Someone asked about the differences in a technical context so I answered. You jealous that you do not know?
How distasteful cynicism from wannabe intellectual. On your post from you if you have not I didn't even bother to answer for typical American romanesqu pretentions. Though the first part was pretentious too. You think that you can explain me what it is Marxism? I answered you and I doubt that you even could guess what I was on about.
To put it planlly to you.
Someone doesn't fucking know who is who in your effin country just if they watch the career of your President and his positions visa Vue many issues. OK let's leave his shower with this daughter aside.
In regards of gsy marriage, Israel and many other issues he has diametrically opposite view but 180 degree view then in some cases till relatively recently. The question here is what f ing system can cause it? The system who is split into the branches who allegedly check on each other???? Really? You honestly believe that I believe that?
Listen pal i might be from small county and Saddam a dictator but do effin think that we have no ability to deduct certain things??? Are you serious?
Pal in your country 80% of people do not effin know when was your Revolutionary war , in my jungle %95 know all important general education stuff. But by having certain political system, you honestly think that the ability to comprehend something is based on that???? Bizarre
Pal for your information Trotsky was man of the year according to the Newsweek , New York Times etc in 30s , I don't think because he generously gifted you so many archives.