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General (retd) Hameed Gul: “Afghanistan and Pakistan are two faces of one soul”

There are some things that are true in the post, though there are many ifs and buts. If considering the prospect of being Afghan's illegitimate children then many other nations are or have been in the same position as Pakistan. Many countries are proud of their historic past (though this is an other topic) . Even the Afghan's are of Turkish origin so they would also be classified in the same category. It is the beauty of this world that today we are not able to know if he or she is pure. The blood line is so intermingled that everyone is considered to be some how related to one and other.

It is agreed that the victor be it of yesteryear or present would some how or the other commit certain acts that would not be just.

Gen. Gul might be saying some thing that seems fiction today but it may become reality one fine day who knows. As far as making Afghanistan part of Pakistan or the other way around or of some other country for that matter is utter nonsense. Here the questions is to help Afghanistan. In other words this means to help Pakistan.

For once when people of Pakistan are thinking of solving their own stuff in the way they would like should atleast be considered by the Afghan's, if a long lasting peace is desired. This may not indicate that one country would force their will and the other has to comply with or without there consent, Mutual understanding has to be developed over time peacefully. Though this can not be the final remedy.
Answer me a simple question, does this fantasy brotherhood of yours, exist in the real world?
No it doesn't exist today but it is not impossible....

The present situation of Pakistan, all the militancy, radicalization, the influx of criminal Afghans with gun, drugs and rampant extremism which shows its ugly rear end almost every day, has its roots in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, in which Pakistan's involvement has roots in Islamic brotherhood this time for Afghans which happened to be a secondary factor, the Soviet threat and warm waters myth is another factor.
If i assume you are right with your above point of Soviet myth about warm waters....
Then kindly clear this also....
In case Soviets fully captured Afghanistan and hold positions along with Durand Line....
Soviet and Indians have close ties at that time not like our ties with USA the sanction master....
If Pakistan is facing so much trouble to counter these current foreign funded puppets then how could Pakistan counter Soviet+Indian assault at that time, when the issue of Durand line was at the peak of rage....

The year 1989 is when the Soviets leave the Afghan territory, the same year the Mujahideen bereft of an enemy to fight, fight amongst each other till 1992 when Peshawar accords are signed, ironically the pious Mujahids break the agreement the same year and another phase of civil war starts
Yes there was a civil war between 1989-1995 and i didn't deny it although i didn't mention it also....

1996 when Taliban enter Kabul. What peace have you been talking about, in your post, if I may know in the years 1995-2001? The only relative peace which itself brewed out to another great conflict which continues to this day was seen after the establishment of Taliban Govt which harmed Pakistan in the long run when they sheltered OBL and refused to listen to the Pakistani delegation to hand him over. Most peaceful time seriously?
1995 a small group rise with emotional appeal "Naan and Amnia" (Rooti aur Aman). Taliban leader Mulla Omar was their leader, at that time fought with Ahmed Shah Masood for Kabul, when Mulla Omar captured Kabul, Ahmes Shah Masood retreat to Northern Areas, Afghan Taliban did some harsh justice they completely remove Afeem crops, which ends civil war overnight. Afghanistan has a culture of survival, later they have local turf wars but no civil war and most important no one is creating problem for Pakistan untill 2001....

What exactly did we gain by creating the Taliban and continuing the mistake of supporting militants/terrorists in another country, when they eventually came back to harm us?
Believe me these are most shocking words for me at the PDF, do you believe that we create Taliban and Mulla Omar in 1995....????

As far as i know Taliban was a self creation of society which was burning with civil war....
When they emerge as a force after capturing Kabul, Saudia Arab and Pakistan were the first to recognize them....

