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Germany considers lifting 'Mein Kampf' ban

After WW1, we all know what Germany looked like and how Hitler transformed it.

The Versailles treaty did not make Germany into an "agrarian state". Thats a total exaggeration

The Third Reich was 30 years ahead in tech compared to the then US and USSR. The biggest mistake Hitler and Rommel made was to strike at everyone all out at the same time. Technically, Germany and Japan were holding out all alone, while Italy was a useless baggage of no consequence other than silly little parades in Rome and probably a few north African countries.

Thats another myth and a blunt generalization.

Sure, the Germans were slightly ahead in some areas like rocket science but in many cases, the Allies had comparable or better knowledge. The allies had better radar technology, knowledge about computers etc etc.

French tanks like the Char B1 were vastly superior to more than 3/4 of the German panzer corps during the Battle of France (The Germans won due to superior tactics not machines).

The Soviets and American had successful heavy tanks like the KV1 or Pershing, but unlike the Germans, they did not waste resources on heavy, less mobile and complicated machines and concentrated on mass production of Sherman and T 34 tanks.

Same goes for the British, who also had jet engines before WW2, but they concentrated primarily on piston engine fighters instead of allocating scarce resources on prototypes.

In short: The Germans frantically (often against the will of German commanders) tried to get highly experimental technology operational, despite the fact that they never had the resources nor the industrial capabilities to do this.

Just because the Allies put more emphasis on tried and more available equipment, it does not mean that they did not have it!

One on one, neither US nor USSR would have stood a chance against Germany.

Highly dubious.

Once the Soviets reached their full industrial potential, Germany`s could not keep up with it. Even if they had sacked Moscow, the Russians would have done the same as they did when Napoleon sacked Moscow: Moving further and further to the east and waiting for the moment to counterattack.

Besides, the more territory the Nazis occupied, the more they had to fight with resistance.

The role of resistance movements during WW2 is extremely underplayed.
The Versailles treaty did not make Germany into an "agrarian state". Thats a total exaggeration

Same goes for the British, who also had jet engines before WW2, but they concentrated primarily on piston engine fighters instead of allocating scarce resources on prototypes.

In short: The Germans frantically (often against the will of German commanders) tried to get highly experimental technology operational, despite the fact that they never had the resources nor the industrial capabilities to do this.

Just because the Allies put more emphasis on tried and more available equipment, it does not mean that they did not have it!

The Germans were the first ones to invent jet engines, dude. What are you talking about?
Today USA does the same and fellow Indians go all starry eyed and rainbow mouthed with full admiration. What US adopted was EXACTLY what the Third Reich was; except the jew hatred and the race theory.

Indians don't hate Hitler. Simple reason is that he had helped our heroic freedom fighter fight against the colonial rule, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. That invokes a sense of gratitude and warmth among Indians.

1.) Comparing it with the USA is wrong. The 3rd Reichs economy would have collapsed if it had not declared war on everyone to get its debts paid. The USA is a free market economy and a democracy, and not a fascist state which nationalized entire industries, lowered wages and even ran on slave labour to fuel its war efforts. The list of economic nonsense is almost endless!

2.) Netaji was socialist, he was actually shocked when the Germans attacked the USSR. The reason why he did not go to Soviets in the first place was because they thought he was a British spy.

Netaji himself realized what kind of maniac Hitler was...

The Germans were the first ones to invent jet engines, dude. What are you talking about?

Another common myth. The British had the technology at the same time! Some say even a little bit before the Germans.

The History of the Jet Engine - Sir Frank Whittle - Hans Von Ohain
Yes, the Germans were the first to put them into combat, but the British could have done the same.... but instead of wasting resources on highly experimental technology, they invested in tested and tried technology.

BTW: They did eventually introduce Gloster Meteor jet fighters before WW2 ended. But only as experimental units.
Everything that Hitler invested in was meant for one thing only: Total war! Business, from the small ones to the biggest ones were slowly transformed to war fuelling industries.
So, again, how was Germany's economy prepared for "total war"?? :coffee:
How so?? Do elaborate because i beg to differ.

Hitler never made any secrets of his plans about Lebensraum (living space in the east) and other intentions of invading countless other territories.

Many many statements by him, made in his book Mein Kampf also support this.

The German economy could have never managed to survive without plundering other nations with its insane amounts of debt, the artificially altered prices and wages, centralization, nationalization of entire industries etc etc

So, again, how was Germany's economy prepared for "total war"?? :coffee:

Ok, total war was maybe not what Hitler intended.... but that does not change much. One has to count with a world war if you recklessly try to conquer one country after the other while committing mass murders and other violations of international law.
Thats just plain wrong.

1.) Germany managed to catch up pretty quickly in the late 19th and early 20th century in terms of industrialization.

2.) The industrial output of Germany was never on par with the real industrial giants: The USA and the USSR.

3.) The "great statesman" was indeed responsible for bringing Germany economic growth, infrastructure and less unemployment.

But why is nobody thinking about the cost or at least the reason for all this?

Everything that Hitler invested in was meant for one thing only: Total war! Business, from the small ones to the biggest ones were slowly transformed to war fuelling industries.

Of course unemployment falls drastically with such measures and obviously, Germany was only able to pull this off by taking insane amount of debts, which were supposed to be paid by plundering and pillaging other countries and bringing death, destruction and countless other evils to others.

total bullshit. Hitler brought nothing to germany. Who tells such myths? Germany was already the leading nation in science and technology lomg before hitler. Where you think all those scientists like Heisenberg, Schrödinger or Einstein came from? Germany was already the leading powerhouse before WWI.
1.) Comparing it with the USA is wrong. The 3rd Reichs economy would have collapsed if it had not declared war on everyone to get its debts paid.

