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Gaza: A Life You DONT wanna live !

“To Jews as Jews we bear no malice; to Jews as Zionists, intoxicated with their militarism and reeking with technological arrogance, we refuse to be hospitable.”

One day inshallah you will be waiting thousands of years to go back to your so called homeland. The arabs are more semitic than any of you zionists.

And for those pakistanis that say we should build relations with the zionist entity, i'd like to remind you of something:
"The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan.” Ben-Gurion, the Prime Minister of Israel.

Enjoy your time zionists for it will not last long.
“To Jews as Jews we bear no malice; to Jews as Zionists, intoxicated with their militarism and reeking with technological arrogance, we refuse to be hospitable.”

One day inshallah you will be waiting thousands of years to go back to your so called homeland. The arabs are more semitic than any of you zionists.

And for those pakistanis that say we should build relations with the zionist entity, i'd like to remind you of something:
"The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan.” Ben-Gurion, the Prime Minister of Israel.

Enjoy your time zionists for it will not last long.

Man i hope you have Jihadi Tendencies.
Man i hope you have Jihadi Tendencies.

Lol, every muslim has jihadi tendencies. Do you know what jihad is? It is not merely war as you believe.

The media worldwide has caused so many misconceptions of Islam, who owns the majority of these outlets. The Zionists.

I am for a two state solution or a single state for both sides. Yet when i see the crimes the zionist entitiy carries out without any consequences my blood boils as a human being. Killing innocent humans is wrong on both sides, i will never justify the killing of innocent people.

But what would you do if you were oppressed. In this regard i understand why hamas etc carry out such attacks but i won't justify them on the civilian population, military targets however are a different matter as both sides see each other in a state of war. The zionist entity would argue they attack our civilians etc and thats why we attack but you do the exact same. I honestly believe that if the Palestinians have a state, the zionist entity will have greater peace.

Just a general question for what would you do if someone took your land, killed your children, wouldn't that person be your sworn emeny and you would do anything to hurt them.
well we should be trillions times be thank full to ALMIGHTY ALLAH that we are not living their but we must Prey and change thinking of ourselfes anddo something aggressively against Israel not just by talkin but by hand by war no waste time here no body is going to change things for Muslims untill we change thinking of ourselfes
Wait just a second there..... Your first a second paras are completely ludicrous. What you have failed to do is identify the aggravator as is the need in judging almost every conflict.

Quite the contrary, but we all have our biases don't we? ;)

The aggravator cannot claim retaliation.

Also, take it down a notch. I can hardly understand why you're so passionate about this issue. Actually I can, but you'll just give me the whole 'not religion its humanity angle' so I'll spare myself that nonsense.

Ill try to make it simple: I make a forced entry in your house and punch you square in the face. You hit me back. Then I break your neck and appeal for self defense or aggravated assault in the courts.

Ahh yes, I expected something along these lines. I look at it this way...

Your dad is an oppressive landowner, he owns every house in the neighborhood, including mine. He's forced to intervene when a fellow landlord starts butchering his tenants. He decides to take them in and not long after they ask for a home of their own, so he decides to stuff 'em in my house.

Now I hate the new tenants alright, but it's your dad who's really to blame. These guys had no where to go, they made their case and your dad imposed an unfair decision on me. The new guys might disagree of course, but it's wholly irrelevant. Its the situation on the ground that matters.

Your dad's an old man now and decides to leave us be. I still hate the new guys and you can't really blame me for it. As for the new guys, well you can't really blame them either. They certainly can't go back to their old homes. So they make an offer, we'll split the land 50/50. I reject it. Fighting ensues and I get pwned. I call my all friends and they get pwned too.

Now the new guys have ended up taking over more than half my home. Furthermore, they're starting to encroach on what little room I have left. I'm being pushed around and humiliated in my own home. I resort to drastic measures. So do they. Here's where things get tricky.

Your dad and his friends can't find a solution, but should I have resorted to indiscriminate violence? Should I have expected them NOT to reciprocate? Why or why not?

I got pwned the first two times around, perhaps its time to devise a more viable strategy...NOT.

I elect my brother, a recognized baby killer, as team captain. In the process I end up losing favor with the people who could have helped me the most. Furthermore, I end up fighting with my own family. This leaves us in complete disarray, with no cohesive political strategy and a baby killer as our leader. Bear in mind, this whole time the new guys are consolidating/expanding their control so as to make the most out of any agreement.

So who's to blame?