Who exactly do you think, today wage the war against the state of Pakistan? Look around you, these Uzbeks, Tajiks, Arabs, Afghans and Chechens along with a large part of Pakistanis are the descendants of the same ideology that was once imparted for Afghan Jihad and for Taliban. Foreign agents much?
Yes Few Arabs, Few Afghans and mostly Uzbeks, Tajiks and Chechens also some supporters from inside Pakistan are fighting against Pakistan....
But not even a single commander from the Seven Party Alliance, which use to have Pakistan's support at the Afghan Jihad against Soviets....
Although some of them are died by natural death, Hekmatyar is still alive and active against USA not against Pakistan....
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Dr Abdullah Abdullah hold meaningful dialogue with Taliban and Hekmatyar immediately to restore peace in the war-torn country.
Afghan president asked to hold talks with Taliban, Hekmatyar - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

And a greater part of the Afghan refugee population here in this country which exceeds three million today, is regularly found involved in anti social and anti state activities, to a large extent and in much greater numbers than any other nationality that has found refuge in this country, to give it a whirl again. Yes, the same people whom we invited to stay here and foolishly allowed them to settle in every part of the country, thats how they are repaying our hospitality and love.
The estimated population of Liyari Town is One million and the situation is very critical in this town, did they also come from another country....????
Yes absence of proper shelter and monitoring of Afghan Refuge is the lack of management from the govt....

The same Afghans who's most friendly ambassador to this country uttered such words against us, the same Afghans who have been opposing this country since its inception and have been responsible for border skirmishes, creating troubles and funding insurgencies in this country. What brothers, do you speak of?
There are some people like Hamid Karzai who was a former Unocal adviser an employee of Unicol for years before he was put in charge of Afghan by Bush as a puppet of big oil companies....
You cannot expect good from puppet people like Hamid Karzai....

And I will not go into the reason for the continued love and admiration and brotherly status for those people despite everything, I think we all know whats responsible there.
Didn't i tell you clearly in my previous post that criminal must be punished whether he is our Muslim Brother or Not....

There's a reason why the state of Pakistan doesn't differentiate between terrorists any longer and targets everyone equally, ponder over it. The Afghan Taliban aren't our friend, they have collaborated with TTP in the past and condemned the death of Baitullah Mehsud.
I am not going to predict any thing about it, but it will be clear after some time, after war against TTP, after removal of foreign forces from Afghanistan....

Indeed, its me who thinks that running the country and specially the foreign policy on emotions and presumed brotherhoods is a good idea. A wise man who also happened to be the founding father of this nation, once said how there are no permanent friends or enemies in the worlds, only interests. Should have listened to him because had we done that, we wouldn't have found this country in this mess.

I answer you all questions and i also agreed on those points where i feel necessary....
You didn't answer my questions from the last post....
No explanation please just answer simply Yes or No

Do you believe in the Concept of Muslim Brotherhood....????
Does Muslim Brotherhood has any thing to do with the act of Individual....????
The same Afghans who's most friendly ambassador to this country uttered such words against us,

P.S The sole reason for replying to your earlier posts was the childish response shown to an actual quote from Mullah Zaeef.
You are so called Think Tank Chairman, yet such level of idiocy?. Mullah Zaeef was tortured and humiliated by ISI's men, arrested and sold to America despite him being Ambassador of a country, his government got back-stabbed by Pakistan and he spent very miserable and tortured time in gauntimano bay prison........yet you expect him to have sung songs of praises for pakistan in his book?...konsi duniya may rehtay ho?
"India’s increasing influence in Afghanistan was very unnatural and against the history of the region. India needs to understand that its space in Afghanistan has already shrunk."

The history of the region that the general is trying to reference in his mind barely started for him in 1947 and the few years that Pakistan was involved as the middle man between the Afghans and the United States does not really uphold a long standing tradition or trend of Pakistani dominance in the region much less in Afghanistan. The reality is, Pakistan and India are both two faces of the same soul and both are soiling the region with their disputes.
I had repeated it on ocassion that this is something inevitable though it will be bad for Pakistan only as it will kill or weakens the Pakistaniyat.
Gernal sab -- braya mehrabanee aap bhi Durand line kay doosari taraf tashreef lay jaa-`iya.

Interview on The News here, excerpts below:

TNS: Do you think the military establishment and civilian government are on the same page on Afghanistan?

HG: I would only say (without elaborating) that one out of two Sharifs (Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Chief of Army Staff, Raheel Sharif) has succeeded.


TNS: Why does Indian presence in Afghanistan bother Pakistan?

