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Geo live Bhutto vehicle and assasin photo

i also think that its funny he is dressed in his best suit and matching glasses to go with it and he is just about to die. when there was no need to dress up that posh as looking at the people around him he could have just came along wearing his night suit if he wanted.....i am not too sure the one behind him but he definately is trying to look good before he dies......
also if every look closely the assessin is a very young boy he looks very very young in fact someone probably possibly not even an adult someone kinna 17 or even less...
Just for you people ....

Check the photo on the right and then the photo with the Gun, the man is wearing a Black suit then he is in brown sweater. As it is peak winter time in Islamabad/Rawalpindi, why the 2 photos are different. Plus i can put gun in anyones hand in that phot in Adobe Photoshop if you want.

Any video showing this man pointing the Gun like this will make me believe this BS.

this is funny if they have made a fake video this boy must be having a laugh sitting at home thinking what the hell i only went to hear the speech..........lol
my only mistake was to wear my best suit and look cool........now they think i have killed benazir and i am dead......hahaha:rofl:
i also think that its funny he is dressed in his best suit and matching glasses to go with it and he is just about to die. when there was no need to dress up that posh as looking at the people around him he could have just came along wearing his night suit if he wanted.....i am not too sure the one behind him but he definately is trying to look good before he dies......

Nothing funny actually.

A well dressed person, in the sub continent, does not arouse the suspicion as would a scruffy and untidy man would.

In fact, the assassination appears to have been planned in great detail and it does not appear to be the work of the AQ.


Indians generally looks smarter than the Pakistani. Is that what you wish to convey on the suit issue?
Nothing funny actually.

A well dressed person, in the sub continent, does not arouse the suspicion as would a scruffy and untidy man would.

In fact, the assassination appears to have been planned in great detail and it does not appear to be the work of the AQ.


Indians generally looks smarter than the Pakistani. Is that what you wish to convey on the suit issue?

i cant say if he is Indian or not he is very young thats for sure.
he is wearing a suit doesn't mean he is not from ALQUAIDA because you guys must remember the 9:11 guys before they went on to their nasty mission of blowing up the twin towers they partied danced drank alcohol went to night clubs and went shopping.
also the guys who did London tube bombings were also western guys brought up in northern england so it does not mean that he is wearing a suit or ISI glasses that he is not from ALQuida. one proof that he is not from ISI is that he looks very young and ISI probably does not recruit people as young as him but ALQuida does because it is more easy for them to train and brain wash them.
He seems not an AQ nor Taliban

well it was the ploy as Sir Ray mentioned if you are wear a modern look you draws less attention of being terrorist.

and its also not neccesary that any Al-Qaeda membe will always support a bear
I think that the Government s explanation of the cause of her death seems very plausable. I personally think that even at this range standng in the midst of all these masses,to fire 3 shots and expect them to hit in a hightened state of excitement is quite a task and possibly not achievable 5/10. On top of that see in the last part of the CNN film how she ducks towards the right side. This would be natural if the shot was fired from the left, and had missed. If it had hit her, she would have gone forward and to the right, before collapsing down. I think the moment she ducked down, she was hit by the blast wave and was propelled against the side of the sunroof casing. The Xrays clearly show a depressed fracture against a blow out fracture in case of a gunshot,which is in keeping with the official version of the mechanism of injury. Lastly, i see no reason for the Government to hide the cause of her death,but see plenty of mileage in it for PPP to do so. ie an accidental death against a martyrdom.
What I fail to believe is the cackhanded way in which the transcript of this alleged conversation was used to assign blame on Baitullah Mehsud. It seemed very amateurish and whereas CNN can Assign blame of 9/11 on Osama Bin Laden in minutes of the event occuring, The pak Govt unfortunately does not have the clout of the US government to make it stick. It would have been much more credible, if they had shared info with the family,in private and worked on it rather than making a hash of it by using it as evidence as involvement of Baitullah Mehsud.
Anyways my 2 Ps worth
I think that the Government s explanation of the cause of her death seems very plausable. I personally think that even at this range standng in the midst of all these masses,to fire 3 shots and expect them to hit in a hightened state of excitement is quite a task and possibly not achievable 5/10. On top of that see in the last part of the CNN film how she ducks towards the right side. This would be natural if the shot was fired from the left, and had missed. If it had hit her, she would have gone forward and to the right, before collapsing down. I think the moment she ducked down, she was hit by the blast wave and was propelled against the side of the sunroof casing. The Xrays clearly show a depressed fracture against a blow out fracture in case of a gunshot,which is in keeping with the official version of the mechanism of injury. Lastly, i see no reason for the Government to hide the cause of her death,but see plenty of mileage in it for PPP to do so. ie an accidental death against a martyrdom.
What I fail to believe is the cackhanded way in which the transcript of this alleged conversation was used to assign blame on Baitullah Mehsud. It seemed very amateurish and whereas CNN can Assign blame of 9/11 on Osama Bin Laden in minutes of the event occuring, The pak Govt unfortunately does not have the clout of the US government to make it stick. It would have been much more credible, if they had shared info with the family,in private and worked on it rather than making a hash of it by using it as evidence as involvement of Baitullah Mehsud.
Anyways my 2 Ps worth

