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Global Firepower - 2014 Ranks

Pakistan&India or any other Asian, Far Asian nation can't really fight a conventional war with Italy. Pakistani military is not able to move forces to Italy, even if had, no logistics, she can use nukes (I'm not sure wheater the missiles have that range), but nuking Italy comes with consequences. Italian Navy has bluewater capabilities, their air force can also go there. But again South Asia will be their tombs as they'll have no logistical support and Pakistani military would defeat them there. Today's world is run by alliances. if the aggressor is not them, or one of them go against each other, ranking isn't really important for NATO countries. Ex: I don't even know the ranking of Latvia and Lithuania, but they are NATO members whom called an urgent meeting regarding their security, in North Atlantic Council, tomorrow. See it's really not much important. Also Pakistan has nuclear bombs, I'm sure our friends will not hesitate to use them if it was the last option.
Pakistan&India or any other Asian, Far Asian nation can't really fight a conventional war with Italy. Pakistani military is not able to move forces to Italy, even if had, no logistics, she can use nukes (I'm not sure wheater the missiles have that range), but nuking Italy comes with consequences. Italian Navy has bluewater capabilities, their air force can also go there. But again South Asia will be their tombs as they'll have no logistical support and Pakistani military would defeat them there. Today's world is run by alliances. if the aggressor is not them, or one of them go against each other, ranking isn't really important for NATO countries. Ex: I don't even know the ranking of Latvia and Lithuania, but they are NATO members whom called an urgent meeting regarding their security, in North Atlantic Council, tomorrow. See it's really not much important. Also Pakistan has nuclear bombs, I'm sure our friends will not hesitate to use them if it was the last option.
barring Pakistan.......all other major asians nations such as India,China and Russia are in a very gud position to beat Italy in a conventional war
You mean to say that was a typo or you dont want to explain???
look man, millitary machine is like iron if you don't use it time by time it will get rust ....there is no sure short measurement with which we can say who is number 1 2 3 etc.....but we can have an idea given the recent past millitary history of that country, pakistan has been in war for last 40 years and has hell lot of strategy experience now compared to italy...weapons, surely italy has superior weapon.....intelligence....have you ever heard of italian intelligence, but surely of ISI....war gives you experience of how to survive....with the passage of time italian and most of the eurpoe,s millitary is becoming Mummy daddy millitary.......they have not expoerienced war, their population is not ready for war...they do not support war... on the other hand pakistani population gives finger to every one continiously.:hitwall:.........when you come to most powerfulll militaries of the world with fighting capabilities then the scenerio changes dramatically, but when you take just weapons into accout then you get this list.....once again we cannot say who is supperior, untill we are actually in war....so this list is absolute bullshit except top 3.
look man, millitary machine is like iron if you don't use it time by time it will get rust ....there is no sure short measurement with which we can say who is number 1 2 3 etc.....but we can have an idea given the recent past millitary history of that country, pakistan has been in war for last 40 years and has hell lot of strategy experience now compared to italy...weapons, surely italy has superior weapon.....intelligence....have you ever heard of italian intelligence, but surely of ISI....war gives you experience of how to survive....with the passage of time italian and most of the eurpoe,s millitary is becoming Mummy daddy millitary.......they have not expoerienced war, their population is not ready for war...they do not support war... on the other hand pakistani population gives finger to every one continiously.:hitwall:.........when you come to most powerfulll militaries of the world with fighting capabilities then the scenerio changes dramatically, but when you take just weapons into accout then you get this list.....once again we cannot say who is supperior, untill we are actually in war....so this list is absolute bullshit except top 3.
So Afghanistan should be in top 10,if we go by your logic.???
And your logic about population not ready for war is all bullshit to say the least,Thats why Nations have something called army.
Pakistan&India or any other Asian, Far Asian nation can't really fight a conventional war with Italy. Pakistani military is not able to move forces to Italy, even if had, no logistics, she can use nukes (I'm not sure wheater the missiles have that range), but nuking Italy comes with consequences. Italian Navy has bluewater capabilities, their air force can also go there. But again South Asia will be their tombs as they'll have no logistical support and Pakistani military would defeat them there. Today's world is run by alliances. if the aggressor is not them, or one of them go against each other, ranking isn't really important for NATO countries. Ex: I don't even know the ranking of Latvia and Lithuania, but they are NATO members whom called an urgent meeting regarding their security, in North Atlantic Council, tomorrow. See it's really not much important. Also Pakistan has nuclear bombs, I'm sure our friends will not hesitate to use them if it was the last option.
this list is about indiviual capabilities....not about fighting with alliance.....if we consider that then, india will go 7 or 8 steps down and pakistan may come 3 or 4 steps up but still below to india.......and i have given the scenario of pak and italy comparison alone....nobody else
this list is about indiviual capabilities....not about fighting with alliance.....if we consider that then, india will go 7 or 8 steps down and pakistan may come 3 or 4 steps up but still below to india.......and i have given the scenario of pak and italy comparison alone....nobody else
lol,so you cant accept the strength of India's military and ranking.
At worst India should be at 8th position and at best Pakistan should be at 13 position.
If you think otherwise then explain me.
Now dont start giving excuses of civil war in Pakistan,here we are talking of military's strength and not overpowering another country.
So Afghanistan should be in top 10,if we go by your logic.???
And your logic about population not ready for war is all bullshit to say the least,Thats why Nations have something called army.
every nation on earth has an army, there is a difference between a country ready for war and a country,s population ready for war......a country loses war when it,s population stops supporting it......and population ready for war is just one factor of many others....it does not make one,s millitary superior...it,s just a millitary backing for long term war.....that,s it.... because if your population does not support you, you cannot fight a long time war...

