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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Also, one settler colony supports another settler colony. They all supported Apartheid South Africa also. So people are just born crooked.
South African Apartheid was indeed supported for the longest by the Western countries--that's something Africans have not forgotten or forgiven. There is a reason the South African response to Israel during the ongoing conflict is so strong--and slap on the faces of the likes of Jordan, Egypt and others whom I don't want to name to start some quarrel here.
I couldn't imagine marrying a WASP, we would be totally incompatible, so you probably know them better. But I know they are screwed in their colonial outposts, USA australia, Canada, because they will be minorities in our lifetime. I am with them, so I am totally screwed as well. I can tell you honestly I would not live in a non white neighbourhood or live in any country where I was discriminated. Maybe WASPS are more attached to their colonies so they will endure more hardship as minorities, but I wont. I'm going staring back to Bosnia and taking all my money as soon as I feel the heat. I'd be treated as an outsider by WASPS and treated like an enemy by the non whites. I don't need that carp unless im making some serious money. And only for as long as I'm making serious money.

We maybe getting offtopic but I have to clarify: It is my understanding (and very long) personal experience that America is not as racist as Australia and many/most countries of Europe. The American support to Israel has many dimensions--the AIPAC lobby, the stupid Christian Evangelicals, and the Military Industrial Complex; together they form a very strong ideological and economic glue that binds them. But once you remove AIPAC from this alliance, then the electoral politics in America changes and that would cause a dominoes effect in changing American politics in the Middle East. The MIA influence is active in the Russia-Ukraine war and they could be active in some other place--perhaps in China-Taiwan conflict?? The Middle East conflict was already becoming a sideshow for Americans until the Gazans started the October 7 conflict. The Evangelical Christians could concentrate on supporting the Christians in Myanmar or the Naxalites in India or blow up abortion clinics in America...

As to the bolded part... again, offtopic. I don't understand what you are saying. I guess you'd go back to Bosnia once you have enough money? In my case, there is virtually no discrimination here-- BTW, people discriminate against anything different from them, at least silently, anyway. For me, life was great in Pakistan before I came here. It is great here. And I think it would be great if I go back to Pakistan; life/inheritance was/is very good in Pakistan in my personal case. Life is good here because I have worked hard to earn it. I wish you the best in whatever you decide.

Just watching this lady who has been evacuated to Bosnia and her horrific experiences, she's half Bosnian so thats why she has been evacuated. Nothing too interesting except one remarkable fact she pointed out, One remarkable point.

Her husband has 12 sisters. For Israel to actually win, they will need to kill every one of them. And they wont and they cant. These people kept in this open air prison are having an unlimited number of kids. Even if they kill 100,000, these are numbers that can be very easily replenished.

This is a remarkable birthrate. It will soon be anti-semetic to have so many kids.

Palestinians are going to win this one way or the other. No matter how bloodthirsty you are, you wont be able to kill that many Palestinians.






There are hunreds meters of tunnels , some of them going outside the Hospital compund. This is only the tip of the iceberg , Shifa is a huge compound , it will take maybe weeks to expose it all , so do be patient.

Yesterday and the following days there have been intrnational repoters allowed inside Shifa , so this whole bubble of Shifa is going to exlodw in Hamas face.

This is how Hamas thought he could take cover in his tunnels and entertain his human shield by showing them clips of the 7 of October massacre :

Tell me what sort of people build thier terror tunnels under a hospital ?

Evidence of underground headquarters :

Evidence of hostages held in Shifa




Why is the Hamas command center hidden under Gaza's central hospital?


Here is the thing. Israel is a terrorist state, full of racist Jewish supremacists, that simply should not be bombing women and children in the first place. The hospital is irrelevant in that.

Next, Israel has yet to release proof that the hospital was used as a base for Hamas. Additionally, even if it were used as a base for Hamas, Israel should not be there bombing people in the first place. Using the hospital as an argument for killing thousands of defenseless women and children doesn't work because Israel should not be killing thousands of innocent women and children to begin with.

There is none, zero, nada, nil evidence that Hamas committed atrocities on October 7th. No proof of rapes. No proof of beheaded babies. There are no military aged civilians in Israel so if that is an argument it doesn't work. There is video and Israeli witness testimony proof, however, of Israel killing its own people and blaming Hamas.

