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George W Bush taken to US court for his war crimes in Iraq.

Your opinion has no logic.

What you must mean is you dislike decisions duly made by the US Congress in support of requests to authorize and fund military actions of the US Government, after due processing for outside evaluation with and through the UN General Assembly.

You might also want to know that the US failed to get the same Resolution passed first thru and by the UN Security Council because Russia vetoed it there.

In turn, we or at least I do not like the criminal tolerance past and current governments of Pakistan show toward the Taliban and al Qaida, who murder the innocent people of both Pakistan and Afghanistan with abandon. If your government consistently, not on again, off again, cracked down on and wiped out those/these terrorists we would all have a better world to share and live in.


The U S military had every chance of containing the al qaeda and taliban in afghanmistan---they intentionally let them escape because they wanted the war to continue for awhile.

The UN resolution was passed by veiled threats from the united states---. There was no reason to attack iraq---.

The al qaeda attacked the u s----the murderer of 3000 amewricans was intentionally let to escpae thru the mountains---as a matter of fact he was given safe passage by the u s military for 48 hours to escape.

Col. sir---why don't you take care of the traitors who let these criminals escape.

For many a years---the u s govt stated that they had no interest left in OBL----OBL was left powerless----even the team hunting OBL was disbanded---. The u s president is on record making those comments against OBL.

Fix your house first---.
"The U S military had every chance of containing the al qaeda and taliban in afghanmistan---they intentionally let them escape because they wanted the war to continue for awhile."

This irrational comment makes intelligent response impossible.
"The U S military had every chance of containing the al qaeda and taliban in afghanmistan---they intentionally let them escape because they wanted the war to continue for awhile."

This irrational comment makes intelligent response impossible.


No sir---it don't---either out of sheer blunder and negligence---the u s military allowed CNN / Foxnews etc to show it live time on world tv the escaping al qaeda and taliban operatives into the mountains---or it was pre planned.

The world saw to its shock the u s give 48 hours reprieve to al qaeda / taliban twice during their escape----it is all on video sir.

Own up to it sir---the u s is the most incompetent military force that has ever existed in the history of mankind----its only saving grace is its sheers numbers and production capabilities against all odds through its massive industrial complex---.

No sir---it don't---either out of sheer blunder and negligence---the u s military allowed CNN / Foxnews etc to show it live time on world tv the escaping al qaeda and taliban operatives into the mountains---or it was pre planned.

The world saw to its shock the u s give 48 hours reprieve to al qaeda / taliban twice during their escape----it is all on video sir.

Own up to it sir---the u s is the most incompetent military force that has ever existed in the history of mankind----its only saving grace is its sheers numbers and production capabilities against all odds through its massive industrial complex---.

If as you claim "the world and you" saw what you think, then you are indeed deaf, dumb and blind.

Afghan mercenaries in the hire of the US and our Western allies simply refused to close the loop and kill Osama bin Laden...and instead "let their Muslim brother escape."

US had at the peak of this operation maybe 100 armed operatives vs. thousands of Afghans in our hire who refused to close the loop.

Further, you fail to address the cold fact that Osama bin Laden was allowed to hide in plain site near Quetta. AND Pakistan's judicial system caved to terrorist pressure/threats and arrested the Pakistani patriot, hero, man of great honor who helped the US identify finally where bin Laden was holding up...in plain sight!

Your inability to see, recognize and accept these bitter truths...people of both Pakistan and Afghanistan aided and abetted bin Laden repeatedly.

WE were lucky to finally, against all odds of kinsman religious "affinity" to find and kill the world's greatest monster since Hitler.
If as you claim "the world and you" saw what you think, then you are indeed deaf, dumb and blind.

Afghan mercenaries in the hire of the US and our Western allies simply refused to close the loop and kill Osama bin Laden...and instead "let their Muslim brother escape."

