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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Yeah I haven't heard anything like that coming from him, and I've been following almost all of his statements.

No secret he's not a fan of Hamas because of their affiliation with the MB and some of the Sinai troubles, but he's never made it a point to completely destroy the tunnels which he easily could do in a few days and takes a lot of heat for that. And Egyptian intelligence is always communicating with Hamas and trying to work out ways to help the Palestinians in Gaza on his behalf, so the relationship wouldn't warrant such an accusation.

I was in the hospital for a week about a year ago, one of the nurses was an Ethiopian Jew with a huge gold star of David necklace. I knew her background immediately but never asked her about it. She took real good care of me and treated me well until she asked me where I was from. Once I told her, her attitude changed 180 degrees lol.
Those aren't really ethnically Jews. They are some brainwashed sects made by some brainless people. @Gomig-21 but the nurse that you meet, is ethnically Jew because there is ethnic jewish people in Ethiopia.

Anger at Netanyahu Rises as He Retreats to Billionaire-Owned Private Mansion​

By Madeline Fitzgerald,
3 hours ago

Anger at Netanyahu Rises as He Retreats to Billionaire-Owned Private Mansion​

Just 29% of Israelis said that Netanyahu is their preferred prime minister​

Published | Updated Madeline Fitzgerald

Resentment towards Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is growing, as the leader and his wife retreat to a luxury mansion owned by a billionaire friend, while the war between Israel and Hamas continues to rage in the Middle East .

The mansion, which belongs to American billionaire Simon Falic, reportedly contains a nuclear bunker. Falic is friends with Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu – who have been embroiled in financial controversies, according to The Telegraph .
The decision to move into the mansion, while the couple also owns two homes in Jerusalem and a third on the coast, sparked criticism in the Israeli media.
“We renovate, secure and finance three homes for the Netanyahu family,” said journalist Uri Misgav, according to the Telegraph.
When the Netanyahus moved into Falic’s villa, they reportedly brought their private chef, who is paid for by the Israeli government. If proven true, it would be a violation of Israeli law that prohibits government employees from working in private homes, according to the Jerusalem Post .

This controversy comes as both the prime minister and his wife are facing blowback for the government's response to the war. Netayahu’s popularity within his country has sunk in recent weeks – with just 29% of Israelis saying he was their preferred prime minister in an October 13 poll .
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara Netanyahu greet supporters at an election-night event on November 1, 2022 in Jerusalem, Israel. Amir Levy/Getty Images
Many have blamed Sara Netanyahu for the five days that elapsed between the initial Hamas attacks and the establishment of a war cabinet .

“Her influence on political decisions surpasses that of any previous prime minister’s spouse in Israeli history and even on a global scale,” a security source told the Telegraph.
Israeli journalist Ben Caspit told the paper "Sara is most definitely not welcome at any of the shivas or funerals."
This is not the first time that the Netanyahus have faced scrutiny for their financial dealings. Jailed French businessman Arnaud Mimran allegedly transferred thousands of euros to the prime minister and gifted him vacations and expensive watches, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz .
Netanyahu disputed these claims but did admit that as a private citizen he took a $40,000 gift from Mimran.
The security source told the Telegraph that Sara has been accused of taking gifts and bribes in the past, but often acts like these allegations are “a witch hunt.”
Mortar fire against Israeli forces crowding in Kissifum

I'm not a huge fan of HezbAllah, believe me, but I do admire their courage and tenacity, how could anyone not, right? They're not fighting for Hamas by any stretch of the imagination since they don't want to see another murderous annihilation of their cities in southern Lebanon. I'm sure their quite apprehensive about that starting with Nasrallah. But who drew first blood in this round? Was it the zionists or HezbAllah?

They should have toned down their rhetoric over the past decade if this is all they have been reduced to. They don't have political courage. I'm not referring to their fighters, it's their leadership holding them back. They should never be drawing red lines about Jerusalem and Gaza if they weren't going to honor them. But they did form propaganda purposes under the assumption the events in Jerusalem won't trigger a wider conflict.
5 Israeli soldiers killed over two weeks. And constant targeting of a pillar on the border. Hamas killed 1400+ in one day. These are face-saving attacks by Hezbollah for their image. This face-saving stuff is no longer going to be tolerated by anyone.

I don't only call out Hezbollah and Iran. I also called out Egypt, Jordan, Saudi and Turkey. From tomorrow, anyone not actively intervening or helping Gaza in any way is going to be considered a evil Jew.

I'm done with respecting people's feelings. I don't care about anyone's feelings anymore. There's a genocide going on thanks to these pricks in the region that are appear more Jewish than the Jews themselves.
They are the poodles of evil jews who sold their deen long time ago.
Traitors on the inside are the biggest threat to a nation.
Munira Mistry, MBS, Dictator Sissi, The Great Sultan, The Jordanian Cuck are all sell outs. Only empty words come from their mouths. This is why......

This is not good. This is Germanic behavior.
Muslims should not behave like this anywhere.

Muslims shouldn't behave like this. But they should allow US to resupply Israel from their airbases. And host a festival and Riyadh. And announce a speech one week from now about the heroic Pillar victory while Gaza is being ruined. Right ? Why should Muslims listen to you ?
@Gomig-21 but the nurse that you meet, is ethnically Jew because there is ethnic jewish people in Ethiopia.

Yep. She didn't turn mean or treat me badly or anything like that, she just wasn't as 'friendly' as she was prior to knowing my nationality. Still, before I was discharged, I made sure I thanked her for her professional care and looking out for me, especially since I was in there for my atrial fibrillation and had to go under anesthesia to get a cardioversion to restore my irregular heartbeat. She made sure I had everything I needed much more than the good-looking young blondie who replaced her! lol
Urgent| Armed clashes continue with the occupation forces near the border fence east of Khan Yunis.
They should have toned down their rhetoric over the past decade if this is all they have been reduced to. They don't have political courage. I'm not referring to their fighters, it's their leadership holding them back. They should never be drawing red lines about Jerusalem and Gaza if they weren't going to honor them. But they did form propaganda purposes under the assumption the events in Jerusalem won't trigger a wider conflict.

I got it, that makes sense, bro.
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