HG: Indians have been supporting the Afghan intelligence agency. They have been able to create problems for Pakistan in Balochistan while sitting in Afghanistan. Colonel Imam was martyred by Hakeemullah Mehsud under the Indian pressure. India’s increasing influence in Afghanistan was very unnatural and against the history of the region. India needs to understand that its space in Afghanistan has already shrunk. Narendra Modi is getting aggressive because he knows that he has been losing space in Afghanistan. This shows his frustration.

Aghaa Jaan - I suspect that you are RAW agent tasked to keep anti-afghan sentiment alive among Pakistanis because you only post Afghan related topics. :angel:

@ TOPIC: Useful life of military brain is until retirement because after retirement the process of applying patches to enable brain's working aligned with changed ground realities stops.
Bhaijan, if you study history Afghan invaders were often as brutal to Muslims of what is now Pakistan and what is now India.

If you read some of the accounts -- they Sayed and Ashraaf Quarters used to be spared -- people like my forefathers fared poorly.

Actually, I think if read older Punjabi hyms, you will see that Afghans were brutal to the common Muslims..
Actually Afghans have invaded Punjab as invaders only once.......in mid 18th century , under Ahmad Shah Abdali and his military expeditions in punjab were mostly against turbulent Sikh misls, not against muslims.
For most of the history, Afghans were in punjab for either trade or for job in the armies of Delhi sultanates. Lodhis didnt arrive in Punjab as invaders, but were the appointed nobles and soldiers of Tughlaqs and sayyids. As the sayyid dynasty declined, the Afghans took over without any battle in 1451 A.D. The founder of lodhi dyansty , bahlul lodi, his family were first in the service of tughlaqs and then they provided support to khizr khan of sayyid.
The second Afghan dynasty , Suris, was also established by the Afghans domiciled in india and their governors of punjab were the Niazis of Mianwali.
Lets have a look at the Afghan rule on punjab and decide for yourself how many of them were "brutal invaders" from some far place.
1- Lodhi dynasty of Multan (961 to 1040 A.D), contemporaries and enemies of subtugin and Mahmud ghaznavi, founded by Shiekh hamdi Lodhi. They replaced previous Arab rulers of Multan without any known war and blood shedd. They were allies of Hindu Shahi rulers of Punjab.
2- An Afghan leader, Ali Kirmakh, was appointed governor of multan in 1187 A.D by Shahabudin Ghauri.
3- Sultan Shah Lodhi was appointed governor of Sirhind by khizr khan in 1406.
4- Bahlul Lodhi , from his jagir in Sirhind, captured entire Punjab in 1436 A.D
5- Lodhis , from their base in punjab, captured Delhi throne in 1451 A.D. Punjab was governed by Afghans for next 75 years untill 1526.
6- Sher Shah Suri annexed punjab and Haibat Khan niazi was appointed governor of Punjab and multan.
7- Kasur was given as gift to Kheshgi Afghans by Babur for their services in Panipat war.
8- Durranis conquered punjab in 18th century. The Sadozai durranis of multan were settled there since 1651 A.D on behalf of aurangzeb. They supported their durrani kinsmen from afghanistan.
You are so called Think Tank Chairman, yet such level of idiocy?. Mullah Zaeef was tortured and humiliated by ISI's men, arrested and sold to America despite him being Ambassador of a country, his government got back-stabbed by Pakistan and he spent very miserable and tortured time in gauntimano bay prison........yet you expect him to have sung songs of praises for pakistan in his book?...konsi duniya may rehtay ho?

If you go by Mullah Zaeef's book: "My Life with the Taliban" there are several inferential and factual errors in your statement.

I've lent my copy to a friend but here is what I can recall from memory with some help from Google:

1. Even before the tragic events of 911 Mullah Zaeef says this of the Pakistanis:

“In my dealings with the Pakistanis I tried not to be so sweet that I would be eaten whole, and not so bitter that I would be spat out,”

2. Pakistanis did not torture Zaeef -- they arrested him (which I would guess was probably mandated by the relevant UNSC resolutions) and handed him over to the United States:

“Your Excellency, you are no longer an Excellency! America is a superpower. Did you not know that? No one can defeat it, nor can they negotiate with it. America wants to question you and we are here to hand you over to the USA.”

