khayemali torka... ina chi daran ke ma nadarim ? boro bemir baba
You are right.But you should also know that Iran is going to launch a satellite (Sharif Sat) at the end of this year with 5 m resolution camera.The important part is, Iran has developed the camera sensors all by itself and yes, 5m resolution is not great, but it's a start.
Do you know of GokTurk's camera is built in Turkey or not?
Anyway, we just started our space program in 2005 and I believe,if Turkey develops its own SLV and Iran builds more sophisticated and advanced satellites, both Iran and Turkey, in 2020, will be among the best, not only in Asia, but in the world, considering the potential and desire both countries have for space program.
I wish we could have a GPS-like system developed by both Iran, Turkey and maybe other ME countries, it's not unreachable, if only we stop these childish fights.

As I said, The most important and sophisticated sensor system of a satellite is E/O, SAR sections and The space tech. destiny of countries belongs to such sensors so It is a must to develop them as soon as possible for both Iran and Turkey.

Gokturk-1 Thales Camera
Gokturk-2 S. Korean 2,5m Camera along with Turkish 4m camera
Gokturk-3 Aselsan SAR sensor
Gokturk-4 (?)

Development of 1m and 0,5m camera programs are proceeding.

Both Iran and Turkey have impressive potentials and big resources(human-underground). Collaboration of both would mean a disaster for European and USA undertable plans who have some secret agendas in region so They draw the ideological redlines and closing their eyes on the terrorism between our borders. Collecting almost all World near to them(Even Russia can't speak much about their own truths, cancel the deals) and judging the countries in accordance with their own rules, While They charge some special countries they feed with their technologies, to kill thousands of civilians under the name of homeland security against terorists...etc To hide the secret technologies they transfered to special countries, They sign some special agreements to ban the countries not to observe/reach What they established in the deep of their boy's lands. Sometimes, They even threat Turkey with putting into the list of terorist supporters or accepting genocide stories, If something goes bad with themselves so Turkey and No other countries are free on external foreign policies.
As I said, The most important and sophisticated sensor system of a satellite is E/O, SAR sections and The space tech. destiny of countries belongs to such sensors so It is a must to develop them as soon as possible for both Iran and Turkey.

Gokturk-1 Thales Camera
Gokturk-2 S. Korean 2,5m Camera along with Turkish 4m camera
Gokturk-3 Aselsan SAR sensor
Gokturk-4 (?)

Development of 1m and 0,5m camera programs are proceeding.

Both Iran and Turkey have impressive potentials and big resources(human-underground). Collaboration of both would mean a disaster for European and USA undertable plans who have some secret agendas in region so They draw the ideological redlines and becoming blind on the terrorism between our borders. Collected almost all World near to them(Even Russia can't speak much about their own truths, Sometimes cancel the deals) and judging the countries in accordance with their own rules, While They charge some special countries they feed with their technologies, to kill thousands of civilians under the name of homeland security against terorists...etc Sometimes, They even threat Turkey with putting into the list of terorist supporters or accepting genocide stories, If something goes bad with themselves so Turkey and No other countries are free on external foreign policies.
Exactly, I agree. If only leaders of both countries thought like this.2 countries, with 75 million population, neighbors, one with great natural resources and one with great access to world markets, both have great scientific potential and resources, in the most geopolitically important region in the world... We are just too much if we join hands,and that's a BIG If.

Boro baba, jamesh kon... to ham hale maro be ham mizani ba in khayemali torka... ina chi daran ke ma nadarim ? boro bemir baba

Mersi az inke tarbiate khanevadegito be rokhe hame dari mikeshi.

Harkas nazare khodesho dare va mohtaram hast, fek nemikonam be shoma marbut bashe man chi migam.
Mersi az inke tarbiate khanevadegito be rokhe hame dari mikeshi.

Harkas nazare khodesho dare va mohtaram hast, fek nemikonam be shoma marbut bashe man chi migam.
Boro baba, avala behet ehteram migzashtam vali dige na... dari khayemali torka ro mikoni... khak to oon saret... AKHE KODOM IRANI KHAYEMALI KASI RO MIKONE ? oonam Torka...

Adab ro bayad baraye ba adaban va aghelan estefade koni... to ke aghel nisti... to yek vatanforoushi
Boro baba, avala behet ehteram migzashtam vali dige na... dari khayemali torka ro mikoni... khak to oon saret... AKHE KODOM IRANI KHAYEMALI KASI RO MIKONE ? oonam Torka...

Adab ro bayad baraye ba adaban va aghelan estefade koni... to ke aghel nisti... to yek vatanforoushi

Javabe kheili khubi dashtam barat, vali daram miram va vaghtam kheili arzeshmandtar az in khale zanak baziast.
Don't pay attention to his Mashad phaggot. Only a man when it comes to internet threats and big mouthing.

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