If the actions of October 7th justify the killing of thousands of defenseless women and children then, by the exact same logic, the entire world is justified in removing Israel from the map. Israel has done, continues to do, and will do much worse atrocities than have ever been done to it.
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What is the price?

You will decide...?
who gets to live in an open cage...in a concentration camp?
I get slavery is seeped in your very being and perhaps engraved in the DNA but the oppresser has no qualms about your sorry soul! Not an ounce! A number just as in Gaza.

But no you are NOT like Gaza for they're making every drop of their blood count ... in vain it may be!
But not for their effort but callousness of YOUR kind!
The price of killing the enemy who are in this case Israelis.
Sometimes nations need to back off to get themselves some time to re-assess their strategy.
You think slavery is engraved in our DNA but reality is something else
We as a nation are 100Million+ people with huge fertile lands in our control.
Why so?
Because we played our cards right.
Sometimes we accepted the reality and other times we bounced back on our enemies to took our lands back.

So i will say lands are not everything.The survival of nation should be the top most priority.

Palestinian Lands are conquered by Israel.No big problem.Part of this world mechanism.
These Lands can be conquered back some other day if Palestinians survive this onslaught.
But Hamas literally compromised Palestinian Survival.
In an Open cage?Yes they were.But now after 7th October Palestinians are in Closed Cage.

How low would SKY news sink ?

British anchor says swapping 150 prisoners for 50 hostages means Palestinian lives worthless

Watch the question - and the response: Israel's willingness to enter a 3 for 1 exchange means it does not value Palestinian lives, anchor posits; Elon Levy calls the suggestion 'outrageous' and 'disgusting'

Since the start of Israel's war with Hamas, Elon Levy and his British-accent-laced English have been asked a lot of stupid questions. But the look on his face after the question a Sky News anchor posed on Thursday says it all.

he anchor said that a hostage negotiator had pointed out to her that Israel is releasing 150 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for just 50 hostages, "and he made the comparison between the numbers and the fact that does Israel not think that Palestinian lives are valued as highly as Israeli lives?"
Levy said in a post on the X platform that it was the "first question that left me speechless (but only for a second)."

He definitely recovered, calling it "an astonishing accusation."

"If we could release one prisoner for every one hostage we would obviously do that," he continued, reminding the Sky News anchor that Israel is not "CHOOSING to release these prisoners who have blood on their hands."
He pointed out that many of the prisoners who are slated to be released have perpetrated stabbing and shooting attacks against Israelis. "Notice the question of proportionality doesn't interest Palestinian supporters when they're able to get more of their prisoners out," he pointed out.



If Israel valued their own lives then why did they kill so many hostages in Gaza?

Why did the IDF fire blindly on October 7th and kill their own people?

Why does Israel use settlers and Israeli children as human shields in settlements to steal land?

Your propaganda was made by elementary school children. Please try harder.

Are you deaf ?

Israeli clearly said the objective was to remove Hamas , so did the US .

May I ask , how do you intend to stop them ? and for how long ? One month one year ?

You know there can be only one outcome,

Had Hamas any responsibility towards its people , it would disarm and spare them pointless suffering.

Biden: Israel’s Gaza operation will end when Hamas no longer able to murder Israelis



Are you deaf?

Firstly. Israel clearly said the objective is to depopulate Gaza, remove millions of people from their homes, and take the land.

Secondly. Pointless suffering is what Israel has been doing to Palestinians for 70+ years. This didn't start Oct 7.

Thirdly. Lets pretend you are correct and the goal is to remove Hamas. WHY IS ISRAEL ATTACKING THE WEST BANK WHICH DOES NOT HAVE HAMAS?
As to the bolded part... again, offtopic. I don't understand what you are saying. I guess you'd go back to Bosnia once you have enough money? In my case, there is virtually no discrimination here-- BTW, people discriminate against anything different from them, at least silently, anyway. For me, life was great in Pakistan before I came here. It is great here. And I think it would be great if I go back to Pakistan; life/inheritance was/is very good in Pakistan in my personal case. Life is good here because I have worked hard to earn it. I wish you the best in whatever you decide.
Demographics of western countries is critical to Palestine issue. It will dictate how the 70 year long war finishes. I'm saying that once western countries stop being bastions of white privilege and white people lose absolute control many are going to leave, myself included. I would not stay in a non white country. Especially if I will be discriminated. Why would I? I have a county of my own surrounded by my own people.