“Pakistani and American soldiers stood around me. Behind these soldiers, I could see military vehicles in the distance, one of which had a general’s number plate.”

“The Pakistani soldiers were all staring as the Americans hit me and tore the remaining clothes off my body. Eventually I was completely naked, and the Pakistani soldiers — the defenders of the Holy Koran — shamelessly watched me with smiles on their faces, saluting this disgraceful action of the Americans.”

“That moment is written in my memory like a stain on my soul.”

3. His treatment at Guantanamo would have been harsh.

4. Technically he was no longer a diplomat at the time of his arrest -- note that: he had applied for asylum to Pakistan and the government he represented was no longer recognized by Pakistan and was for all practical purposes defunct

Now if he is bitter at Pakistan for handing him over to the US here are a few things to consider:

1. I believe he applied for asylum to three countries including the UAE and KSA -- his requests were refused -- now should be not also be angry at UAE and KSA too

2. He was the representative of a regime that sheltered a man in the open who was responsible for the horrible events of 911 and so much destruction since

3. I believe in 2008 or so he was debating whether to sue the Pakistani government -- but I have not heard him wanting to sue the US Government

Aghaa Jaan - I suspect that you are RAW agent tasked to keep anti-afghan sentiment alive among Pakistanis because you only post Afghan related topics. :angel:

Beradar-e Kuchik, you have demonstrated a most superior intellect -- the inference that: since I only post on Defence.pk under the Afghan Forum I must be a RAW agent. Bila Shak-o Shubha Afareen!! Afareen!!

Could one infer further that Defence.pk is seen as a national threat by RAW?!!
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“Pakistani and American soldiers stood around me. Behind these soldiers, I could see military vehicles in the distance, one of which had a general’s number plate.”

“The Pakistani soldiers were all staring as the Americans hit me and tore the remaining clothes off my body. Eventually I was completely naked, and the Pakistani soldiers — the defenders of the Holy Koran — shamelessly watched me with smiles on their faces, saluting this disgraceful action of the Americans.”

“That moment is written in my memory like a stain on my soul.”

Pakistani soldiers were "shamelessly" smiling at naked mullah zaeef !. He was going through worst humiliation of his life yet @Secur and you expect him not to feel offended and betrayed at the hands of Pakistan?......after Qaddafi's and Sadam's fall, none of their diplomat was treated like mullah zaeef, none was arrested either. It seems, Pakistani military had sold a harmless and simple man like mullah zaeef to America, no excuse can justify this shameless act. There are other examples of Afghans that you and @Secur can present for your arguments, but the one of mullah zaeef doesnt make any sense. Yes Afghans are hostile to Pakistan, not for some centuries old reasons but due to durand line issue.........just like Pakistanis are hostile to India due to kashmir issue.
No it doesn't exist today but it is not impossible....

Then, lets talk about it, when it is possible and actually exists. Its futile believing and basing things on things which dont even exist, isn't it?

If i assume you are right with your above point of Soviet myth about warm waters....
Then kindly clear this also....
In case Soviets fully captured Afghanistan and hold positions along with Durand Line....
Soviet and Indians have close ties at that time not like our ties with USA the sanction master....
If Pakistan is facing so much trouble to counter these current foreign funded puppets then how could Pakistan counter Soviet+Indian assault at that time, when the issue of Durand line was at the peak of rage....

I expected this. The relations between Soviet Union and Pakistan weren't as bad in that era, as they are now made out to be. Actually, quite the opposite. Moscow provided extensive FDI, aid and technical assistance to establish key industries in this country, since the 50's. These Steel Mill, Pakistan Oil Fields, Guddo thermal station and Al Ghazi tractors you see, are a remnant of past Soviet co-operation. The Reds once provided the support for Multan HWR and even offered to build civilian nuclear plants in the 90's. At the height of war, the Soviets signed an economic co-operation agreement with the Pakistanis, in '85. I think, it should give you an insight whether an approachment was or wasn't possible with that country and if the Reds were as fierce and dangerous an enemy, as you are told today. Furthermore, Moscow never planned to come to warm waters, it only so reluctantly entered Afghanistan to provide some stability to the communist regime, which was fast falling apart and wasn't confident of even doing so. This is easily verifiable from historical records. If you are unable to search it, let me know and I will provide the references. There are benefits of running a neutral and non-alligned foreign policy, which sadly the leadership sitting at Karachi and later Islamabad never truly learned, instead relying on fantasy brotherhoods with Arab countries and American support for the most of the country's history.