US had at the peak of this operation maybe 100 armed operatives vs. thousands of Afghans in our hire who refused to close the loop.

Further, you fail to address the cold fact that Osama bin Laden was allowed to hide in plain site near Quetta. AND Pakistan's judicial system caved to terrorist pressure/threats and arrested the Pakistani patriot, hero, man of great honor who helped the US identify finally where bin Laden was holding up...in plain sight!

Your inability to see, recognize and accept these bitter truths...people of both Pakistan and Afghanistan aided and abetted bin Laden repeatedly.

WE were lucky to finally, against all odds of kinsman religious "affinity" to find and kill the world's greatest monster since Hitler.

Sir---Col. Sir---,

You can leave this propaganda sermon for born again christian gatherings in churches across the united states---but not here.

Osama Bin Laden killed 3000 innocent americans in a most brazen suicide attack---the death of these victims was beyond horrific---.

As U S wanted revenge---it fell on the U S soldier to spill the blood of the al qaeda criminals---not for the afghan mercenaries or for the western allies or for the pakistani military.

It fell on your soldier to stab the bayonet right thru the heart of the perforator telling him on his face---' here's to revenge for the innocent dead ".

It was your job to have enough troops to encircle the escapees---close all the escape routes---and let the world know---that the revenge was yours to take---that was the time and that was the place to redeem your honor.

You did none of it----. You paid criminals and thugs of northern alliance to do the killings that would have been an priveledge for a u s soldier---for a u s soldier was duty bound to take that revenge at that place----yet you sent out criminals, thugs and scoundrels to do your bidding.

That is why I stated---your general command is made up of pathetic and disgustingly incompetent officers----if it was not for your industrial military complex and superiority in numbers and technical advances---the u s military is a third grade military force.

People of pakistan gave you every oppurtunity to kill OBL---you let him escape----you let him live---he was not ours---you aided and abetted him---you let him escape from sudan---even though he murdered many an american in africa---.

You---Col. sir----you need to hang by your own rope---don't blame anyone for the misery that you created and the misery that you let live---.
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Sir---Col. Sir---,

You can leave this propaganda sermon for born again christian gatherings in churches across the united states---but not here.

Osama Bin Laden killed 3000 innocent americans in a most brazen suicide attack---the death of these victims was beyond horrific---.

As U S wanted revenge---it fell on the U S soldier to spill the blood of the al qaeda criminals---not for the afghan mercenaries or for the western allies or for the pakistani military.

It fell on your soldier to stab the bayonet right thru the heart of the perforator telling him on his face---' here's to revenge for the innocent dead ".

It was your job to have enough troops to encircle the escapees---close all the escape routes---and let the world know---that the revenge was yours to take---that was the time and that was the place to redeem your honor.

You did none of it----. You paid criminals and thugs of northern alliance to do the killings that would have been an priveledge for a u s soldier---for a u s soldier was duty bound to take that revenge at that place----yet you sent out criminals, thugs and scoundrels to do your bidding.

That is why I stated---your general command is made up of pathetic and disgustingly incompetent officers----if it was not for your industrial military complex and superiority in numbers and technical advances---the u s military is a third grade military force.

People of pakistan gave you every oppurtunity to kill OBL---you let him escape----you let him live---he was not ours---you aided and abetted him---you let him escape from sudan---even though he murdered many an american in africa---.

You---Col. sir----you need to hang by your own rope---don't blame anyone for the misery that you created and the misery that you let live---.

Your remarks are spoken to a mirror. The government and some of the people of Pakistan harbored bin Laden, and the fact the Pakistani MD who most in the West view as hero and patriot for finding his hideout. Now the heroic and brave Pakistani MD is facing trial for discovering the murdering religious bigot INSDIDE Pakistan. What a stupid, hateful, and ignorant reaction to ridding the world of the monster bin Laden.

Afghanistan is not Pakistan, and vice versa. Afghanistan is more backward, has no ports, is largely driven by a illegal drug economy we all oppose to this day.

