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Give Pervez Musharraf Support

Musharraf was the biggest disaster we had ever in history He made whole nation slave of American we had civil war in Pakistan because of his disastrous policies Baluchistan on fire he did LAL Masjid operation the biggest blunder because of him 35000 Pakistanis killed in war on terror he founded corrupt Q league and also made billions himself also gave the gift of load shedding and economy was a complete lie and it was bound to get exposed and it got exposed and the policy of Enlightened moderation was another blunder and failure

And you talking about lies :unsure:
Musharraf’s self-exile leaves loyalists disillusioned
Some leaders of the All Pakistan Muslim League (APML), a party founded by former military ruler Pervez Musharraf, are said to be facing mounting uncertainty.

“If Musharraf does not return to Pakistan, they (APML leaders) are not going to contest in the upcoming general elections,” a close aide of Musharraf, who also served as a federal minister during then prime minister Shaukat Aziz’s cabinet, told The Express Tribune.

“Musharraf has pushed us into a blind alley by deciding not to return to Pakistan,” he said, adding that he was contemplating distancing himself from the party and even quitting politics altogether.

Another senior member of the party also says there’s a slim chance of the APML participating in the elections. He said many party workers were disillusioned when Musharraf did not address, leave alone attend, the rally taken out against lawlessness and load shedding in Sargodha last week.

Senior APML leader Zahid Sarfraz, who led the rally, decided to part ways with APML after Musharraf did not attend his call.

Key leader Dr Amjad met with Musharraf in Dubai recently and urged the former ruler to come back to Pakistan to expedite APML’s efforts for participating in the general elections.

Amjad, however, said he himself will now focus on social welfare programmes rather than his political career. Lamenting growing resentment among party workers, Amjad noted the APML can only grow if its top leadership stays in the country.

A leader of APML’s Punjab chapter, Javed Badar, also resigned recently. “A few so-called leaders have hijacked the party and are hoodwinking Musharraf for their own vested interests,” alleged Badar.

Others who have bid the APML goodbye are Sher Afgan Niazi and Fawad Chaudhry, while Hanook Bhatti switched to the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf a few days ago.

APML’s central leader Ahmed Raza Kasuri, however, is quick to brush aside all such speculations. “Musharraf will certainly come back,” said a confident Kasuri.

His view is that the general elections will be delayed and held after a long interim set-up. He added that his party will reorganise itself during this time.

Political analyst Raza Rumi said that Musharraf has an uncertain political future in any case.

He said that in light current circumstances, where the Pakistan Peoples Party wants to prosecute Musharraf and the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz wants to avenge its top leadership’s exile, opportunist politicos are starting to jump ship.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 18th, 2012.

Only some retard can believe this stupid Media coverage.

All those who know a bit of politics and about APML, would know that Fawad Chaudry was the one who left party because he was urging Musharraf not to return and while the other party memebers at that time gave opinion in favour of returning, he decided to return. But after his announcement, situation in Pakistan changed with Memo-issue, Supreme court, etc so his Party advised him not to return for now.

This is obviously understandable for somebody who knows even ABC of how politics works and especially in Pakistan.

At the end it is the success of an objective that one measured on and that makes a difference to anything, NOT any emotional decision in haste to waste time and lose the oppertunity. His coming back now would be indeed a wastage of oppertunity for him as the Goverment will probably confine him to his house and not let him run the political campaign.

If ending up in Jail and not fearing from Jail is criteria of one's abilities and charachter, then Zardari beats everybody. He spent 9 years in Jail.

While every Musharaf fan credits him for the economic growth, the fact is that there was nothing done by him for the growth of the economy. His failed attempt to register most business under sales tax act with the help of army was no more than a joke and an epic fail.

The temporary growth came because he sold Pakistans' sovereignity in the form of unconditional support to US and allies for destruction neighbour Muslim soverign country Afghanistan.

The aid, rescheduling of loans, writing-off of loans by many countries, easing or export restrictions/quotas/favourable import terms plus the generous aid by the world community because of 2005 earthquake, was the major reason for $ inflow and increase in reserves.

Had that been a real growth economy would'nt have nose dived in the later part of his tenure.

So, NO he did nothing for the grtowth of the Pakistan's economy. Besides he is too full of himself, he doesn't even have the attiquets to talk on tv shows, he sounds like every one else in Pakistan is an idioot except him.

I am not even mentioning his personal traits which alone disqualify him from holding any govenrnment office according to Pakistan constitution, and the worst of it all, his last words when he left, "Pakistan ka Khuda Hi Hafiz".

Shame on him, shame on him, shame on him. If he has an ounce of integrity left in him he should shoot himself in the head and that too outside Pakistan so that this pak land is not kept free of his .... reamins.

Some retarded comments about economy. You must know what you are talking about. Look at the tax-base % in Musharraf era. Without imposing any new tax, the tax base was increase to a level like never before. And your stupid comment about aid, it was far less than what Pakistan gets now under Kerry Luger bill. So if that was making Pak richer, why the hell is not know?
Musharraf was a good thing happened to Pakistan, but in the end it was turn out to be a bad thing for Pakistan (considering the positives he did for the country, and the negatives what made him leave the chair in the end). For me if it was not Imran Khan, I'd support Musharraf over anybody.

