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GCC warns Hezbollah!!!

Pardon me , what Gulf state ? I can't find it neither in 2000 years of history nor in the map .

Arabs are God's biggest mistake , He tried to fix it by sending his last chance to them but he and his messenger failed again cos thee was no sign of humanity in them , And that's why the world and humanity suffering these days .

You have no use , no identity , no culture , nothing to be proud of and that's why you can't stand the truth .

LoL You mad bro?
Self delete
@Yzd Khalifa , hoping it doesn't hurt that much

Hurt? :lol:

I accept everything sportingly ,except racism against a whole broad base of human being. It's not your fault though, it's the fanatic mullahs'. Despite the fact that the Shah was a tyrant, we never had a problem with you people at all.

I just feel sorry for your ignorance that led you to take it to that level. Maybe you need to mature.
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@Yzd Khalifa Bahrain is deporting all Shiite Lebanese back to Lebanon and they are shutting down all the business they own in Bahrain. If this is true that they will do military actions against Hezboshaytan, show the world and the Shias that they'll will be finished in only days because I'm sick of hearing "Hezbollat was the only one who defeated Israel" :lol:

We will hear Iran will say "We are warning Saudi Arabia if they intervene Lebanon". What happened when they intervened Yemen and Bahrain? :rofl:
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@Yzd Khalifa Bahrain is deporting all Shiite Lebanese back to Lebanon and they are shutting down all the business they own in Bahrain. If this is true that they will do military actions against Hezboshaytan, show the world and the Shias that they'll will be finished in only days because I'm sick of hearing "Hezbollat was the only one who defeated Israel" :lol:

In only days. Yes, my son. You can do it. :D
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In only days. Yes, my son. You can do it. :D

Are you comparing a militant over GCC? Yes if GCC intervenes, Hz will be finished in only days. Everyday we are seeing bodies of Hz in Syria. :rofl:
Hurt? :lol:

I accept everything sportingly ,except racism against a whole broad base of human being. It's not your fault though, it's the fanatic mullahs'. Despite the fact that the Shah was a tyrant, we never had a problem with you people at all.

I just feel sorry for your ignorance that led you to take it to that level. Maybe you need to mature.

I don't call it ignorance its the truth no one can deny .

A friend asked me to remove the post in order not to get banned / etc but thanks to you for posting my opinion about those brain dead Arabs around Persian Gulf . :coffee:
LoL You mad bro?

Pardon me , what Gulf state ? I can't find it neither in 2000 years of history nor in the map .

Arabs are God's biggest mistake , He tried to fix it by sending his last chance to them but he and his messenger failed again cos there was no sign of humanity in them , And that's why the world and humanity suffering these days .

You have no use , no identity , no culture , nothing to be proud of and that's why you can't stand the truth .
I think they will probably kick out most of the Shi'ees as I have yet to meet a Shi'ee who doesn't support Hizbulshaytan.

Different Names

Same Shi't

Quantifier, If Anybody its your US,UK installed Saudi who should be Kicked out of Arabia. and your NATO, USA, UK Troops who should be labled Terrorist Organizations along with your FSA (Foreign Stooges of America/Free Shayitans Army)

You fly the Pakistani Flag so you must be Pakistani?

Your Nation Pakistan's Founding Father Mohammad Ali Jinnah himself was a SHIA of Parsi/Persian Background. Deny it all you want.

It is only the SHIA in Lebanon and the SHIA IRAN doing all the heavy lifting against ISRAEL. 2006 Hizbollah fought Israel to Free Lebanon, where were the so called mujahedeen from all the ARAB countries??? 67 years of occupation, rape and murder of SUNNI Palestinians, only the SHIA iran and the SHIA Lebanon have helped them while you cheer for the american British Zionist funded FSA, KSA, MKO & Saddam

Even your Imam Bukhari was Persian aswell. Can't handle it can you? I dont know what worse, Pakistanis like you or the Zionist Indians you guys keep talking about, you are looking at us just like the zionist indians look at you. As if we have done something to you. As you can see even many pakistanis like yourself are complicit in it with the Arabs. Pakistanis Living in England, America, High life as your country has become a living hell with you Saudi and American friends who shake your hands and then behind your back shake hands of your enemies. Israel is their master and any country such as Syria, Iraq, Pakistan or Iran that stands up to Israel is on their roadmap "to be demolished". Your countries energy needs (read electricity shortage) that now SHIA Iran is helping you with the Iran Pakistan Pipeline. You Unreatful people always find a reason to come after Shia or Persia. If our nation was not shia they would still have another problem, like they do with the Pashtons in Pakistan. You guys are just like Indians, your jelousy doesn't end at all. A Nuclear Armed nation that gets Droned everyday, provides supply lines to Crusaders to kill Afghans, Supported the First Afghan Insurgency with the Osama Bin Ladens Taliban Bridgrade.

