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Gen Raheel Sharif calls Kashmir as "jugular vein of Pakistan"

Let me educate you my friend .....

The existence of clause (i) of Article 1 clearly indicates that both parties had agreed to the principles and purposes of the UN charter and hence one can neither attribute preference to clause (ii) over the UN charter , nor exclude recourse to the UN .

Besides Article 34 and 35 of the UN charter specifically empower the UN Security Council to investigate any dispute independently or at the request of a member state

In addition Article 103 of the United Nations (UN) Charter stipulates that the obligations of UN Member States under the Charter prevail, in the event of a conflict, over their obligations under any other international agreement.

In the words of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto : "There is nothing in the Simla Agreement to prevent Pakistan from taking the dispute to the United Nations . The Kashmir dispute has been before the United Nations for past thirty years . Still the problem has remained unsolved . The PPP government therefore wanted to exhaust the bilateral avenues completely before returning to the United Nations"

When India and Pakistan clashed in the Security Council last year over the relevance of the UN observer group at the LoC, a spokesperson for UN chief Ban Ki-moon said the force can be terminated only by a decision of the 15-nation body. !!!

But the morons would still insist that Kashmir is essentially a bilateral issue (after Simla Agreemenet) and the UN and its resolutions have become irrelevant !!

Please enlighten us about the prerequisite for UNSC resolution on kashmir, and the role that Pakistan has to play in the same...
Did you read history before posting your nonsense joke cr@p which is rule violation & falls under "post of no value" offense?

What i posted has history in it whereas what you posted was just your trolling.

This is what you posted with fuullllll of history
Kashmiris & Pakistanis are one nation by blood lines, geographically , reKiligiously, ethnically, linguistically, historically etc etc. Pakistan can wait for another thousands years for Kashmir. The K in PaKistan stands for Kashmir region.

And this is what i posted.
Thats the difference we dint have to wait that long because the i in Kashmir for India.Kashmir chose us.
Now cry me a river.
But the morons would still insist that Kashmir is essentially a bilateral issue (after Simla Agreemenet) and the UN and its resolutions have become irrelevant !!

You may be correct Sir. But thus far, the "morons" seems to be proving more correct given the course of events. I dare say, they may still be more correct given the persistent refusal of any third party, including the UN, to get involved, given the Simla Agreement.

You may be able to convince "morons" like me, but can you convince those who really count, UN and USA?

seems i missed alot,,,,,,

how mch RAW,MOSSAD,CIA is paying u?:D

Why would you ask such a question?
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Adding to @Azlan Haider post. I don't think you should watch cartoon network. You should watch Baby tv. In fact every Indian who considers Kashmir India's integral and legal part should watch it. You guys don't belong to Cartoon Network age bracket.

BabyTV - BabyTV Channel for babies and toddlers , free online games, videos and songs
Projection & non-sequitur

These guys always talk about Simla Agreement superseding UN resolutions , what these idiots don`t know is that the same Simla Agreement states :

" That the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations shall govern the relations between the two countries "

So , In the Shimla agreement the two Countries have also reiterated to continue to be governed by UN charter. Article 103 of the said charter provides that in the event of a conflict between the obligations of the Members of the United Nations under the present Charter and their obligations under any other international agreement, their obligations under the present Charter shall prevail.
The 'principles and purposes of the charter of the United Nations' refer to Article 1 & mostly 2 of United Nation Charter, not coincidentally named 'Purposes and Principles'.

Article 2:

The Organization and its Members, in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall act in accordance with the following Principles.

  1. The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.
  2. All Members, in order to ensure to all of them the rights and benefits resulting from membership, shall fulfill in good faith the obligations assumed by them in accordance with the present Charter.
  3. All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered.
  4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
  5. All Members shall give the United Nations every assistance in any action it takes in accordance with the present Charter, and shall refrain from giving assistance to any state against which the United Nations is taking preventive or enforcement action.
  6. The Organization shall ensure that states which are not Members of the United Nations act in accordance with these Principles so far as may be necessary for the maintenance of international peace and security.
  7. Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter Vll.
Unfortunately for you, Mr Legal Eagle, Kashmir is under Chapter VI. Ooops. Damn those baniyas.

It also provides that UN should assume an Arbitrator’s role between two disputing membership nations if the said dispute becomes a threat to global peace. India & Pakistan are two nuclear armed nations and are sitting on a powder keg. UN, therefore has a role here to play by default as well.
Right. Somebody should tell this to the head honchos at UN.
Please enlighten us about the prerequisite for UNSC resolution on kashmir, and the role that Pakistan has to play in the same...
Dont be stupid.. Dont you know Pakistan only has entitlement.. No responsibility.
Let me educate you my friend .....

The existence of clause (i) of Article 1 clearly indicates that both parties had agreed to the principles and purposes of the UN charter and hence one can neither attribute preference to clause (ii) over the UN charter , nor exclude recourse to the UN .

Besides Article 34 and 35 of the UN charter specifically empower the UN Security Council to investigate any dispute independently or at the request of a member state

In addition Article 103 of the United Nations (UN) Charter stipulates that the obligations of UN Member States under the Charter prevail, in the event of a conflict, over their obligations under any other international agreement.
Explained above.