Please share!

BTW, Pervez Musharraf fan page and APML Official pages on facebook are back. They were hacked by some low life $(*^@.



Please share!...................

Who is the "gadha" who wrote this crap? Surely NOT a general.

"Cheif" instead of "Chief" twice
"didnt" instead of "didn't" thrice
"biasedness" instead of "bias"
"activisits" instead of "activists"
"charcteristics" instead of "characteristics"
Who is the "gadha" who wrote this crap? Surely NOT a general.

"Cheif" instead of "Chief" twice
"didnt" instead of "didn't" thrice
"biasedness" instead of "bias"
"charcteristics" instead of "characteristics"

Found this on FB. Does spell check matter? NO. The message is important.

All of it is the truth.
Musharraf’s self-exile leaves loyalists disillusioned
Some leaders of the All Pakistan Muslim League (APML), a party founded by former military ruler Pervez Musharraf, are said to be facing mounting uncertainty.

“If Musharraf does not return to Pakistan, they (APML leaders) are not going to contest in the upcoming general elections,” a close aide of Musharraf, who also served as a federal minister during then prime minister Shaukat Aziz’s cabinet, told The Express Tribune.

“Musharraf has pushed us into a blind alley by deciding not to return to Pakistan,” he said, adding that he was contemplating distancing himself from the party and even quitting politics altogether.

Another senior member of the party also says there’s a slim chance of the APML participating in the elections. He said many party workers were disillusioned when Musharraf did not address, leave alone attend, the rally taken out against lawlessness and load shedding in Sargodha last week.

Senior APML leader Zahid Sarfraz, who led the rally, decided to part ways with APML after Musharraf did not attend his call.

Key leader Dr Amjad met with Musharraf in Dubai recently and urged the former ruler to come back to Pakistan to expedite APML’s efforts for participating in the general elections.

Amjad, however, said he himself will now focus on social welfare programmes rather than his political career. Lamenting growing resentment among party workers, Amjad noted the APML can only grow if its top leadership stays in the country.

A leader of APML’s Punjab chapter, Javed Badar, also resigned recently. “A few so-called leaders have hijacked the party and are hoodwinking Musharraf for their own vested interests,” alleged Badar.

Others who have bid the APML goodbye are Sher Afgan Niazi and Fawad Chaudhry, while Hanook Bhatti switched to the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf a few days ago.

APML’s central leader Ahmed Raza Kasuri, however, is quick to brush aside all such speculations. “Musharraf will certainly come back,” said a confident Kasuri.

His view is that the general elections will be delayed and held after a long interim set-up. He added that his party will reorganise itself during this time.

Political analyst Raza Rumi said that Musharraf has an uncertain political future in any case.

He said that in light current circumstances, where the Pakistan Peoples Party wants to prosecute Musharraf and the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz wants to avenge its top leadership’s exile, opportunist politicos are starting to jump ship.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 18th, 2012.


MUSHI will never come back! because he is a coward a loser that destroyed this nation and like zia brought in gun culture this Dog brought in suicide bombming culture! and he also gave kalam to taliban control!!
Don't understand why Pakistanis are so dismissive of Musharraf.
Especially with the current circumstances and severe loadshedding, surely, you have to admit his era was far better than the current bunch of Zardari cronies.

People don't want to accept it, because, APPARENTLY, we've had better leaders??
Nope, we don't, he was one of the best, if not the best we had on the job. A true patriot and leader.

All the people criticizing him haven't even achieved even 1% of what he has in his life and what he has done for Pakistan serving the army and fightning in the previous war(s) with India.

I can't help but pity some losers who haven't achieved sh--t in their lives, dare to insult Musharraf as if he is some animal, while Musharraf had served the nation almost throughout his entire life.

Ofcourse, he made mistakes, he was under alot of pressure, especially back then when the Americans were on our neck, and still are.

But if you look today, we are nothing but servants/dogs under the American regime, and I do remember things used to be more evened out in the past, we were seen more as equal on the bargaining table, despite American arrogance.

Nowadays, the current lot in charge have sold us out COMPLETELY.

The people whining about Musharraf, I dare say that if he had not interfered and done a coup, our country would be f--king bankrupt due to Nawaz Sharif's incompetence.

Surely Musharraf did not become a "dictator" just because he was power hungry, because he felt that Pakistan could not continue like this and needed to be put back on track, which he DID, regardless of what you want to say, he DID put us back on track economically, only for the progress to be destroyed by PPP and our own people who "love democracy".

The hell with democracy, if the majority of our people are illiterates and plain stupid, which it shows because PPP is in charge and look what the current state of affairs is, then clearly we are better off with army rule or a dictator who is not corrupt.
Though I was upset with the "deal" Mush did with BB and co he was certainly preferable to PNA and PPP donkeys and thieves
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