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Genocide of Indigenous People in Bangladesh by Muslims

Total deaths account more than 5000, it is a huge number for a small tribe like Chakmas.

hahahaha very funny :undecided:

"stan " is arab-persian word meaning place or land

"desh" is a hindi word

-stan is used for by Turks(Central Asian Republics or places where Turks ruled), not Arabs or Persians. India is known as Hind is Persian and Arabic but Hindistan in Turkish.
-stan is used for by countries(Central Asian Republics or places where Turks ruled), not Arabs or Persians. India is known as Hind is Persian and Arabic but Hindistan in Turkish.

india has been ruled by muslims for many centuries

islamic culture affected urs

even many of u indians have persian blood

specially punjabis
In simple words their name Hindustan was given by muslims!!

India has lots of name in different languages(you can check google translate). India is a historical country with dozens of names worldwide. But our native name is Bharat which we use the most.
No official sources. Simply observation. And besides, the only ones complaining here are the Indians, not Bangladeshis.

Last time I checked, India and Bangladesh are two sovereign nations.

Again, observation.

What?! :woot:

I'll tell you what mainly caused the Chakmas in the CHT region to rebel. During the Pakistan-era in the 60s, a dam was built that led to the creation of the artificial lake known as the Kaptai Lake.
Kaptai Lake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That project lead to the loss of their lands, along with their cultural heritage. They were promised compensation by the then GoP. It never happened.

And no, we won't find this information on the Internet.

Is violence in a young and volatile nation like Bangladesh going to solve anything? :no: That's the point. And it appears many of the Internet-Hindu chaps here are advocating for that :D

And frankly, I do want that age old issue to be settled so that they can live proud. But I doubt if it'd happen anytime soon with all these incompetent people in power.

Percentage of Parsis are falling in India. But that ain't our problem :lol:

The State of Bangladesh does not violently persecute minorities like what some communal nutjobs here are propagating.

Ok I take your 'observation' without source and blaming the 'Pakistanis' and the 'incompetence of the govt' etc to be of more academic value than the 100,000 refugees in India, the list of massacres from Roybot's post, your census numbers and what the Chakma leaders are saying.

Ok I take your 'observation' without source and blaming the 'Pakistanis' and the 'incompetence of the govt' etc to be of more academic value than the 100,000 refugees in India, the list of massacres from Roybot's post, your census numbers and what the Chakma leaders are saying.


Yeah, that's just one "leader", not "leaders" :lol:

It's interesting you don't even check the background of that leader.

Back to the original topic, where is this "genocide" you guys are claiming? In fact, the article doesn't even say any such :laugh:

Of-course, when it comes to Bangladesh, logic is pretty much thrown out of the window.
When Illegal Bangladeshi are not sparring Bodos in Assam it is really stupid to expect that in Bangladeshi would let these Indigenous tribal of Bangladesh live in peace.
Just like Bangladeshi Hindus these Tribals would be a history within 3-4 decades. :angry:
Santu Larma is in the pay of RAW so he will obviously make such absurd and motivated comments.
Ya thts what we can expect from you. Anything said against your country by your people is RAW agenda... Such is the level of thinking.
This is the most easiest thing you did to blame our agency for your problems instead you take blame for the problems your illegal people are creating in other countries.
i want 2 change my country's name

how about banglastan ;)

however mughalistan is coming in the future :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Bangladesh is a cheesy name. It's sound totally not Islamic or Muslim related. I like the former name "East Pakistan" or Mashriqi Pakistan".

If south and north Korea retain their name then why didn't we retain "East Pakistan" since we were the forefront of Pakistan movement. We lost our glorious contribution behind the making of Pakistan by replace it with Bangladesh. We are nothing but nation of losers and vision less punks.

Bangladesh is a cheesy name. It's sound totally not Islamic or Muslim related. I like the former name "East Pakistan" or Mashriqi Pakistan".

If south and north Korea retain their name then why didn't we retain "East Pakistan" since we were the forefront of Pakistan movement. We lost our glorious contribution behind the making of Pakistan by replace it with Bangladesh. We are nothing but nation of losers and vision less punks.

To have kept a name like "East Pakistan" would have inferred that one-day the two Pakistan's would have united again.

Good riddance as the idea of Pakistan was to unite all the Muslims of the sub-continent into a single state which failed miserably.

Whether a better name than "Bangladesh" could have been chosen is another matter.

Bangladesh is a cheesy name. It's sound totally not Islamic or Muslim related. I like the former name "East Pakistan" or Mashriqi Pakistan".

If south and north Korea retain their name then why didn't we retain "East Pakistan" since we were the forefront of Pakistan movement. We lost our glorious contribution behind the making of Pakistan by replace it with Bangladesh. We are nothing but nation of losers and vision less punks.
We will change our name to East pakistan after getting Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Arakan and Bihar! Soon InshALLAH!

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