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German WW2 and pre-WW2 March Songs

This is a rationalization of a crime, the invasion of Belgium was not justified by anything except the fact that the Schlieffen Plan called for it. Was that sufficient reason to violate the neutrality of a small nation which was militarily nowhere in the league of a state geared for war from the eighteenth century onwards?

The rationalization of the German response to Versailles is personal and petty in the extreme. What did your family, which owned a big civil shipping company since Napoleonic times, traded, carried passengers and hunted whales, do to prevent the war, or to stop German atrocities during the war? In what way was their burden worse than that of other, poorer, less prominent families? In what way, actually, was their contribution to peace more than that of other, poorer, less prominent families? And how did your family's personal misfortune become a justification for National Socialism?

It was either National Socialism or starvation to death, try to analyse it than not now, you will find that history speaks for itself.
It was rather totally capitulate or die starving:

Hitler rescued German economy before WWII

The history of the economic crisis in Germany before the Second World War began with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. The WWI winners deprived the country of a part of its territories with three-quarters of iron ore reserves. German was supposed to pay $33 billion of reparations.

Germany plunged into the chaos of inflation. One US dollar cost 4.2 trillion Deutsch Marks. People were lining up for food brings bags of money along.

Hitler rescued German economy before WWII - English pravda.ru
For those who delight in spectacle and regalia, and ignore the bestiality that fascist systems encompass, no amount of history is good enough. There were excellent politicians and political initiatives in Germany before Hitler and the National Socialists, and the story of their betrayal is also clearly recorded in history. For those who want to read about the truth, of course, not for those who delight in the anti-Semitic aspects of National Socialism, for contemporary reasons of their own. Talking about history to such crypto-fascists is a waste of time.
Some evidence please! (if you have any, rather than gratuitous blasphemy or Zionist arse licking) Since we are all here to learn new things and understand better.
Some evidence please! (if you have any, rather than gratuitous blasphemy or Zionist arse licking) Since we are all here to learn new things and understand better.

No. No evidence. You are one of the four with whom I have concluded that rational discussion is not possible.

The terms you use display your antecedents and why responding to you is a waste of time.
No. No evidence. You are one of the four with whom I have concluded that rational discussion is not possible.

The terms you use display your antecedents and why responding to you is a waste of time.

You seem to have forgotten the - Ir- before Rational discussion.
If you were the least rational why would you answer me and with no facts nor evidences at all. just put people you can not argue with on you ignore list, that is why it is there, or get up to the challenge backed by facts.

Back to topic:

May I sincerely recommend to you the book by Julien Benda, "La Trahison des Clercs"?

The summary I read sounded very promising, so I ordered it, thank you very much!

Why do you say so?

Because the thesis that the "mastermind" Bismarck seeked a war with Denmark since 1862 was refuted a long time ago. He didn't acted - but reacted to the entirely incompetent foreign policy and national hubris of the manic-depressive Danish primeminister Monrad and his mentally deficient minister of war Lundbye. Not too long ago, the Dansh historian Tom Buk-Swienty released an interesting book about the incredible incompetence of the Danish leadership at that time. In time of conflict, the residents of Schleswig and Holstein always predominantly chose the German side since the establishment of the diocese Schleswig by Kaiser Otto l. in 947. The first German-Danish war was a revolution of the people with the goal of home rule.

The war with Austria-Hungary, at the time of the war the Holy Roman Empire, was rather obviously at the initiative of Prussia, was it not?

You are talking about the Prussian-German war, right? If so, yes, because prospects of victory now were promising. But it would be rather foolish to think Austria-Hungary wouldn't have seized the opportunity if the initial situation would have been the other way around.

Finally, all room for reasonable doubt vanishes in the case of the French. That was an out-and-out entrapment, to the extent of fabrication and forgery. I was not aware that it was viewed as a war with equally culpable protagonists.

Napoleon lll. and his cabinet had to cover up his domestic political shortcoming through foreign policy saber-rattling. When the Spanish royal family declared a Hohenzollern as heir to the throne, the French foreign minister von Gramont spoke out a barely veiled threat of war, whereupon the Prussian king and prince withdraw their candidature. This already was a great French diplomatic win over Prussia. But instead of considering themselves satisfied, Gramont and the French nationalists now demanded an apology by the Prussian king and a guarantee to never again accept a Spanish succession to the throne. That has to be understood as an untold affront in it's temporal context. Now we probably both know about the Ems Dispatch but you are still aware that the French were the ones who, due to domestic politcal pressure, thereupon declared war on Prussia?

