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Gilani "Imran has no future in Pakistan" (I loled)

lets be asure that people wouldnt lose its votes until people gets their sense.
the cruial role will be the youth. WILL ALL the youth go to the trouble to vote him and ask their parents to do so , if yes
he can then bring a change..
remember the turn out is less than 40% in most areas. the unaccounted 60% may count!!

second is the foreign pakistani we have atleast 10 million of them this time they have a cahnce to vote.

thirdly some educated people will have to decide whether they want to vote to the past(bhutto) or present
I will honestly give up on Pakistan if anyone other than Imran Khan is elected as PM.

I can second that...... I fully expect the worst election fraud in history with old voters list to be used. However if people still don't come out and protest on the streets for their removal, them they deserve their fate.

Just wait till Pakistan defaults on its loan repayments in 2014 when the payments are due and the US is scheduled to leave Afghanistan, like the soviet withdrawal we immediately came under sanctions, and this time it directly involves the US.

Pakistan will be like a Zimbabwe who went to sleep in high inflation but when the woke up the price for aata will be 2,00,000 rupees a kilo, by then it will be toooooo late
wow.. what an idiotic answer about the question 3rd of Pakistanis wants to leave the country. ''why don't they leave then? who is stopping them?''
He is right, honest people have no future in Pakistan, be they politicians or students
This PPP government thinks, that getting elected by 25 % of the country means they are immune to all the laws, and the country should go forward according to the vision of Bhutto!!!

When SC made a decision, they said that un elected force trying to force an elected force out.

When people are on the streets, jamhuri istehkam, gets all messed up.

This guy needs to be kept quite. He is a convict until an appeal is made, period.

BTW, he got stuck for 5 hours yesterday in traffic in London, him and Cameron were sitting in same car, and the UK PM does not go in a motorcade, just his car, and one behind him, and one front. Hope Gilani learns a thing or two.
This PPP government thinks, that getting elected by 25 % of the country means they are immune to all the laws, and the country should go forward according to the vision of Bhutto!!!
Bhutto must be turning in his grave hearing it was his vision

last 30 second of the video are a must watch...

she said 1/3 of the population wants to leave the country

Gilani said why dont they leave then? and smiled...

Watch from 3:10-3:30. The reporter is asking Gilani to 'look at her in the Eye'... look at Gilani's face
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I will honestly give up on Pakistan if anyone other than Imran Khan is elected as PM.

Well C the problem is you think Imran khan is god..Or else u wouldn't even thought of giving up on your country...

This is the Problem with Pti fans.It's the worst gesture then PPP Or anyother political party today in Pakistan.

DO u have an idea..In pakistan how much vote bank PPP have? ..Not taking PPP side i have only hate for them...DO u really think that Imran khan will able to get 1 seat in Karachi or even in whole sindh for that matter...

Just try to help your self and gather more Info on the person u think is God...U giving up on Pakistan won't make a dam difference to pakistan..Seat tight and hold light Peace
Of course when Pakistan is rued by the corrupt, convicted & Zionist politicians there is no chance that he will ever win. Apparently there is a deal between PML-N & PPP that they will support each other & they will play with Pakistan turn by turn, so PML-N is winning the next elections. Our Pakistan continues to die every day thanks to these massively corrupt Zionist politicians & the people of Pakistan are living in the fantasy world of Bollywood, Indian Media & of course they are sleeping.
Well, here's the thing.

PPP has its support in Sindh.

PMLN has its support in Punjab, even though it's a bit shaken.

Thing is, at the very most, Imran can play the kingmaker. He might even become the PM but he will have to take support from many other parties, which means he will not be able to bring any substantial change which requires absolute majority.

It's like saying that Modi will someday become the PM.

BJP will never be able to gather enough seats on its own to make Modi the PM. Plain and simple.
Watch from 3:10-3:30. The reporter is asking Gilani to 'look at her in the Eye'... look at Gilani's face

If you see the last 20 seconds when she asks him the 1/3 of the population wanting to leave, as he gives his reply, just look at the stunned expression of the lady......WTF
oh %HIT! Why don't they leave the country.. who's stopping them????? This is PRIME MINISTER OF COUNTRY TALKING ABOUT ITS OWN COUNTRYMEN!

on him and leaders like him, LA#ENATULLAH ELAISH WA AJMAEEEEEN!

last 30 second of the video are a must watch...

she said 1/3 of the population wants to leave the country

Gilani said why dont they leave then? and smiled...
Even the Reporter was literally shocked by his statement.These people have no shame.These people really deserve to be hanged by the balls.
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