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Golden Temple to provide 1 lakh meals daily for Kashmir : Punjabiyan di shaan vakhri

Guys all those worried about "haraam" and the like vis a vis Langar food understand something simple. The basic belief of Sikhism is not exclusivity but inclusivity in the sense that Sikhs don't see themselves as superior to any other religion, we see all religions as equals, as it says in the Guru Granth Sahib- they are all different paths to the same destination. We worship the same God as Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Jews etc. The blessing given to the (vegetarian) food in a Gurdwara is more of a thanks for the food than anything else- it is not to discriminate against who can consume it. In fact that would be against our faith entirely as our Langar food is meant for anyone and everyone who wants/needs it regardless of their religion. If we made food that was edible only for a select religion then it would be against our faith.

All this cribbing about the food being Muslim friendly or not is just highlighting a clear ignorance about the Sikh faith.

This northern command has requested to the head of GOLDEN TEMPLE to prepare langer for 1 lakh people everyday at Kashmir which was happily agreed and the sewa will be started from tomorrow which will be air lifted from Amritsar to Kashmir everyday. That 1 lakh food packets also sent daily started from today

09:24 am: Western Air Command contacts Golden Temple to help people in Jammu and Kashmir.

09:23 am: Golden Temple to provide ready to eat meals for people in Jammu and Kashmir.

09:22 am: IAF ropes in Golden Temple, Amritsar in Jammu and Kashmir relief operations.

Read more at: LIVE updates on Jammu and Kashmir floods: Over 1,10,000 people rescued so far, many still await help : India, News - India Today

More pics of langar being prepared today




Good gesture by the Sikhs. They really are big hearted people.
Ah, so I see. Are there any restrictions on meat? Is beef or pork prohibited?
I think beef is, dont know about pork
If one is a devout/semi-devout Sikh then all meats will be prohibited as part of the Sikh faith.

However, for the meat eating Sikhs most will avoid Beef (to a lesser extent Pork) and this is more of a cultural thing and I guess probably relates to the fact that Sikhs live with Hindus and Muslims and additionally as Sikhs were traditionally farmers there is a strong bond with Cows- the giver of milk and who works in the fields.

I would like to one day visit the Golden Temple, they probably serve daal right? :smitten:
You should go sir! Truly a moving experience and welcoming of all. Daal is served indeed.
Yes I know indians have no fixed culture even though they brag alot about so-called indian civilization, now I understand why they made good slaves during muslim and later british times in south asia.

Your so-called kashmiri friend is everything except a muslim.
chalo ji Allah ke fariste ka certificate aa gaya!
. . . . . . . .

This northern command has requested to the head of GOLDEN TEMPLE to prepare langer for 1 lakh people everyday at Kashmir which was happily agreed and the sewa will be started from tomorrow which will be air lifted from Amritsar to Kashmir everyday. That 1 lakh food packets also sent daily started from today

09:24 am: Western Air Command contacts Golden Temple to help people in Jammu and Kashmir.

09:23 am: Golden Temple to provide ready to eat meals for people in Jammu and Kashmir.

09:22 am: IAF ropes in Golden Temple, Amritsar in Jammu and Kashmir relief operations.

Read more at: LIVE updates on Jammu and Kashmir floods: Over 1,10,000 people rescued so far, many still await help : India, News - India Today

More pics of langar being prepared today




Respect ....

waheguru ji khalsa waheguru ji fateh

Nanak has given a beautiful summary of his teachings in one of his hymns as follows:—

Love the saints of every faith:
Put away thy pride.
Remember the essence of religion
Is meekness and sympathy,
Not fine clothes,
Not the Yogi’s garb and ashes,
Not the blowing of the horns,
Not the shaven head,
Not long prayers,
Not recitations and torturings,
Not the ascetic way,
But a life of goodness and purity,
Amid the world’s temptations.
Teachings of Guru Nanak
. . .
It's not only Golden Temple which serves Vegetarian meals, but all Gurdwaras. No Non Veg. Period.
Why are you explaining so much ? Those who want to eat will eat. Those who dont want to eat will not eat. Dont care about others so much .

Sikhs have done a great job.

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