False, when Hitler took over he disconnected Germany's economy from the financial system led by Britain and America. Hitler nationalized Germany's central bank by bringing it under gov.t control and he began printing his own money after he abandoned the devalued and worthless German Mark.

He created what is now known as a Autarky and in doing so he actually created a entirely new economic model which allowed Germany to trade with other nations in goods, eg German tractors for Romanian oil, or German medicine for cocoa from South America, etc

In fact, it was FDR who needed war to justify mass production and thus create massive jobs in the USA because unlike Germany America was still stuck in the depression with massive unemployment and suicides with rise in criminal organizations.
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total bullshit. Hitler brought nothing to germany. Who tells such myths? Germany was already the leading nation in science and technology lomg before hitler. Where you think all those scientists like Heisenberg, Schrödinger or Einstein came from? Germany was already the leading powerhouse before WWI.

Where did I say that he brought much to Germany anyways`?
Hitler never made any secrets of his plans about Lebensraum (living space in the east) and other intentions of invading countless other territories.

Many many statements by him, made in his book Mein Kampf also support this.

In Europe, particularly all Eastern and Central European countries viewed the Soviet Union as a threat, LONG BEFORE Hitler even came into the picture. There was bound to be a massive military clash between Soviet Union and Eastern/Central European countries. Hitler only viewed the lebensraum as a side effect, or a beneficial outcome of such a struggle if the Europeans should come out victorious.

The German economy could have never managed to survive without plundering other nations with its insane amounts of debt, the artificially altered prices and wages, centralization, nationalization of entire industries etc etc

No entire industris were brought under gov.t control. Only the central bank was brought under control. Krupp was still owned by the Krupp family, etc. Secondly, before Britain and France declared war on Germany, Hitler only annexed territory that was previously a part of Germany before the Treat of Versailles.How could he have plundered territory that belonged to the Germans for 700 years.

Ok, total war was maybe not what Hitler intended.... but that does not change much. One has to count with a world war if you recklessly try to conquer one country after the other while committing mass murders and other violations of international law.

Hitler least of all wanted a war in Europe against Britain and France. After the Germans defeated France Hitler allowed the French to retain their colonies, battleships, and other assets (Churchill on the contrary ordered royal Navy to sink French ships). He actually proposed a very generous deal to the Poles before the war started to persuade them to give back to Germany the territory which belonged to her pre-Treaty of Versailles.
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who cares? Its not published in germany. Thats the goal.
the goal don't serve any purpose , if preventing damage is the goal , then you must disprove it not ban it .
the discussion on what the book imply would have controlled the damage the book could have made far better than banning it. in Germany everybody is just some click away from the book and also since when every body human do is legal.
the goal don't serve any purpose , if preventing damage is the goal , then you must disprove it not ban it .
the discussion on what the book imply would have controlled the damage the book could have made far better than banning it. in Germany everybody is just some click away from the book and also since when every body human do is legal.

says someone coming from a country where evrything funny is banned. :)
says someone coming from a country where evrything funny is banned. :)
well , I'm from where is irrelevant but for the record ,Unlike you I don't support banning , because I knew it's useless

by the way , the notion of German economy would have collapsed without invading others is simple wrong .
you can say that about japan because they didn't have the necessary resources and USA strategy prevented them from importing what they needed but Germany didn't had such dilemma
well , I'm from where is irrelevant but for the record ,Unlike you I don't support banning , because I knew it's useless

by the way , the notion of German economy would have collapsed without invading others is simple wrong .
you can say that about japan because they didn't have the necessary resources and USA strategy prevented them from importing what they needed but Germany didn't had such dilemma

Mein Kampf is not banned in Germany. You can have it. Its just not printed because the state owns the rights and decided to not allow any legal prints in germany. Thats not a ban, thats simply copyright law
In Europe, particularly all Eastern and Central European countries viewed the Soviet Union as a threat, LONG BEFORE Hitler even came into the picture. There was bound to be a massive military clash between Soviet Union and Eastern/Central European countries. Hitler only viewed the lebensraum as a side effect, or a beneficial outcome of such a struggle if the Europeans should come out victorious.

No entire industris were brought under gov.t control. Only the central bank was brought under control. Krupp was still owned by the Krupp family, etc. Secondly, before Britain and France declared war on Germany, Hitler only annexed territory that was previously a part of Germany before the Treat of Versailles.How could he have plundered territory that belonged to the Germans for 700 years.

Hitler least of all wanted a war in Europe against Britain and France. After the Germans defeated France Hitler allowed the French to retain their colonies, battleships, and other assets (Churchill on the contrary ordered royal Navy to sink French ships). He actually proposed a very generous deal to the Poles before the war started to persuade them to give back to Germany the territory which belonged to her pre-Treaty of Versailles.

1.) That is not an excuse for what Hitler did in the end. Yes, there was a threat perception among many countries, but no one planned to invade the USSR... and no one certainly viewed the Eastern European people as sub humans who could be dislocated, butchered or used as slave labour.

2) Germany could have not survived for an extended amount of time with being "self sufficient" (which it never was) and I agree, it was wrong to say that they nationalized entire industries, but they did heavily interfered in the economy especially by spending insane amounts of money they did not have.

3.) It does hardly matter what a maniac like Hitler actually wanted. What did he expect would happen after he invaded a sovereign Poland after staging false flag ops to justify it? And Poland was not the first country to fall prey to him.
Everything, from his anti human rhetoric to his aggressive foreign policy made it impossible for the other powers to just sit back and watch. In fact they should have acted much earlier.

And concerning Poland, why should anyone with self respect and sovereignty accept such ridiculous offers made by a totalitarian fascist terror state, which openly declared your own people as useless sub humans?
Hell its available all over the world , not to mentions footpaths (pirated versions) in India. Also its available on the net. :)
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