You can't look at it from just one angle, i.e "GTFO and I'll stop punching you", mostly cause I have a gun (and thus all the cards). You need organization, intl' support and a non-terrorist group at the helm if you plan on getting anywhere. They're both stuck there whether they like it or not, so don't expect the Israelis to absorb blow after blow, especially when they don't have to. Bottom line is the Palestinians have made a right mess out of their situation. If anything, they're at fault just as much if not more so than the Israelis.
Quite the contrary, but we all have our biases don't we? ;)

Also, take it down a notch. I can hardly understand why you're so passionate about this issue. Actually I can, but you'll just give me the whole 'not religion its humanity angle' so I'll spare myself that nonsense.

Ahh yes, I expected something along these lines. I look at it this way...

Your dad is an oppressive landowner, he owns every house in the neighborhood, including mine. He's forced to intervene when a fellow landlord starts butchering his tenants. He decides to take them in and not long after they ask for a home of their own, so he decides to stuff 'em in my house.

Now I hate the new tenants alright, but it's your dad who's really to blame. These guys had no where to go, they made their case and your dad imposed an unfair decision on me. The new guys might disagree of course, but it's wholly irrelevant. Its the situation on the ground that matters.

Your dad's an old man now and decides to leave us be. I still hate the new guys and you can't really blame me for it. As for the new guys, well you can't really blame them either. They certainly can't go back to their old homes. So they make an offer, we'll split the land 50/50. I reject it. Fighting ensues and I get pwned. I call my all friends and they get pwned too.

Now the new guys have ended up taking over more than half my home. Furthermore, they're starting to encroach on what little room I have left. I'm being pushed around and humiliated in my own home. I resort to drastic measures. So do they. Here's where things get tricky.

Your dad and his friends can't find a solution, but should I have resorted to indiscriminate violence? Should I have expected them NOT to reciprocate? Why or why not?

I got pwned the first two times around, perhaps its time to devise a more viable strategy...NOT.

I elect my brother, a recognized baby killer, as team captain. In the process I end up losing favor with the people who could have helped me the most. Furthermore, I end up fighting with my own family. This leaves us in complete disarray, with no cohesive political strategy and a baby killer as our leader. Bear in mind, this whole time the new guys are consolidating/expanding their control so as to make the most out of any agreement.

So who's to blame?

You can't look at it from just one angle, i.e "GTFO and I'll stop punching you", mostly cause I have a gun (and thus all the cards). You need organization, intl' support and a non-terrorist group at the helm if you plan on getting anywhere. They're both stuck there whether they like it or not, so don't expect the Israelis to absorb blow after blow, especially when they don't have to. Bottom line is the Palestinians have made a right mess out of their situation. If anything, they're at fault just as much if not more so than the Israelis.

That was hilarious to read, thank you Spitfighter haha.
So they make an offer, we'll split the land 50/50. I reject it. Fighting ensues and I get pwned. I call my all friends and they get pwned too.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Lol, every muslim has jihadi tendencies. Do you know what jihad is? It is not merely war as you believe.

The media worldwide has caused so many misconceptions of Islam, who owns the majority of these outlets. The Zionists.

I am for a two state solution or a single state for both sides. Yet when i see the crimes the zionist entitiy carries out without any consequences my blood boils as a human being. Killing innocent humans is wrong on both sides, i will never justify the killing of innocent people.

But what would you do if you were oppressed. In this regard i understand why hamas etc carry out such attacks but i won't justify them on the civilian population, military targets however are a different matter as both sides see each other in a state of war. The zionist entity would argue they attack our civilians etc and thats why we attack but you do the exact same. I honestly believe that if the Palestinians have a state, the zionist entity will have greater peace.

Just a general question for what would you do if someone took your land, killed your children, wouldn't that person be your sworn emeny and you would do anything to hurt them.

Yeah i bet you and your buddy Super Falcon will come swinging from Rich countries like UAE and UK, because thats how "Smart" and "Humane" Muslims roll.
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The semetic jewish people have been living in middle east since centuries...and form a minority group in Israel where as the majority of Israeli people are decendents of East Europeans...(The Khazars) ..plz read the Book "The Thirteenth Tribe"
You can tell by looking at the majority of Israeli people who don't look the semetic...such as jewish people who had lived in mid east for centuries or arabs (decendants of ishmael)
Khazar theory holds no ground. Genetic studies show that European and Middle East Jews are closely related to each other. What do u know about "Semitic look"?

