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General alert: Chinese troops on Indo-Pak LoC

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And then they have the nerve to laugh at poverty in China. :rolleyes:

Or their favorite topic, laughing at the mass starvation in China during the Great leap forward. Nevermind the fact that it happened 50 years ago, it's all comedy to them.

Racist indian's - a country that treats it's own citizens as "untouchables" has no moral authority to lecture anyone.
If you guys here can treat Chinese members so badly, then I can't imagine how you treat the Pakistanis here, who were kind enough to let all of you guys on to this forum.

Just take a look at Indian forums like BR, and then tell me how many Chinese/Pakistani members they allow there?

Chinese are different, you people are our competitors and will remain so. Pakistanis, contrary to what manyt both in India and Pakistan want to believe, are family. All this squabbling you see is the squabbling of one big family. Didnt you witness that during the Indo-Pak cricket match or the final match?

Anyway, you wouldnt understand. Just keep saying you support Pakistan and you will be happy with the thanks. You wont/will never understand the complexity of our relationship.
why should we? We are sitting here sipping the coffee when that one third is giving more trouble to the enemy. Till it will be there with you guys you will crave for more ending screwing yourself up. Come have a look from the east....

Screwing what?????
Racist indian's - a country that treats it's own citizens as "untouchables" has no moral authority to lecture anyone.

Yeah, tell that to the Ahmedis, Christians, Ismailis and above all Balochis.
What east are you talking about? Bangladesh !!

Even your Gandhi offered Jinnah prime ministership of India and begged him not to make Pakistan and Jinnah smiled and turned down Gandhi's offer. We Pakistani Muslims always wanted to get away from you Bharati Hindus.

Even look at today, how many Pakistanis do you see in Indian Forums? 10 at the most. Here in Pakistan Defence Forum more Indians than Pakistanis. Who has the inferiority complex? Indians :agree:

Its not inferiority complex, its about being able to use the computer and the internet. Not everyone in Pakistan is as gifted as you.
I have been talking about this kind of issue time and again. We need to STOP blindly believing in what our 'so' called friends tell us from the other side of India's border. Their interest is only to harm India and nothing else. Do they care what happens to us?????

The answer is a BIG BIG 'NO'.

My country will understand one day what mess it has put itself in by trusting a country which is not trusted by its very own ppl. But by that time it would be too late.

So a BIG :tdown: to our friendship with you.
What east are you talking about? Bangladesh !!

Even your Gandhi offered Jinnah prime ministership of India and begged him not to make Pakistan and Jinnah smiled and turned down Gandhi's offer. We Pakistani Muslims always wanted to get away from you Bharati Hindus.

Even look at today, how many Pakistanis do you see in Indian Forums? 10 at the most. Here in Pakistan Defence Forum more Indians than Pakistanis. Who has the inferiority complex? Indians :agree:
did you forget the main agenda to make pakistan was to not be dominated by hindus lol.

It was our politeness that we offered him
and complex lol you guys have trouble with indians on your own forum. How will you survive on indian forum....
Yeah, tell that to the Ahmedis, Christians, Ismailis and above all Balochis.

Yeah and you can tell the Naxalite's, Kashmiri, Sikh's, Manipuri, and untouchable's
i honestly feel sorry for the indians its only these indians living in the west that get to eat 2 times a day and they thinking there country gets same meal ,if ever you want to live in a fantasy world always speak to an indian
I have been talking about this kind of issue time and again. We need to STOP blindly believing in what our 'so' called friends tell us from the other side of India's border. Their interest is only to harm India and nothing else. Do they care what happens to us?????

The answer is a BIG BIG 'NO'.

My country will understand one day what mess it has put itself in by trusting a country which is not trusted by its very own ppl. But by that time it would be too late.

So a BIG :tdown: to our friendship with you.

Its called mutual interests and mutual benefits.

Do you want Kashmir or not?

If you do, then we have to cooperate with the most powerful and the wealthiest country in Asia who has the same problems with India.

And for your information, India is a bigger threat to Pakistan than it is to China.

How many battles we fought with India? 4. Including the breakup of Pakistan caused by India in 1971.

How many battles China fought with India? 1.
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