lol,so you cant accept the strength of India's military and ranking.
At worst India should be at 8th position and at best Pakistan should be at 13 position.
If you think otherwise then explain me.
Now dont start giving excuses of civil war in Pakistan,here we are talking of military's strength and not overpowering another country.
go play some where else boy, i was talking about pak and italy, and you took india in it..... i said india will be down because allainces changes everything.....the whole scene but it seems that you cannot understand it.....so best of luck to you being a 4th number.lox
every nation on earth has an army, there is a difference between a country ready for war and a country,s population ready for war......a country loses war when it,s population stops supporting it......and population ready for war is just one factor of many others....it does not make one,s millitary superior...it,s just a millitary backing for long term war.....that,s it.... because if your population does not support you, you cannot fight a long time war...
Population supporting or not has nothing to do with a war and ther support can be easily gained by propoganda and media.
All the countries above Pakistan in thhis list have better weapons and economy which are deciding factors to win a war.A good and big economy is what needed for a long time war ans seeing the health of Pakistan's economy and foreign reserves one can easily conclude that Pakistan's rank is correct.
barring Pakistan.......all other major asians nations such as India,China and Russia are in a very gud position to beat Italy in a conventional war

No they're not. Russia, India, China even Indonesia can strike Italy with air assets. But do you really believe that they could make it back to home after the strike? Or NATO&US would allow any Indian surface combatant to pass through Suez Canal if the fleet aims to attack a European country? How many "hours" can a country from Asia (expect for China and Russia) last a war in Medditearian against Italy even without NATO assistance? The same for Italy, if they had gone to Asia, so does Turkey. It's not because how mighty they are. It's just that Asian (not RF&PRC) countries are not capable of conducting combat operations in Meddittearian, getting beaten by geographics. No logistics, no victory. That's the backbone of overseas operations worldwide.
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No they're not. Russia, India, China even Indonesia can strike Italy with air assets. But do you really believe that they could make it back to home after the strike? Or NATO&US would allow and Indian surface combatant to pass through Suez Canal if the fleet aims to attack a European country? How many "hours" can a country from Asia (expect for China and Russia) last a war in Medditearian against Italy even without NATO assistance? The same for Italy, if they had gone to Asia, so does Turkey. It's not because how mighty they are. It's just that Asian (not RF&PRC) countries are not capable of conducting combat operations in Meddittearian, getting beaten by geographics. No logistics, no victory. That's the backbone of overseas operations worldwide.
You have summed it pretty well. :tup:
o dear, what you was wating above was not US diplomatic cables....it was a neutral source, perhaps a think tank...

It is wikileaks cables

Behind the Pakistan F-16 deal, a tale of many wheels - The Hindu

The despatches, from the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, indicated that the deal was, among other things, meant to assuage Pakistan's fears of an “existential threat it perceived from India.” The diplomatic cables, accessed by The Hinduthrough WikiLeaks, suggested that the purpose of the sale was to divert Pakistan's attention from “the nuclear option,” and give it “time and space to employ a conventional reaction” in the event of a conflict with India (151227: confidential). Privately, however, the U.S. acknowledged the “reality” that the F-16 programme would not change India's “overwhelming air superiority over Pakistan.” In fact, the cables bluntly assert that the F-16s would be “no match for India's proposed purchase of F-18 or equivalent aircraft.”