In the words of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto : "There is nothing in the Simla Agreement to prevent Pakistan from taking the dispute to the United Nations . The Kashmir dispute has been before the United Nations for past thirty years . Still the problem has remained unsolved . The PPP government therefore wanted to exhaust the bilateral avenues completely before returning to the United Nations"

When India and Pakistan clashed in the Security Council last year over the relevance of the UN observer group at the LoC, a spokesperson for UN chief Ban Ki-moon said the force can be terminated only by a decision of the 15-nation body. !!!
All true. But all of these are beside the point.

But the morons would still insist that Kashmir is essentially a bilateral issue (after Simla Agreemenet) and the UN and its resolutions have become irrelevant !!

Simla Agreement doesn't supersede UNSC resolutions. TRUE.
Simla Agreement doesn't terminate UNSC resolutions. TRUE.
Simla Agreement doesn't preclude Pakistan from raising UNSC resolutions and demand it's enforcement. TRUE.

All true. But those are not the scope or purpose of Simla Agreement. What Simla Agreement does is give the power to VETO, if proposal from one is not liked by another. So if Pakistan raises UNSC resolutions and demand it's enforcement, India can legally say no it. Since India does not consider UNSC resolutions, in its current form, would be able to resolve Kashmir issue, India will never agree to implement UNSC resolutions, which in any case require Pakistan to act first.

Hence the claim, that UNSC resolutions have become irrelevant. Not superseded, not terminated. Just irrelevant.

How old are you ??
Old enough to call out bull$hit.
Currently running two online sites, one consultancy and an oil and gas endeavour. Business does lead to a potty mouth at times.

Well, that is somewhat understandable then. Was wondering if some 'deeply repressed' feelings were surfacing.
Anyway Good Luck in all your endeavors.
Terming Kashmir as the "jugular vein" ofPakistan, the country's Army Chief Gen Raheel Sharif today said the issue should be resolved in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of Kashmiris and in line with UNSC resolutions for lasting peace in the region.

Addressing the main ceremony to mark the 'Youm-e-Shuhada' (Martyrs' Day) at GHQ Rawalpindi, Gen Sharif said Kashmir was an internationally recognised dispute.

"Matchless sacrifices offered by Kashmiris will not go in vain," he said.

Sharif, who just returned from his official trip toSaudi Arabia, termed Kashmir as a "jugular vein" of Pakistan. He called for resolution of the Kashmir issue in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of Kashmiris and in line with United Nations Security Council resolutions.

The resolution of the Kashmir issue is "indispensable" for lasting peace in the region, he said.

"Pakistan Army is in favour of peace but is always ready to respond to any aggression in befitting manner," he said.

Pakistan has often described Kashmir as the "jugular vein" but this is the first time Gen Sharif has used the term or spoken about Kashmir since taking over late last year.

Talking about domestic issues, he said that Pakistan Army believes in strengthening of democracy, supremacy of constitution and rule of law.

The army chief lauded the media and said: "We believe in freedom of media and responsible journalism".

His comments came amid a controversy surrounding the attack on leading Geo TV anchor Hamid Mir and subsequent move by the Defence Ministry seeking cancellation of the broadcasting licence of the channel.

Sharif said Pakistan Army supports every effort for elimination of terrorism and restoration of peace in the country.

He said armed forces of Pakistan are capable enough to foil the nefarious designs of the enemy and remain alert round the clock for defence of the motherland.

Nobody should doubt the capabilities of Pakistan Army as it will come to the expectations of the nation, he said.

Sharif asked anti-state elements to unconditionally accept Pakistan's Constitution and join the national mainstream otherwise the military "with the support of people will take them to task".

The ceremony was attended by a large number of dignitaries, including Defence Minister Khawaja Asif and former Army Chief Ashfaq Pervez Kayani.

Gen Raheel Sharif calls Kashmir as "jugular vein of Pakistan" | Business Standard

Excllent. A great reason for India to NEVER give up J&K just in case some peaceniks in India had second thoughts. India should start harping that pakistan's existence itself is india's and world's jugular vein:-)

Explained above.

All true. But all of these are beside the point.


Simla Agreement doesn't supersede UNSC resolutions. TRUE.
Simla Agreement doesn't terminate UNSC resolutions. TRUE.
Simla Agreement doesn't preclude Pakistan from raising UNSC resolutions and demand it's enforcement. TRUE.

All true. But those are not the scope or purpose of Simla Agreement. What Simla Agreement does is give the power to VETO, if proposal from one is not liked by another. So if Pakistan raises UNSC resolutions and demand it's enforcement, India can legally say no it. Since India does not consider UNSC resolutions, in its current form, would be able to resolve Kashmir issue, India will never agree to implement UNSC resolutions, which in any case require Pakistan to act first.

Hence the claim, that UNSC resolutions have become irrelevant. Not superseded, not terminated. Just irrelevant.

Old enough to call out bull$hit.

I am pretty sure pak's bravado was a bit restrained when signing the instruments of surrender in 1971! But now their tongues have suddenly becom chatty and long:-). Did anyone mention they are shameless and coward?
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Seen differently, he admits that the ' Jugular vein' of his nation is in India's hands.

..... and that's how it shall stay.
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