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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I have heard Morsi was unpopular if that was the case why not remove him through electrol means. Sisi essentially did what Munir has done in Pakistan recently. Egypts dependancy on US aid has crippled it just the same as US aid did to Pak. Once upon a time the Egyptians were a mighty nation, today they should be the leaders of the arab world.

The US has enacted the same plan's with Egypt and Pakistan, the similarities are striking and the execution the same as well. Both of these populous countries sit in strategic parts of the world and have the potential to become great nations. They are plagued with the worst kind of governance and leadership any nation can have and have a parralysis which stops their nation from progressing.
Agree.. do you know they afraid to invite him in usa if people of Pakistan will go nuts

Street fight is dangers for any invading force . Even usa and many country from west sent them man power like they did in arab Isreal war or any Crusade war in history
If you see the geography of Egypt, it is bordering Sudan and Libya which are even more broken than Egypt. In fact, any ordinary street gang from Detroit or Baltimore can probably take over those countries.

Libya and Sudan are "even more broken than Egypt"? Wow, that is quite a lowly opinion, and quite the ignorant opinion. I'm using the term "ignorant" not in its unintended insinuation as an insult, but rather as it's true definition, for the lack of a better word, at least one that I can't come up with anyway.

It's ignorant because of the absurd analogy. Have you missed the last 10 years of events? Did you see Libya attacked by NATO and Qadhafi killed on the streets and the country plunged into civil war and now divided? Did you miss the debacles that occurred in Sudan which also led to civil war? Have you looked at any numbers in relation to the respective economies, i.e. GDP, foreign reserves, exports etc. to insinuate that Egypt is almost as "broken" as Sudan & Libya?

And street gangs from Detroit or Baltimore could take on the country? Do you really believe that or is it just hyperbole? I'll guess it's the latter to express your disdain since I can't fathom that level of insanity in the former being possible. No issues with that whatsoever. Not gonna beef with you if you're unhappy with the way Egypt is handling things or whatever your gripe is. I just hope it's not the former. That would be an unfortunate and terrible waste of my time to indulge any further and would have to leave it at that.

Thus, once Egypt signed peace treaty with Israel, it really has no adversaries to worry about and naturally their 'military' will shrivel away. Like what you may expect from Canada or Mexico's military. Mexican military's greatest enemy are the drug lords, and they are woefully failing against them.

Maybe it is ignorance. I think I found the answer. Never mind, carry on.

How old is the Saudi state? Persians also were not always Shi'i... Turks ruled both Arabs and Persians for past 800 years and yes they had a rivalry between Ottomans and Safavids or their subsequent heirs.

Fatimid Egyptians were Shi'i Ismailia... they even tried to ally with crusaders till they got thrown out of Jerusalem. And finally under Saladin rose up and defeated crusaders.
Not much different now... in that regard... however, Egyptians are Ahl Sunnah now, but just like their Shi'i predecessors sit idle ... ally, in fact benefit from U.S largesse in keeping the status quo. Remember one side of the concentration camp Gaza in none other than the Egyptians.

I guess we can generalize this complexity, a bit...

Is there shame to being a recipient of US largesse when it's the result of agreeing to make peace in the region and is almost strictly military? Did you know that the enemy party to that peace is a recipient of double -- and then some -- of the same US largesse? It was agreed on as part of the treaty and is conditional to it, just in case you didn't know.

Persians despite being Muslims still hate the fact that the Persian empire was destroyed by Arabs, and Arabs take pride in doing that. This is where lies the Saudi/Arab - Irani enemity.

I'm not even sure if that is the Persian outlook on the feud. It could be, but I don't think it is. However, I do know for sure it is not the primary reasoning for the Arab Sunni side.
an indian pretending to be Pakistani opinion doesnt count
Press the indian button

They are a UN recognized state, not comparable to TTP. Irregular units constitute Palestinian army. Pre-Israel's Lehi/Stern actually called themselves terrorist. Let this sink in.
'It was initially called the National Military Organization in Israel,[17] upon being founded in August 1940, but was renamed Lehi one month later.[18] The group referred to its members as terrorists[19] and admitted to having carried out terrorist attacks.[14][20][21]'
So the UN...
And world saw their defeat how they were running like pigs.. many lessons to be learn..they faild every tech which west brought on them by following one code many son and many gun and believe on Almighty.
War in Afghanistan was fought to dismantle Al-Qaeda Network and punish Taliban for supporting it. Job well done in this case because Al-Qaeda Network is virtually wiped out from the region and the war was settled in Doha Accords in Qatar with Pakistani mediation where Afghan Taliban agreed to not support Al-Qaeda Network like in the past and US agreed to withdraw its forces in exchange. This was the bone of contention from the start. Afghan Taliban and Al-Qaeda Network had brotherly relations but Afghan Taliban had to come to terms with the fact that Al-Qaeda Network cannot be saved.