Since you mention the importance of integration into the European Community as being the critical factor in the harmonisation of Germany with the rest of Europe, you must already be familiar with the history of the formation of the community, and must have noted the formation of the European Coal and Steel Community first, incorporating the important coal- and steel-bearing areas of West Germany into a common union before all other measures. The parallel with the French occupation of the Saar in the earlier instance is presumably clear.

That is an interesting, almost funny parallel but I don't really follow it.

I will broadly ignore the reduction of the German Golden Twenties as some kind of "sick" Sodom and Gomorra and the depiction of Hitler as a German patriot in favor of the people who stated them. Just keep in mind that there will be a comedown to every rush - political craze being no exception.
There was something eerie about the Nazis. Those who hate them and those who like them... none can forget them.
HÖLDERLIN;3219979 said:
The summary I read sounded very promising, so I ordered it, thank you very much!

Apart from the content, which could possibly be the credo for an intellectual, if that role admits anything as restrictive as a credo, you may find the historical context of the book amusing. It was, after all, written in 1927.

HÖLDERLIN;3219979 said:
Because the thesis that the "mastermind" Bismarck seeked a war with Denmark since 1862 was refuted a long time ago. He didn't acted - but reacted to the entirely incompetent foreign policy and national hubris of the manic-depressive Danish primeminister Monrad and his mentally deficient minister of war Lundbye. Not too long ago, the Dansh historian Tom Buk-Swienty released an interesting book about the incredible incompetence of the Danish leadership at that time. In time of conflict, the residents of Schleswig and Holstein always predominantly chose the German side since the establishment of the diocese Schleswig by Kaiser Otto l. in 947. The first German-Danish war was a revolution of the people with the goal of home rule.

The point must be conceded that there was very strong feeling at least in Holstein, perhaps to a lesser degree in Schleswig, for various historical and ethnic reasons, about their relations with Denmark. Having said that, we must also remember that administrative and constitutional arrangements in both duchies, still organised by Estate, were significantly behind those prevailing in Denmark proper. It was not as much a victory for the people as a victory for the local rulers of the people.

It is also useful to remember that, technically, Holstein was part of the (Holy Roman) Empire, Schleswig was not.

In addition, what you have termed the 'incredible incompetence' of the Danish leadership extended to its military. The retreat from the Dannevirke reflected poorly on their commander, de Meza. The Danes, as always, fought well, but were forced to defend every position without the flexibility of manoeuvre (an ironic play-forward to the German military situation in the last days of WWII), and paid the price.

Since the discussion started with Versailles, you will remember that Danish anger against German conscription of their young men in Schleswig, and the slaughter of those young men in the trenches, remained potent as recently as forty years ago.

Still on the subject of Versailles, Schleswig-Holstein continued to receive attention; at Versailles, some ethnic Danish pockets in Schleswig were returned to Denmark. Another black mark for Versailles.

But in essence, on the subject of the support of civilian people, especially those in the two duchies,kyou are right.

I would like to comment on the passage below separately.

However, at great risk of sounding condescending, it was astonishing to encounter such a thorough, detailed, nuanced familiarity with recent European history.

HÖLDERLIN;3219979 said:
You are talking about the Prussian-German war, right? If so, yes, because prospects of victory now were promising. But it would be rather foolish to think Aust,oreign policy saber-rattling. When the Spanish royal family declared a Hohenzollern as heir to the throne, the French foreign minister von Gramont spoke out a barely veiled threat of war, whereupon the Prussian king and prince withdraw their candidature. This already was a great French diplomatic win over Prussia. But instead of considering themselves satisfied, Gramont and the French nationalists now demanded an apology by the Prussian king and a guarantee to never again accept a Spanish succession to the throne. That has to be understood as an untold affront in it's temporal context. Now we probably both know about the Ems Dispatch but you are still aware that the French were the ones who, due to domestic politcal pressure, thereupon declared war on Prussia?