Foreign funded? Not really. Just a nation in denial about the extent of radicalization and extremism in the society and hence choosing to pass blame on foreign countries, as a defense mechanism. There is no shortage of people and resources in this country to import it from outside. With a highly radicalized population and assorted Jihadi laskars/organizations/apologists all around, terrorists have a large pool of people to select from. This Jamaat-e-Islami, Jamiat-Ulema-Islam (F), Lashkar Jhangvi, Jaish e Muhammad, TTP itself, Sipah e Sahaba, Hizb ul Tehrir along with a dozen other small organizations, in one way or other, make sure that Pakistan doesn't have to import any foreign agent or any futher ideology for terrorism in this country. As for the funding and other resources, the unaccounted chanda, kherat zakat and other donations made regularly to religious organizations is utilized well for the purpose, the deficit if any is taken care of, with the criminal activities of ransom,kidnapping, extortion in major cities. Furthermore, the donations from Gulf countries enhance the efforts of the Jihadi groups in the country. I hope that I dont have to explain about weapons and intelligence for these people now. That isn't to say that foreign countries do not create problems, terrorism is indeed funded from outside but it is separate from the religiously motivated terrorism. The people striving to impose real Islam on you through acts of terror and conquests, are your own people.

Yes there was a civil war between 1989-1995 and i didn't deny it although i didn't mention it also....

What does that tell you, about the true nature and objectives of the people, we once supported? Was it then wise doing what we did?

1995 a small group rise with emotional appeal "Naan and Amnia" (Rooti aur Aman). Taliban leader Mulla Omar was their leader, at that time fought with Ahmed Shah Masood for Kabul, when Mulla Omar captured Kabul, Ahmes Shah Masood retreat to Northern Areas, Afghan Taliban did some harsh justice they completely remove Afeem crops, which ends civil war overnight. Afghanistan has a culture of survival, later they have local turf wars but no civil war and most important no one is creating problem for Pakistan untill 2001....

Not exactly, thats I believe that you have had read in Ummat or Zarb-e-Momin or literatures distributed after friday sermons. Lol The Taliban were created by ISI in 1994 with extensive military backing along with diplomatic and logistical support. Imagine the extent of this operation that until the American invasion of Afghanistan, thousands of active duty
FC soldiers would fight alongside the Taliban. You have been lied to, for long.

Believe me these are most shocking words for me at the PDF, do you believe that we create Taliban and Mulla Omar in 1995....????

As far as i know Taliban was a self creation of society which was burning with civil war....
When they emerge as a force after capturing Kabul, Saudia Arab and Pakistan were the first to recognize them....

No. Check two things, one a person recently very vocal about operation against Taliban and peace talks with them, Sami-ul-Haq. Second, learn how Ahmed Shah Massoud lost against Taliban in '96.

Yes Few Arabs, Few Afghans and mostly Uzbeks, Tajiks and Chechens also some supporters from inside Pakistan are fighting against Pakistan....
But not even a single commander from the Seven Party Alliance, which use to have Pakistan's support at the Afghan Jihad against Soviets....
Although some of them are died by natural death, Hekmatyar is still alive and active against USA not against Pakistan....
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Dr Abdullah Abdullah hold meaningful dialogue with Taliban and Hekmatyar immediately to restore peace in the war-torn country.
Afghan president asked to hold talks with Taliban, Hekmatyar - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

Not exactly "few" in number. If only they were so few in number, they would have been dealt with, by now. I said descendents of ideology, not exactly the same people, most of them would be dead by now. However, there is a small amount of fighters who have fought once against anti Taliban forces with active support from Pakistan and are now fighting against Pakistan itselfl. What we once did, has come to haunt us. The monsters we created are now out of control. Speak of blunders and tell me, where was the foresight at the higher echelons of Paksitani establishment to see all this?