Biden administration botched the withdrawal process and created bad optics on the other hand. Biden administration chose to respect Doha Accords and didn't want to explain this matter to his Afghan allies. US-backed Afghan setup melted as soon as US pulled its troops from the country. Critics of Joe Biden heavily bashed him for botching the withdrawal process, his approval rating declined.

You cannot occupy a country for 20 years if you are not dominant or capable in military terms. Afghan Taliban could attack military positions but had to retreat from many of these battles due to heavy losses.

No tech failure at all - a large number of terrorists were eliminated with precision strikes in Afghanistan and Pakistan. US had ample opportunity to test its drones in this environment and learn from experience.

US-led forces defeated the much bigger and stronger ISIL movement in the Middle East in a COIN masterstroke (Operation Inherent Resolved). This while US was pounding terrorists in Afghanistan as well but this war was affecting Pakistan as well. Pakistan had provided access to Pakistan and PTI-led government did its best to convince Trump administration to settle the war in Afghanistan.

You might want to watch what Donald Trump said to Imran Khan when the latter was in White House.

Come on, bro. Muslims in modern times are doing so bad in conflicts because they do not seem to understand strengths of their adversaries. You (figuratively speaking) can claim victory when you can stop the invading source at your borders. Having your country occupied for many years with the invading forces using it for experiments and forcing you to give up on your brothers for peace and claim victory on this count is a face saving tall claim. This is what I see in Afghanistan.
🤣🤣🤣 ,a donkey pretending to be a horse..
Hows the council house?
It is like this:

Hamas can fight for sure but IDF is too big and capable and playing around. This is like a predator stalking its prey and not being in a rush.
While this whole video is worth watching, in this part of the video, Col. Macgregor again brings Pakistan's nukes to help Turkey. And he is not the only one--multiple Western analysts bring up Pakistan's nukes. I don't think, in a regional war, Israel will even survive as a nation.
Israel nukes were an option to decimate formations of Arab armies as in previous conventional wars. But not anymore. There is not even a Samson Option available.

Channel 13: more hizbullah squad were eradicated (the numbers almost reached 100). I remember once nassrla said that for every killing of hizbullah terrorist one Israel will be die. Right now only 4 soldiers and almost 100 hizbullah have been redirected 🤣
Since you love Wikipedia (and large blue font), here are some excerpts for you:

Two of the operations for which the Irgun is best known are the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 [91 people of various nationalities were killed, including Arabs, Britons and Jews, and 46 were injured] and the Deir Yassin massacre that killed at least 107 Palestinian Arab villagers, including women and children, carried out together with Lehi on 9 April 1948.

The organization committed acts of terrorism against the British, whom it regarded as illegal occupiers, and against Arabs.

Irgun's tactics appealed to many Jews who believed that any action taken in the cause of the creation of a Jewish state was justified, including terrorism.

Irgun members were absorbed into the Israel Defense Forces
at the start of the 1948 Arab–Israeli war. The Irgun was a political predecessor to Israel's right-wing Herut (or "Freedom") party, which led to today's Likud party. Likud has led or been part of most Israeli governments since 1977.





1.Irgon Was held as terrorists by Hagana and handed over to the British.

Had Fatah done the same with Hamas we would probably not be in that mess right now.

2. Bombing of the king david hotel was a f*ck up , there was supposed to be w warnning given, so they can evacuate,

Do read it all :

" warnings were sent and how the British authorities responded. Irgun representatives have always stated that the warning was given well in advance of the explosion so that adequate time was available to evacuate the hotel. "

Anything else ?

Targeting civilains ? Any soicide explosions on buses ? Mass shooting of civilains ?

Fact is that the action of the renegade resistence movments was denonced by the main leadership and the public . There members where hunted down and handed over to the British.

The same disipline and stopping such terror acts - Fatah failed to force on Hamas , that is why we are at the state we are in now,


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