That is an interesting, almost funny parallel but I don't really follow it.

I will broadly ignore the reduction of the German Golden Twenties as some kind of "sick" Sodom and Gomorra and the depiction of Hitler as a German patriot in favor of the people who stated them. Just keep in mind that there will be a comedown to every rush - political craze being no exception.
Als wir nach Frankreich zogen

Soldatenlied Als wir nach Frankreich zogen 1. WK - YouTube!

Josef v. Lauff, 1914
1. Als wir nach Frankreich zogen,
Wir waren unser drei:
Ein Schütze und ein Jäger
Und ich, der Fahnenträger
Der schweren Reiterei.

2. Drei Brüder und drei Herzen,
Der Fahne folgten sie.
Zu Lüttich auf dem Plane,
Da flüsterte die Fahne:
"Herr Jesus und Marie!"

3. Und als wir weiter zogen,
Wir waren unser zwei:
Ein Bückeburger Jäger
Und ich, der Fahnenträger
Der schweren Reiterei.
4. Zwei Brüder und zwei Herzen
Begrüßten Tau und Tag.
Am Abend purpurfarben
Zu Longwy in den Garben
Die Fahne "Amen" sprach.

5. Und als sie "Amen" sagte,
Riß noch ein Herz entzwei:
"Ade, mein lieber Jäger,
Dich grüßt der Fahnenträger
Der schweren Reiterei!"

6. "Ach Mutter, liebste Mutter,
Nur fest auf Gott gebaut!
Noch tut die Fahne schweben,
Die mir auf Tod und Leben
Mein Kaiser anvertraut."

7. Und flüstert sie einst leise:
"Nun gilt es dir, Gesell!",
Dann folgt der Fahnenträger
Dem großen Trommelschläger
Zum himmlischen Appell.
Zehntausend Mann

Lyrics in German:

|: Zehntausend Mann,
Die zogen ins Manöver; :|
|: Warum, vi di bum, :|
Die zogen ins Manöver,
Rum, vi di bum,
2. Da kamen sie
Beim Bauer ins Quartiere.
Warum . . . . .
3. Der Bauer hat
'ne wunderschöne Tochter.
Warum . . . . .
4. Bauer, Bauer!
Die möcht ich gerne haben.
Warum . . . . .
5. Reiter, Reiter!
Wie groß ist dein Vermögen?
Warum . . . . .
6. Bauer, Bauer!
Zwei Stiefel ohne Sohlen.
Warum . . . . .
7. Reiter, Reiter!
So kannst du sie nicht haben.
Warum . . . . .
8. Bauer, Bauer!
Ich will sie ja nicht haben.
Warum . . . . .
9. Bauer, Bauer!
Im Schwarzwald gibt's noch schönere.
Warum . . . . .
10. Schwarzbraunes Haar
Und rosenrote Wangen.
Warum . . . . .
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Two different versions of the same song of the German Volkssturm (People's army)

Volk ans Gewehr!

Another version:

Siehst du im Osten das Morgenrot?
Ein Zeichen zur Freiheit, zur Sonne!
Wir halten zusammen, auf Leben und Tod,
Lass' kommen, was immer da wolle!
Warum jetzt noch zweifeln,
Hört auf mit dem Hadern,
Denn noch fließt uns deutsches
Blut in den Adern.
|: Volk ans Gewehr! :|

Viele Jahre zogen ins Land,
Geknechtet das Volk und belogen.
Das Blut unsrer Brüder färbte den Sand,
Um heilige Rechte betrogen.
Im Volke geboren
Erstand uns ein Führer,
Gab Glaube und Hoffnung
An Deutschland uns wieder.
|: Volk ans Gewehr! :|

Jugend und Alter - Mann für Mann
Umklammern das Hakenkreuzbanner.
Ob Bürger, ob Bauer, ob Arbeitsmann,
Sie schwingen das Schwert und den Hammer
Für Hitler, für Freiheit,
Für Arbeit und Brot.
Deutschland erwache,
Ende die Not!
|: Volk ans Gewehr! :|
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A improved quality version of the Russland Lied, too bad they don't have accurate English lyrics for this masterpiece of a song.

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