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Good Books About Pakistan


Nov 28, 2006
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1. War That Never Was: The Story of India's Strategic Failures by Ravi Rikhye

2. Afghanistan-The bear trap: The defeat of a superpower by mohammed yousaf and mark adkin

3.Warriors of the Prophet by Mark Huband

4.In the Line of Fire by Pervez Musharraf

5.Charlie Wilson's War: The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History by George Crile

Just a few books to get started with.Please add on books that you think would be interesting .
Islam in Andalus- Ahmad Thomson
Dajjal: the AntiChrist- Ahmad Thomson
Jesus, Prophet of Islam- Ahmad Thomson
Blood on the Cross- Ahmad Thomson
1. War That Never Was: The Story of India's Strategic Failures by Ravi Rikhye

2. Afghanistan-The bear trap: The defeat of a superpower by mohammed yousaf and mark adkin

3.Warriors of the Prophet by Mark Huband

4.In the Line of Fire by Pervez Musharraf

5.Charlie Wilson's War: The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History by George Crile

Just a few books to get started with.Please add on books that you think would be interesting .
How the hell are any of these 'good books about Pakistan' ??
I mean is the only thing Pakistan ever associated with is wars??

There would be some cultural books, some geographical books, books on Natural beauty and diversity of nature in Pakistan,history, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc!!! Post them!!
How the hell are any of these 'good books about Pakistan' ??
I mean is the only thing Pakistan ever associated with is wars??

There would be some cultural books, some geographical books, books on Natural beauty and diversity of nature in Pakistan,history, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc!!! Post them!!

Theirs' a reason why its called a defense forum. :pdf:
But we can discuss anything we like here isnt it?
So the title of the topic is: Good books about Pakistan.
I hardly classify any of them in that category. ISnt Pakistan keen on promoting a 'soft image', as Pakistan is already always associated with wars and terrorism.
What it needs are good books on its historical past, glory, civilisations, natural beauty, yadi yada ya.
Those would indeed be good books about Pakistan.
Dude....the indians are right.............post some good books about pakistan
Does anyone have battle for pakistan by john fricker? i keep hearing about it but copies are horibly expensive to get hold of.
Does anyone have battle for pakistan by john fricker? i keep hearing about it but copies are horibly expensive to get hold of.

Holy crap! you weren't kidding were you! they are all £70 ($140)

Well since it looks like it was not re-printed, I'm afraid the only way you'll get it is by chance or luck at a cheaper price.
Air battles of PAF...not sure about the authors name but it was an "air marshal". I read half of it. And i loved it.

I have read a little less than 2/3 of IN THE LINE OF FIRE (Pres Musharraf). I liked it as well :)
In the Line of Fire,where could I find this book on the internet?Very interested in it while I've got no idea about where to buy.
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