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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

In fact, based on past experience, the Hamas leadership probably expected that Israel would retaliate. So this terrorist attack was a conspiracy from the beginning, they wanted Israel to be angry, then bomb and massacre many Palestinians, it would make all Muslim countries angry and condemn Israel, eventually creating a worldwide anti-Israel coalition.
"Spokesman for the occupation army: We closed the Rafah crossing by force and will not allow any fuel and aid convoys to pass into the Gaza Strip"

So far I have not seen any evidence that Egypt is making good of its promise to deliver humanitarian aid to 2 million Palestinian civilians trapped in Gaza and subject to a brutal siege. Instead, the concern is with not allowing Palestinians to enter Egypt!
I think you will wake up from this delussion in a couple of days.

Seem you got used to Hamas attacking us than run and hide among civilian population .

Yes, someone hides among civilians,some hide behind their sugar daddies. Some were hiding in the uniforms of the Commissares and shooting retreating Red Army soldiers ( Mekhlis) , they don't hide in 30s when inventive Special People invented the Gas Chambers, they couldn't run , there was no American skirt to hide in Bergen Belsen.
Practically, you built yourself by having double names and blending among the others. Being a friendly shopkeeper or watch maker, money lenders, pharmacists etc. Sometimes you had to run and hide among the civilians among the Muslims. But hey , why get attached to the people who saved us? We can hide in the general population, change the name or religion and use the opportunity that the local population in general doesn't do the usury. Despite the centuries old hiding and bragging, special people didn't develop any meaningful culture apart ghettos and salty beefs. At certain moment , hiding people came out, still with the various combination of the names and got educated by the science and endeavour of the host nations.
Vermin if you ask me
Muslims are waiting for Mehdi to do there job but until he arrive Muslim wanna go to jannah so fast doing no effort but accept shahada by Zionist. If anyone on here thinks that Muslim country will come forward and help Palestinians then you should completely change your brain and install elon musk new chip.
What is happening in ghaza ? Any update

U guys are busy in a pissing contest with no reports of the war
Italian French, Spanish and German evacuation flights showing on ABDS exchange.

Border crossings closed no one in or out. Palestinians can’t leave, IDF want them to leave, Egypt has closed the border so they can’t leave.

Water cut off, electricity cut off, ground lines of communication cut off, MSF state they have about 3/4 days emergency medical supplies remaining.

More than 186,000 seeking shelter in UNWARA run schools in Gaza. As we speak there has been another air strike.
Your source was spot on mate. Check ADBS, transponders on and off near Athens pretty much all morning. All heavy lift.

When he told me the details (s), I wished it wasn't true.

We are headed into the worst-case scenario in the future, and the U.S. will be the prime actor that will light the fire.
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