You know your country doesn't even deserve Imran Khan, You Deserve the likes of Zardari, Sharif, Musharaf, Zia. Your country deserves another Bangladesh, Maybe Baluchistan or Kashmir or North West Frontier? Keep fighting among yourselves, thats what Israel and india wants and will be laughing about. Even Westerners Support Hezbollah, Putting on some images of some uncle sam's fanboy daughters and so called "Christians & Muslims" doesn't change anything. Everybody supports Hezbollah apart from fanatics like you and your zionist yehudi bitish & american puppets in PG Gulf states.

Keep Dreaming about your useless GCC Petrol Stations. :lol:
Pardon me , what Gulf state ? I can't find it neither in 2000 years of history nor in the map .

Arabs are God's biggest mistake , He tried to fix it by sending his last chance to them but he and his messenger failed again cos there was no sign of humanity in them , And that's why the world and humanity suffering these days .

You have no use , no identity , no culture , nothing to be proud of and that's why you can't stand the truth .

Did he mean the PERSIAN GULF States? Or Desert GOLF Sandcastles?:D Saudi Yehudi Salevi Supporting petrol stations and crapdoms installed on the muslim world by their colonial amreican and british and turk masters, arab nations that was built from tents to las vagas on the backs of their Pakistani, Afghani, Bengali and Indian friends who they look down as lower muslims because they are brown.

The Arabs and their Israeli European Anglo Saxon Brothers, both unhistorical people, no history, civilization, culture or anything, the Serve one another today and they help their anglo brothers who are behind all problems. Benjamin Nuthinyehud of Israel sells Shoes and his installed Anti Hezbollah, Anti Shia, Anti Iran, Pro FSA Puppets who never even did anything but serve crusaders, shines the shoes. Does nothing against Israel, Nothing for Palestine and Serves as a petrol Station for Crusaders and Zionists 5th Fleet and a source of all Fitna

I work for my government ,so I doubt you would know any better than myself. The number of Saudi visitors to Lebanon has dramatically been reduced by leaps and bounds over the last 7 years, so I would advice you to think 10 times before you speak.

And I thought only King AbduAmeriki was Braindead not only recently but for a longtime. How much does your government pay you, Yezid? I think they shouldn't pay you at all. your work I would not buy if you PAID me. A defender of saudi america with a vatican avatar. Marsh'Allah.
@Yzd Khalifa Bahrain is deporting all Shiite Lebanese back to Lebanon and they are shutting down all the business they own in Bahrain. If this is true that they will do military actions against Hezboshaytan, show the world and the Shias that they'll will be finished in only days because I'm sick of hearing "Hezbollat was the only one who defeated Israel" :lol:

Bahrain has been deporting anyone who had proven to be an Iranian proxy since 2011, so yes, the news is true bud. As for exterminating Shias, sorry I don't think our problem is with those who practice the Shia faith, but with the loon mullahs of Quam.

We will hear Iran will say "We are warning Saudi Arabia if they intervene Lebanon". What happened when they intervened Yemen and Bahrain? :rofl:

:lol: they only thing the mullahs are good at is running their bigoted blabbering blathering mouth ,but nothing else. We cracked down on their proxy not only in Bahrain ,but in Yemen as well ,and they couldn't do a damn thing about it.
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GCC is just as incompetent as all those other Arab countries are.

Savage Safavids :lol:

If Arabs were incompetent then mind telling us why did take you so long to realize that you have been bleeding for 8 years during Iraq-Iran war? :D
There is no greater misery than what Khomini had gone through during the war, he even begged for cease fire :lol:
If the Arabs were imcompentent then why didn't you take any action aginst them when they invaded Bahrain? Why haven't you interfered to save your brothers? Why didn't you take any counter measure when we bombed the hell out of the Houthis?

It's no longer a secret that the Safavids are suffering from superiority complex. Trust me, if you wish to play with us then you'd better be careful what you wish for.

Oh and don't send any more boats or drones to our backyard, you won't see them again, and don't beg us for releasing your fellow countrymen terrorists, they won't see the light until we want them to.

Are you comparing a militant over GCC? Yes if GCC intervenes, Hz will be finished in only days. Everyday we are seeing bodies of Hz in Syria. :rofl:

We will smash the hell out of the baboons if they choose to play with us.
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