thanks for sharing your analysis with us i kinna agree with you..but sorry just with the analysis.......
thanks for sharing your analysis with us i kinna agree with you..but sorry just with the analysis.......
thats fine. Dont have any problems with people having a different opinion from mine. I guess you have not been around for half as long as i have. I have seen a lot more of these people at their best and worst. Believe me they arent half as democratic as they project themself to be. But again this is my impression and experience. i only hope the newling can make a difference and wish him well.

Ma'am, if you want to contradict anyone's analysis here, please give your reasoning and come up with your input with detailed explanation of why you think it is otherwise---this is not " THANKS FOR YOUR ANALYSIS" kind of board and then an incomplete sentence---.

So far I have only seen one or two liner cutsies from you---please earn your position to speak in that manner.
The new videos released have confirmed the cause of BB's death and that definitely was not the sunroof lever. The government has lied about the cause of death and lied very confidently.
i cant say if he is Indian or not he is very young thats for sure.
he is wearing a suit doesn't mean he is not from ALQUAIDA because you guys must remember the 9:11 guys before they went on to their nasty mission of blowing up the twin towers they partied danced drank alcohol went to night clubs and went shopping.
also the guys who did London tube bombings were also western guys brought up in northern england so it does not mean that he is wearing a suit or ISI glasses that he is not from ALQuida. one proof that he is not from ISI is that he looks very young and ISI probably does not recruit people as young as him but ALQuida does because it is more easy for them to train and brain wash them.


It is a ridiculous thought that anyone who is smartly turned out has to be an Indian.

Being well attired is not a national identity. It is just that it is a personal cleanliness of mind.

To believe all terrorists would be scruffy, bearded like a beehive hanging below the chin, stinking to high heavens, drugged eyes is ridiculous and that is why this bloke who fired, escaped scrutiny since the mindset indicates dirty chaps being terrorists.

As far as intelligence agencies not recruiting young people, well, that again is wrong. Not that the chap who fired is from an intelligence agency.

Intelligence agencies can only succeed, if they can fool their adversaries. Therefore, there are all sorts to fill the need of the hour.
The new videos released have confirmed the cause of BB's death and that definitely was not the sunroof lever. The government has lied about the cause of death and lied very confidently.


I don't think the govt lied through its teeth!

The hole in the head of Benazir could have been due to anything since no post mortem was done.

They only said it was not caused by wounds and they are not wrong.

The hole could be due to anything since the post mortem was not done.

If the amateur videos were not sent to the media, none would be wiser!

These videos are what has caused the confusion and the flap that is making it appear that there was a deliberate effort to sweep the whole thing under the carpet!
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