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the mods ban me because i insulted wahhabism!no warning!i got banned immediately in secconds.
but clearly people here insult our culture,our nation and shias but ...
pakistan wont progress as long as they are mods like webmaster in Paksitan leadership.
this is my honest advice to Paksitani friends.


Shia takfiri = good morning !!!

****** Persian = nice to meet you !!!


the mods ban me because i insulted wahhabism!no warning!i got banned immediately in secconds.
but clearly people here insult our culture,our nation and shias but ...
pakistan wont progress as long as they are mods like webmaster in Paksitan leadership.
this is my honest advice to Paksitani friends.


Shia takfiri = good morning !!!

****** Persian = nice to meet you !!!

u shud tlk to mods then in pm,they will reply to u im sure...

but u know trolling happens on all threads somtimes

even i troll often:p:bunny::pakistan:
this is not a small thing...
Arabs and turks are hovering over Iranian section like insects and mods are enjoying it.they have pleasure over it.
what we need is an Iranian mod for our section to remove trolling comments from the threads while turks and arabs have their own mods.
is it a small thing?

they don't give a sh!t man

after so many posts & mentions I can't see any mod !!!

u shud tlk to mods then in pm,they will reply to u im sure...

but u know trolling happens on all threads somtimes

even i troll often:p:bunny::pakistan:

ya !!! pm !?

tried so many times ...
i gtg bye its late:wave:

and dun fight bradarss

Pakistan and Pakistanies r gud ppl:pakistan:

naa mebarza ba:police:
Boss - Give them a mod. :toast_sign:

BTW - Have you guys nominated someone for this?

Most of their leading members Iran Zamin, Shahin Vatini are trolls and lack discussion skills and those who are good members are not active enough.
Most of their leading members Iran Zamin, Shahin Vatini are trolls and lack discussion skills and those who are good members are not active enough.

love how he chose those two

What about members like Era and Ir-tab who are respected by everyone on this site? Ask Turks, Iranians, Pakistanis etc... and those two are clearly liked and respected. But you only care about the opinion of one group and you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Heck, you don't do squat even if we report the racist posts against shias and Iranians so it's very obvious where you're coming from. We've had this discussion before personally (it was either with you or some other mod) and I was banned for making an accusation which we all know it's true.
love how he chose those two

What about members like Era and Ir-tab who are respected by everyone on this site? Ask Turks, Iranians, Pakistanis etc... and those two are clearly liked and respected. But you only care about the opinion of one group and you know exactly what I'm talking about.

You guys like Era? First come up with names and then let all Iranians vote for them.
You guys like Era? First come up with names and then let all Iranians vote for them.

Yes we do and nice try

We've played this game a million times (us opening up threads and you closing it and saying smtg to avoid the situation).

You make a thread and we vote how's that?

Me, Soheil, Iranzamin, kollang etc... are clearly not good choices according to you . So here are the options: Ir-tab, Era, S00R3NA, raptor 22
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