Now WASPS that are 5 or 10 generations in these colony countries might be more attached to them and not be prepared to just leave and go back to Scotland. They might endure the non white takeover for a while but may even start ciivl wars to get a white country in America. In any event there wont be much focus on Israel when this happens. And this will most certainly happen.

We maybe getting offtopic but I have to clarify: It is my understanding (and very long) personal experience that America is not as racist as Australia and many/most countries of Europe.

Depends where I guess. I've had white people in Mississippi apologise to me for having Barack Obama as president once they figured out I'm not American. These people are very very racist. America has big big racial problems. Much worse than australia. But australia is less politically correct. Also, people are usually not racist to you in front of you. but doesn't mean they are not.
Palestinian Lands are conquered by Israel.No big problem.Part of this world mechanism.
These Lands can be conquered back some other day if Palestinians survive this onslaught.
But Hamas literally compromised Palestinian Survival.
In an Open cage?Yes they were.But now after 7th October Palestinians are in Closed Cage.
I totally understand you. people are acting like if Palestinians leave Gaza they have lost it forever. Like they will never get it back.

What the heck is wrong with people? is this rational behaviour? It's flat desert terrain. it can be taken back in a few days when the conditions are right.

Look at Karabakh. taken after 1 day war. All settlers that have been settling there for 80 years sent packing. But the conditions had to be right. This is Called strategy and some people have little understanding of it.
I totally understand you. people are acting like if Palestinians leave Gaza they have lost it forever. Like they will never get it back.

What the heck is wrong with people? is this rational behaviour? It's flat desert terrain. it can be taken back in a few days when the conditions are right.

Look at Karabakh. taken after 1 day war. All settlers that have been settling there for 80 years sent packing. But the conditions had to be right. This is Called strategy and some people have little understanding of it.

English is not most people's first language on this forum so if I am misunderstanding you then don't take this personally.

Are you saying that if Gazans leave that Israel will allow them to return to Gaza afterwards?

Israel has not allowed any of the Palestinians to return in 70+ years. Why would you expect them to make an exception this time?

On top of this. If I am reading your post correctly, you are saying Gazans could take back the land afterwards. Is this not what Hamas tried to do October 7th? You are encouraging an action and at the same time are condemning it. Make up your mind. Is it okay for Palestinians to kill Israelis to take back their land or not? Israel uses settler families as human shields and you condemned it when they are killed. You cannot condemn this and blame it for the plight of Gaza, and at the same time encourage it.
English is not most people's first language on this forum so if I am misunderstanding you then don't take this personally.

Are you saying that if Gazans leave that Israel will allow them to return to Gaza afterwards?

Israel has not allowed any of the Palestinians to return in 70+ years. Why would you expect them to make an exception this time?

On top of this. If I am reading your post correctly, you are saying Gazans could take back the land afterwards. Is this not what Hamas tried to do October 7th? You are encouraging an action and at the same time are condemning it. Make up your mind. Is it okay for Palestinians to kill Israelis to take back their land or not? Israel uses settler families as human shields and you condemned it when they are killed. You cannot condemn this and blame it for the plight of Gaza, and at the same time encourage it.
No, he clearly said preconditioned things had to happen before it in larger schemes of things, it is from current point of view and sad circumtences in muslim countries almost impossible to think of but with proper strategy and commitment his approach is valid.

How can i post video here from telegram?
You mean murder them and than lie about it ?