But the fact is the quickest reaction which you chose to lay hold of a your premise focuses that Afghan mercenaries turned on the small number of US para-military (CIA) armed folks, who numbered at their peak fewer than 100 vs. about 9,000 Armed Afghans.

Afghans have a long recorded history of changing sides at inopportune times dating back many years.

Your flags suggest you are either an overseas student in the US or an immigrant. You while in the US, short of long term, have the freest setting anywhere in the world. Use the public library (free) to do a better research job and get rid of the old style Pakistani habit of blaming others when much of the blame starts with Pakistan in the Frontier provinces which are largely same tribes across the border in Afghanistan.

Pakistan forces have to seize, clean out and permanently garrison and occupy the northern parts of the county to stabilize and rid Pakistan of cross border terrorists and to put down tribal types inside Pakistan who are forever wanting to set up an independent nation of backward, ill educated, underemployed folks, some of whom have been deluded or forced (more likely forced) to work with the Taliban and al Qaida.

Islam's several branches are fighting and killing each other off. I have heard since 2003 by direct to me e-mails from many types of Pakistani Muslim minorities who either the Sunnis or Shiites are killing all to regularly, particularly in Swat and around Peshawar. Get your own house in order...but since you have withdrawn to the US, I guess that says you owe not and want no allegiance to Pakistan.

The whole matter of Osama bin Laden in 2003 escaping when Afghan irregulars revolted, changed sides to allow him to escape is a rotten history which the US was confronted with when we only had 100 armed US para military on the scene...our 100 men were held off at gun point to avoid these brave few, 100, from taking on bin Laden's body guard force of over 900. End of your untrue misinformation.
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I do not challenge your words that the freedom and oppurtunity that I have had in the U S for the past 30 plus years. God bless america.

Col. --- it was a known fact that the mercenary army of afghans was known for changing sides many a times---evryone in pakistan knew about it---everyone in india and europe and afg knew about it---the old hands the agency knew about it as well---the only ones who did not know about it was the u s military and the new hands at the agency.

There were books out on the treachery of the afghans---they taking money from the russians against the taliban----giving wrong information to the russians to make them strike their opponent tribe---. There was nothing new that the afghans had not tried before----.

Stepping in and asking for cease fire between russian troops and taliban---taking money from the taliban and giving them oppurtunity to escape.

It was not my problem that you did not have a regiment strength of u s strike forces in that area when you were already tracking their movement for a few days---then on top of that you gave them 48 hours of cease-fire to surrender---and even during that time you could not muster up enough troops to take out al qaeda.

Sir----Osama killed 3000 americans---slaughtered them---roasted them alive---there is no excuse enough from ( the american general ) to state that they were not ready for his escape---period.
Your opinion has no logic.

What you must mean is you dislike decisions duly made by the US Congress in support of requests to authorize and fund military actions of the US Government, after due processing for outside evaluation with and through the UN General Assembly.

You might also want to know that the US failed to get the same Resolution passed first thru and by the UN Security Council because Russia vetoed it there.

In turn, we or at least I do not like the criminal tolerance past and current governments of Pakistan show toward the Taliban and al Qaida, who murder the innocent people of both Pakistan and Afghanistan with abandon. If your government consistently, not on again, off again, cracked down on and wiped out those/these terrorists we would all have a better world to share and live in.

Your world domination caused Arabs to start Al Qaida. Why don't you invade Saudia? Every moro can blow poor Afghan farmers into pieces... O sorry, even you failed doing that. Good job.
Your world domination caused Arabs to start Al Qaida. Why don't you invade Saudia? Every moro can blow poor Afghan farmers into pieces... O sorry, even you failed doing that. Good job.

The fact is that al Qaida is a bastardized heresy claiming to be "Muslim." The Wahabbi Islamic movement in Saudi Arabia incubated today's al Qaida.
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