Given India's “substantial military advantage,” one cable (197576: confidential) even surmised that the F-16s would at the most offer “a few days” for the U.S. to “mediate and prevent nuclear conflict.”

look man, millitary machine is like iron if you don't use it time by time it will get rust ....there is no sure short measurement with which we can say who is number 1 2 3 etc.....but we can have an idea given the recent past millitary history of that country, pakistan has been in war for last 40 years and has hell lot of strategy experience now compared to italy...weapons, surely italy has superior weapon.....intelligence....have you ever heard of italian intelligence, but surely of ISI....war gives you experience of how to survive....with the passage of time italian and most of the eurpoe,s millitary is becoming Mummy daddy millitary.......they have not expoerienced war, their population is not ready for war...they do not support war... on the other hand pakistani population gives finger to every one continiously.:hitwall:.........when you come to most powerfulll militaries of the world with fighting capabilities then the scenerio changes dramatically, but when you take just weapons into accout then you get this list.....once again we cannot say who is supperior, untill we are actually in war....so this list is absolute bullshit except top 3.

Pakistan ISI only works in South Asia.Italy is a developed country that have state of art weapons.They also have friends both in shadow and light.ISI cant event prevent TTP actions .How can you defeat an EU nations that is light years ahead than you?
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every nation on earth has an army, there is a difference between a country ready for war and a country,s population ready for war......a country loses war when it,s population stops supporting it......and population ready for war is just one factor of many others....it does not make one,s millitary superior...it,s just a millitary backing for long term war.....that,s it.... because if your population does not support you, you cannot fight a long time war...

go play some where else boy, i was talking about pak and italy, and you took india in it..... i said india will be down because allainces changes everything.....the whole scene but it seems that you cannot understand it.....so best of luck to you being a 4th number.lox

If they have ageing population they can find out other means to win a war.Technology is their answer.Now dont tell Pakistan technology is better than Italy.
How come North Korea isn't included in the list? After all they have a standing army of over 1,106,000 active personnel.

As of 2013, with 9,495,000 active, reserve, and paramilitary personnel, it is the largest military organization on earth. This number represents nearly 40% of the population, and is the numeric equivalent of the entire population between ages 20 and 45.

As of 1996, major combat units consisted of 153 divisions and brigades, including 60 infantry divisions/brigades, 25 mechanized infantry brigades, 13 tank brigades, 25 Special Operation Force (SOF) brigades and 30 artillery brigades. North Korea deployed ten corps including sixty divisions and brigades in the forward area south of the Pyongyang-Wonsan line.
No they're not. Russia, India, China even Indonesia can strike Italy with air assets. But do you really believe that they could make it back to home after the strike? Or NATO&US would allow and Indian surface combatant to pass through Suez Canal if the fleet aims to attack a European country? How many "hours" can a country from Asia (expect for China and Russia) last a war in Medditearian against Italy even without NATO assistance? The same for Italy, if they had gone to Asia, so does Turkey. It's not because how mighty they are. It's just that Asian (not RF&PRC) countries are not capable of conducting combat operations in Meddittearian, getting beaten by geographics. No logistics, no victory. That's the backbone of overseas operations worldwide.

Thats right .That is the reasons for some countries considerably invested in CBG groups.Now only US have that capability.Within few years you can see China capability in that.At present case China also cant attack EU.Russia dont need navy .They can use their army.India may have 5CBG in around in 2035.But we strictly follow NAM.So it will stay in Indian Ocean:-)

look man, millitary machine is like iron if you don't use it time by time it will get rust ....there is no sure short measurement with which we can say who is number 1 2 3 etc.....but we can have an idea given the recent past millitary history of that country, pakistan has been in war for last 40 years and has hell lot of strategy experience now compared to italy...weapons, surely italy has superior weapon.....intelligence....have you ever heard of italian intelligence, but surely of ISI....war gives you experience of how to survive....with the passage of time italian and most of the eurpoe,s millitary is becoming Mummy daddy millitary.......they have not expoerienced war, their population is not ready for war...they do not support war... on the other hand pakistani population gives finger to every one continiously.:hitwall:.........when you come to most powerfulll militaries of the world with fighting capabilities then the scenerio changes dramatically, but when you take just weapons into accout then you get this list.....once again we cannot say who is supperior, untill we are actually in war....so this list is absolute bullshit except top 3.

For fighting a long time war you need a strong economy.Italy's economy is strong and they dont run their economy through IMF or aid.I dont know about Pakistan.Technology also play a role in that.Well then you can imagine the outcome
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