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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

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Prijtelju, ja Sam dugo mislio o tome I onda Sam skontao da I drugi tako misle.
Covjece, tu Sam imprsiju dobio kad Sam pricao sa director Muslim Parliament of Britain. Buraz ima nekih neprijatnih stvari , one su neprijatne Ali su tacne. Ja neznam gdje ti zivis Ali vjeruj mi bio Sam pitan barem 100x da I'm nadjem kakvu " siromasnu" bosanku. Pa nisam djete . Prijtelju ima toliko toga neprijatnog da zalim samog sebe da nisam idiot. Bilo bi mi puno lakse. Selam brate
A ovaj thet or something, Srbenda ba , I necudi me hinhaluk ovih gadova.

Sramota me je pomisliti da su neki ljudi htjeli iskoristiti Bosanke. Nažalost, postoje milioni takozvanih muslimana koji nisu baš fini ljudi. Zato je muslimanski svijet u tako lošem stanju.
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Btw, this is what an anti-helicopter mine (“TV mine”) can do out to an effective range of 500 meters.

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Μα αυτό κάνω. Γιατί είναι τόσο δύσκολο να το καταλάβετε όλοι εσείς εδώ μέσα;

Έχετε έναν περίεργο τρόπο να εκφράζετε την υποστήριξή σας. Δεν μπορώ να φανταστώ τι θα κάνεις σε έναν εχθρό.
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Dude idgaf about anything other than the act of JDAMing terrorists in Gaza until there's nothing left

I really love the fact that there's literally no one to stop us, and you can do nothing but watch and whine about genocide
Can you read? I didn't talk about that.
How are you going to cure your bed wetting and premature ejaculation if you don't talk what really bothers you.
Dr Mehmed is here for you.
OK OK you mentioned JDAMs and all of your dreams and wishes but what about your innerself ?
Esther is always unsatisfied and nervous and you are nervous and highly strung . You are nervous and you ejaculate sometimes in your pants. So Ester instead of bit of old in and out gets to wash your pants. Maybe hers is big like a waiter wallet and yours is like a toothpick
If that is the case Dr Mehmed can help but by totally different way. You don't need to be present during the sesanse. I will cure Ester and you can enjoy the fruits of my labour
Dr Mehmed
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