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Humble Pakistani


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Apr 27, 2013
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On my last visit to Pakistan, I went out to grab a bite with a friend who lives in Karachi. We drove to a local burger joint and got ourselves a burger deal for Rupees 350 it included a burger, fries and a drink. We brought our food out to our car and as I took a bite I saw a young man of 20 something looking at us with hungry eyes. He did not ask for anything but just looked hungry. The American in me kicked-in and I stepped out of the car and went to the young man and asked him if he was hungry. He said he is a daily wage laborer and there was no work today because of the strike that day. I again asked him if he was hungry. His reply was, "I have not eaten anything all day". I put my hand in my pocket and out came Rupees 500 bill. I gave him the money and said, “go get yourself some dinner”. I came back to my car without giving him a chance to say thank you. My Pakistani friend looked at me and laughed.

I stared eating my food. The young man went into the restaurant and came out with his food he put his food on the one of the few tables and chairs placed on the sidewalk for the restaurant’s customers. I saw him walk to the store next door that had an Edhi donation box hanging outside and saw him drop some money in the box. This was before he even bit into his food. He came back and started eating. I again stepped out of the car and went to him and asked him why he put the money in that box. His answer was simple, “Saheb you gave me Rupees 500. My food cost was only Rupees 300 and do you know the guy whose name is on the box. He does so much for our country so I gave him the Rupee 200 that was left. “Why did you not keep that for yourself?” I asked. Simple answer again, “Allah will give me my share of work tomorrow InshAllah”. “Today he needs the money to help desolate humanity” he said.

I came back to my car speechless… tears rolling down my cheeks. No matter who ever get elected, even if by designed rigging, it does not matter… Till we have even one person who has a “PURE PAKISTANI HEART” this country cannot fail. It will survive!

Source:God Bless My Pakistan | The Pakistani Spectator
MashaAllah.... thanx for sharing brother....:pakistan:
I was visiting Pakistan in the winter 2011. I spent a week with some cousins in the rural punjab. One my cousin is a Physicist,doing his PhD and used to give free science tution to some poor kids in the evening.

I was like, i'll chip in for a week. So i rock up there and there were like 15-20 high schoolers sitting down studying, i started to help them out with my cousin. It was freezing,cold and a 10-12 year old boy rocks up with a cooler stuffed with boiled eggs...on his little bicycle.

I stood up and bought 25 eggs, so that everyone can have a bite. I gave him 400 rupees and walked back,the eggs were like 150. He came after me and said bhai app apna change bhool gaye.

I tapped him on the shivering cheek and told him to bug off,saying that didn't need any change. I felt like killing myself before getting the change back from his tiny shivering hands.

Then he said to me 'bhai main mazdoor hoom,bhikari nhi'....that just shattered my heart, i was busy hiding my tears in the dark. I took the eggs, and told him to wait..i distributed one each..came back to him and...asked him what he did, he said that he goes to school in the day and sells eggs in the evening...

By that time it was evident to him,that i was crying like a b itch...tears rolling down my face and running nose,with a shivering voice...

I took him to the side and put more money in his pocket..wont say how much..before buying all his eggs... He was shocked...and i said to him that its not a bheek,its just a gift so you can go and get an early sleep...
I walked away...with a hole in my heart.
I was in Pakistan two years ago.

I went to the juicer to get some fresh carrot juice. A poor guy in his early twenties came up to me on crutches, and said, Sir, Khoda kay liye, meri ummi bimar hain, aur main kaam ney kar sak tha.

I handed the guy 1000 rupees and lit a cigarette like a boss.

A week later I drove to the same place to get some juice, and this dude comes up to my car with crutches. He said sir, behn ki shaadi hai.

I was like Oy PC, teyr jaa, main tinu jaanda, he grabbed his crutches and ran like the wind.

Pakistan Zindabad.
Just a tiny, but 1 sure hope, for a better tomorrow, for a better Pakistan.

The people are zinad dil, decent and hospitable, talented and hard working. Just need the right leader to wake this hope.

Inshallah we will prevail. Zindabad.
“Allah will give me my share of work tomorrow InshAllah”. “Today he needs the money to help desolate humanity” he said.

Allah tala sab ko esa iman day.God bless Pakistan.Ameen
I was in Pakistan two years ago.
I went to the juicer to get some fresh carrot juice. A poor guy in his early twenties came up to me on crutches, and said, Sir, Khoda kay liye, meri ummi bimar hain, aur main kaam ney kar sak tha.
I handed the guy 1000 rupees and lit a cigarette like a boss.
A week later I drove to the same place to get some juice, and this dude comes up to my car with crutches. He said sir, behn ki shaadi hai.
I was like Oy PC, teyr jaa, main tinu jaanda, he grabbed his crutches and ran like the wind.
Pakistan Zindabad.

As expected you ruined the thread.
If you don't have anything nice to say, go for a run..... talk about killing a thread. :D

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