Its not rocket science....any one can tell that majority of Israelis look more like Europeans rarther than local semetic people.
Khazars were not Europeans but Turkic people.

well we should be trillions times be thank full to ALMIGHTY ALLAH that we are not living their
Average Gazan lives far better than average Pakistani.
Quite the contrary, but we all have our biases don't we? ;)

Not really. That being the reason why im asking questions not imposing anything. I would appreciate claims coupled with premises otherwise anything can be debunked claiming 'bias'. Even still apparently every newspaper, tv channel and eyewitness account shares my bias.

Also, take it down a notch. I can hardly understand why you're so passionate about this issue. Actually I can, but you'll just give me the whole 'not religion its humanity angle' so I'll spare myself that nonsense.
Nope not passionate at all actually. Dont know where you got that from?....Actually I do. Your statement stinks of fallacy.... I am not arguing on the basis of religion or humanity, others here will do that. Im basing my arguments on principle. Even if I wanted to use the 'humanity card' I wouldn't because you made it abundantly clear that that would be futile when you claimed that Hamas killing Israelis warranted the Israeli state dropping bombs on crowded Palestinian neighborhoods. My issue stands with the rights to the land. Now this might also border nonsense for you but again hardly the sufficient claim for a refutation.

Ahh yes, I expected something along these lines. I look at it this way...

Your dad is an oppressive landowner, he owns every house in the neighborhood, including mine. He's forced to intervene when a fellow landlord starts butchering his tenants. He decides to take them in and not long after they ask for a home of their own, so he decides to stuff 'em in my house.

Now I hate the new tenants alright, but it's your dad who's really to blame. These guys had no where to go, they made their case and your dad imposed an unfair decision on me. The new guys might disagree of course, but it's wholly irrelevant. Its the situation on the ground that matters.

Your dad's an old man now and decides to leave us be. I still hate the new guys and you can't really blame me for it. As for the new guys, well you can't really blame them either. They certainly can't go back to their old homes. So they make an offer, we'll split the land 50/50. I reject it. Fighting ensues and I get pwned. I call my all friends and they get pwned too.

Now the new guys have ended up taking over more than half my home. Furthermore, they're starting to encroach on what little room I have left. I'm being pushed around and humiliated in my own home. I resort to drastic measures. So do they. Here's where things get tricky.

Your dad and his friends can't find a solution, but should I have resorted to indiscriminate violence? Should I have expected them NOT to reciprocate? Why or why not?

I got pwned the first two times around, perhaps its time to devise a more viable strategy...NOT.

I elect my brother, a recognized baby killer, as team captain. In the process I end up losing favor with the people who could have helped me the most. Furthermore, I end up fighting with my own family. This leaves us in complete disarray, with no cohesive political strategy and a baby killer as our leader. Bear in mind, this whole time the new guys are consolidating/expanding their control so as to make the most out of any agreement.

So who's to blame?

You can't look at it from just one angle, i.e "GTFO and I'll stop punching you", mostly cause I have a gun (and thus all the cards). You need organization, intl' support and a non-terrorist group at the helm if you plan on getting anywhere. They're both stuck there whether they like it or not, so don't expect the Israelis to absorb blow after blow, especially when they don't have to. Bottom line is the Palestinians have made a right mess out of their situation. If anything, they're at fault just as much if not more so than the Israelis.

Ahhhh........This is why I asked you to go and read on the issue. I tried clearing out this confusion of yours in my previous post as well but I guess you didnt get it. Let me try to clear it further through your own analogy:

Your dad brought outsiders to your house (even though that is not quite what happened but lets let it go for now)....fair enough....but you still had one room in which you were staying, even though the ownership of the house was still at question. Well and good. Now the outsiders come and start camping in your room as well. Furthermore they start telling you which parts of your room you cannot use. And in doing so ultimately squeeze you out and claim the last room as well. When your about to loose everything that you have you wouldn't fear a gun. Much the case we are witnessing in that region.

If you still did not understand then ill give it a last shot. I am not debating for the land that we all know as the state of Israel. I am not debating for the land that was pre-world war Palestine. My issue is with 'Political Palestine' of today. My issue is with Israelis going to lands owned by the Palestinians, kicking them out and building their settlements on them. Why are Israelis building settlements on land which even Israel itself admits belongs to Palestinians? How could you not know about the 'illegal settlements' problem? The issue of the states is to be decided by the their representatives. That is their matter and theirs to deal with.

And lastly, again, who is anyone to tell a people whom they can elect as their government? This statement is utterly sad coming from a citizen proudly belonging to the 'largest democracy on Earth'.

@500: Please give me some source to an average Gazan's life because every one that I find paints a different picture to your claim.
Danday K Yaar Hain.
Your can not bring peace in world until a single jew is alive.
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