The estimated population of Liyari Town is One million and the situation is very critical in this town, did they also come from another country....????
Yes absence of proper shelter and monitoring of Afghan Refuge is the lack of management from the govt....

Apples and Oranges. The Lyari town has been affected for long, due to gang wars and inter-racial fights. The case of Afghan refugees being involved in criminal and terrorists activities is very different.

There are some people like Hamid Karzai who was a former Unocal adviser an employee of Unicol for years before he was put in charge of Afghan by Bush as a puppet of big oil companies....
You cannot expect good from puppet people like Hamid Karzai....

There are millions of such Karazais in the land you hold dear and the people you call as your brothers. This Karzai just got enough power to harm your country on an appreciable scale.

Didn't i tell you clearly in my previous post that criminal must be punished whether he is our Muslim Brother or Not....

Why do I think that you aren't really comprehending my posts?

I am not going to predict any thing about it, but it will be clear after some time, after war against TTP, after removal of foreign forces from Afghanistan....

This is an evasive maneuever of an answer, the terrorists of Afghanistan condemning the death of the chief of the terrorists of Pakistan. What exactly is the dilemma here?

I answer you all questions and i also agreed on those points where i feel necessary....
You didn't answer my questions from the last post....
No explanation please just answer simply Yes or No

Do you believe in the Concept of Muslim Brotherhood....????
Does Muslim Brotherhood has any thing to do with the act of Individual....????

I dont believe in something that doesn't exist. When I will see it, I will believe it and Yes, the brotherhood would have everything to do with collective acts of a larger number of individuals.
Pakistani soldiers were "shamelessly" smiling at naked mullah zaeef !. He was going through worst humiliation of his life yet @Secur and you expect him not to feel offended and betrayed at the hands of Pakistan?......after Qaddafi's and Sadam's fall, none of their diplomat was treated like mullah zaeef, none was arrested either. It seems, Pakistani military had sold a harmless and simple man like mullah zaeef to America, no excuse can justify this shameless act. There are other examples of Afghans that you and @Secur can present for your arguments, but the one of mullah zaeef doesnt make any sense. Yes Afghans are hostile to Pakistan, not for some centuries old reasons but due to durand line issue.........just like Pakistanis are hostile to India due to kashmir issue.

Again points:

1. He was hostile to Pakistan before he was handed over to the US
2. Further, he can be mad at Pakistan but not a peep about anybody else?
3. On comparing Afghan hostility of Pakistan to Pakistani hostility to India -- there simply is no comparison. None
4. I don't think the comparison to Saddam and Gaddafi is legitimate these cases have two many differences -- but two (minor points): Qaddafi and Saddam suffered much worse fates than getting processed for detention
5. Corollary: Perhaps Pakistan should have handed over Mullah Saheb to the families of the Hazars who were massacred by the Taliban -- I doubt his treatment would have been humane
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"India’s increasing influence in Afghanistan was very unnatural and against the history of the region. India needs to understand that its space in Afghanistan has already shrunk."

The history of the region that the general is trying to reference in his mind barely started for him in 1947 and the few years that Pakistan was involved as the middle man between the Afghans and the United States does not really uphold a long standing tradition or trend of Pakistani dominance in the region much less in Afghanistan. The reality is, Pakistan and India are both two faces of the same soul and both are soiling the region with their disputes.

Indian false flagger , the eternal butt hurt from 1947 just gave it away :lol:
Beradar-e Kuchik, you have demonstrated a most superior intellect -- the inference that: since I only post on Defence.pk under the Afghan Forum I must be a RAW agent. Bila Shak-o Shubha Afareen!! Afareen!!

Could one infer further that Defence.pk is seen as a national threat by RAW?!!

Hazoor ap ne tu lecture de dia, that was supposed to be joke.
Actually Afghans are no friends of anyone -- the US has practically rebuilt their country but the US does not get one word of thanks.

Afghans feel they are entitled to the dollars of the back of the hardworking US taxpayer.
I call bullshit on all of that.

“In my dealings with the Pakistanis I tried not to be so sweet that I would be eaten whole, and not so bitter that I would be spat out,”
Damn fine advice that for dealings with people in general.
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