Yes, that's exactly what I mean, Hamas should use the same tactics of israel, murder them and lie about it. You jews and Hamas are no different, both sides of the same coin. The world would have been a much better place if Hitler finished what he started.
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BJP would have garlanded him. America doesn't let bigotry overtake its constitution and justice. Previously he was fired. Even if the vendor was illegal, which is not likely, the idiot would be arrested for stalking and harassing. Can't commit crime against another human and make it seem legit because of the victim's race, religion, ethnicity, or any other factor. Shocking that he was an Obama advisor.
English is not most people's first language on this forum so if I am misunderstanding you then don't take this personally.
Of course not, its just a discussion forum
Are you saying that if Gazans leave that Israel will allow them to return to Gaza afterwards?
No, they wont be allowed to return.
Israel has not allowed any of the Palestinians to return in 70+ years. Why would you expect them to make an exception this time?
They wont allow them to return.
On top of this. If I am reading your post correctly, you are saying Gazans could take back the land afterwards. Is this not what Hamas tried to do October 7th? You are encouraging an action and at the same time are condemning it. Make up your mind.
I dont know what Hamas tried, but I can tell you that conquering land without air defence systems, anti tank system and a secure line of logistics is not going to successful. So if they tried to take back their land, this is not the most effective way of doing it.

you cant really take land with 1,000 fighters. You wont get far. I would imagine from a military strategy, you would need 400,000 fighters and insert them in a major city. You might then take the city, but again without air defence and tank defence and logistics it would be more like a raiding operation.
Is it okay for Palestinians to kill Israelis to take back their land or not? Israel uses settler families as human shields and you condemned it when they are killed. You cannot condemn this and blame it for the plight of Gaza, and at the same time encourage it.
I am not expert on international law but I do know that if you are strong enough you can do whatever you want. So what I think is irrelevant. When the Palestinians are strong enough, they will take their land and set their own rules of behaviour. And they wont ask me or any international court.

Foreign reporters taken to Shifa Hospital compound :

Israel allows news cameras inside Al-Shifa tunnel​

The Israeli military showed journalists a tunnel and underground rooms beside the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City which Israel says were used by Hamas to plan attacks and shelter from IDF bombardment. The Reuters news agency said Israel’s military reviewed all their video after the visit, but that nothing was removed.

Nov 23, 2023 #news #latestnews #economictimes
The Israeli military sought on Wednesday to bolster its assertions that Hamas uses tunnels beneath the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, releasing a series of videos that it said showed "dozens of meters of a tunnel system" beneath the complex of Shifa Hospital.

Inside Hamas' tunnels under Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza

ITV News goes into Gaza's al-Shifa hospital Hamas used as base | ITV News


Piracy as a Somali , is something you should know something about , and little to be proud of.

The international comunity dealt with Somali piracy amd will deal with Yemeni Piracy.

Yemen would starve , but what what do you care , as long as it serves your purpose.


Escalation in ship attacks pushes Yemen towards starvation :


But what what do you care , as long as it serves your purpose.


How low would SKY news sink ?

British anchor says swapping 150 prisoners for 50 hostages means Palestinian lives worthless

Watch the question - and the response: Israel's willingness to enter a 3 for 1 exchange means it does not value Palestinian lives, anchor posits; Elon Levy calls the suggestion 'outrageous' and 'disgusting'

Since the start of Israel's war with Hamas, Elon Levy and his British-accent-laced English have been asked a lot of stupid questions. But the look on his face after the question a Sky News anchor posed on Thursday says it all.

he anchor said that a hostage negotiator had pointed out to her that Israel is releasing 150 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for just 50 hostages, "and he made the comparison between the numbers and the fact that does Israel not think that Palestinian lives are valued as highly as Israeli lives?"
Levy said in a post on the X platform that it was the "first question that left me speechless (but only for a second)."

He definitely recovered, calling it "an astonishing accusation."

"If we could release one prisoner for every one hostage we would obviously do that," he continued, reminding the Sky News anchor that Israel is not "CHOOSING to release these prisoners who have blood on their hands."
He pointed out that many of the prisoners who are slated to be released have perpetrated stabbing and shooting attacks against Israelis. "Notice the question of proportionality doesn't interest Palestinian supporters when they're able to get more of their prisoners out," he pointed out.

Now then Cupid stunt

A Jew complaining about the press?
Ooooooo the irony?
When a Jew complains - you must accept the press have in any way spoken the truth. They can’t handle the truth - lies and misinformation is what they thrive for - but like the Nazis did.
Come on Sammuel - ive asked Benny -
Why don’t you do a DNA test to see where you from coz I guarantee it’s not Palestine based -
Perhaps a bit of polish Ugandan and of course Indian - go on ladddd find out your roots 😉
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