Holding that grudge will be China's downfall. A country that hold's grudges against former enemies is not a country that can do the world good.
As for bullying, BS! China wants to bully the US into abandoning its allies, and bully other countrys into giving up their maritime territory right up to their beaches!
China may have a responsibility to its people, but the US has a responsibility to the people of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, etc. as their allies. We will defend them against any aggressive moves from China. We will also ensure our own, and all the world's, unimpeded access to international waters as defined by the UN at this point.
When war starts most of those stealth jets will be destroyed by cruise missiles on the airstrips before they can even take off!
If China wants to start an arms race in the region be my guest, when Taiwan and Japan have nukes enough to destroy China's East Coast to back their power then we will see how China's objectives are achieved and how its people are more secure from their arms buildup.
When war starts most of those stealth jets will be destroyed by cruise missiles on the airstrips before they can even take off!
China should focus on a peaceful rise within US patrolled seas, peaceful in all aspects, like Japan did, a perfect example of a peaceful rise.
Their people would be safer, their prosperity would be greater, there would be no reason to suspect their intentions. Sad to see their people have lost this wisdom despite the much vaunted two millenia of history. Well the PRC itself has lasted less than 100.