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Global poll finds Western Europeans believe China will supplant US as leadi


Mar 15, 2010
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WASHINGTON — A poll in Europe finds that most West Europeans believe that China has either supplanted or will supplant the United States as the world’s leading power.


The findings are part of a 22-nation poll Wednesday by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center.


The annual Global Attitudes Project poll found that despite Western Europe’s doubts about the American projection of power, the United States retains a positive image in most of the countries surveyed. That continues a trend that began when Barack Obama became president in January 2009.

The poll also found widespread sentiment that China’s growing military power was a bad thing. But it produced a more mixed picture of China’s economic rise with more people in 13 countries saying that it was a good thing than those with a negative view. In Britain, for instance, 53 percent of respondents said China’s economic growth was good, while 71 percent said its growing military might was bad.


Despite the bullish view of China’s rise in Western Europe, respondents in other regions had a different estimation. Just over a third of Turkish respondents thought that China would supplant the United States and 60 percent of Japanese respondents and 54 percent in Lebanon said China never will replace the United States as the leading power.


Though the United States was viewed favorably by a majority of respondents in most of the countries, there were some notable exceptions. The U.S. image continued to erode in Turkey, where only 10 percent of respondents expressed a favorable view. The ratings were similarly negative in Pakistan at 12 percent and in Jordan at 13 percent.

Views of Obama ranged greatly. Confidence in the U.S. president was sky-high in some countries, like Germany (88 percent), but rock bottom in others, like Pakistan (8 percent).

China also was viewed favorably in most countries but had positive ratings below 40 percent in Turkey, India, Germany, Japan and others.


Just over half of American respondents had a positive view of China, while only 44 percent of those from China thought positively of the United States, a drop of 14 percentage points since last year’s poll.


The poll was conducted March 18 to May 15 in the United States and 21 other countries. The margin of sampling error ranged from plus or minus 2.5 percentage points in China to 5 percentage points in Israel.

Global poll finds Western Europeans believe China will supplant US as leading world power - The Washington Post


1) Pakistanis are more confident than Chinese that China will surpass the US.

2) Indians believe China will surpass the US.

3) West Europeans favor Chinese.

4) Brazilians and Africans which love Chinese are beginning to dislike them.

5) Japan, Indonesia and East Europe which hate China are beginning to moderate.

6) Palestine (UN support), Indonesia (military co-op), Pakistan (ally) and Africa (aid) wishes for a stronger Chinese military.

7) The world is beginning to like China.

8) Turks hate everyone.
A poll in Europe finds that most West Europeans believe that China has either supplanted or will supplant the United States as the world’s leading power.

That's what happens when "media sensationalism" overrides the facts.

Numbers are more objective.

And according to the numbers, we are still a very long way behind the USA, in terms of economic/diplomatic/military power.
China still needs to remain cool-headed and continue to achieve a fast but balanced development of its economic, technological, and military capacities. Let others think what they like but we have to be fully cognizant of our strengths and weaknesses.
Despite what people might claim, comprehensive power does get you alot of respect in this world.
Opinions are one thing. Numbers are another. China still has to catch up and it will take a long time.
In terms of economic power, it will take at least 20 years to overtake United States. If you're talking about military power, then it's going to take more than 50 years.

I don't know if we can surpassed the United States in terms of cultural influence though.
In terms of economic power, it will take at least 20 years to overtake United States. If you're talking about military power, then it's going to take more than 50 years.

I don't know if we can surpassed the United States in terms of cultural influence though.

May be you and me don't live until that day to see a China empire beating the Viet without any problem!!!
It is logical that China would become more powerful than the US simply based on the fact that the Chinese are equally (or more) hardworking, certainly as intelligent, and have three times the population. The trick for China will be to develop in a manner that continuously grows its middle class. There is some danger that China will not be enough of a meritocracy to unleash all of the creativity of its people. The US has also greatly benefited from being a both a meritocracy and a "melting pot" of peoples, thereby attracting entrepreneurs from all over the planet. But, in terms of resources, both physical and human, there is no reason why the most populous nation (China) will not become the most powerful. In fact, it might have become this already if it were not for Mao's idiotic economic ideas.
May be you and me don't live until that day to see a China empire beating the Viet without any problem!!!

Beat us ??by what . bro ?? Togerther with US.-India-Japan, we gonna build a strong association in ASEAN, afther 20 year it will be too late to CHina to even beat weak Phillipine :lol:
US owes china one and a half trillion dollar dept, not to mention the jewish money they are indepted

US power is no more, as we can see the rants of current US govt against pakistan, it shows US statements cant be taken seriously, and not a powerful nation is ignored like this

the major factor of US decline is US itself, its mentality, just like the communism for soviet union, though soviet fell because of afghan war, its neither china nor any other country tht is responsible

though china lacks very much in technology as compared to the US and the skilled people as much as US has, but china is not poking nose in other's matters which doesnt concern it, its a plus point for china and its image, first of ll china and then the present turkish(highly developing third world economy) policies for keeping everybody happy and zero enemies has inspired me very much
Beat us ??by what . bro ?? Togerther with US.-India-Japan, we gonna build a strong association in ASEAN, afther 20 year it will be too late to CHina to even beat weak Phillipine :lol:
Did your unbreakable alliance with Soviet Union helped when we fed your sailors to fish in 1988? It must be tough, living with all that false hope knowing empty promises ring hollow. If you had any brain, then you'd know longer this drags on the worse it gets for Viets.

20 years, we'll be happily running our carrier groups along your coast.
Did your unbreakable alliance with Soviet Union helped when we fed your sailors to fish in 1988? It must be tough, living with all that false hope knowing empty promises ring hollow. If you had any brain, then you'd know longer this drags on the worse it gets for Viets.

20 years, we'll be happily running our carrier groups along your coast.
Let run in Taiwan first if you have the guts, US. send AC to threaten you every day, and your mouth always keep quiet when seeing Mighty Seven fleet aproaching your teritories :lol:
notice the negative views by indians and japanese towards china.

thats should tell u who china's future enemies are.

if germany and japan can become american friends, then why not japanese and even vietnamese

i dunno about bharati though they can be friends but can stab you from the back any time
Let run in Taiwan first if you have the guts, US. send AC to threaten you every day, and your mouth always keep quiet when seeing Mighty Seven fleet aproaching your teritories :lol:
United States sends carrier to threaten us everyday? Last time they cross the Taiwan strait was in 1996, 15 years ago and they haven't done it since.

So did the Soviets help you when we sunk your ships in 1988? No? What makes you think others will risk it for you now that China is even stronger?

Do you need some false hope to keep yourself alive? I pity you.
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