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Gangs Mark X's on the Homes of Crimean Tatars

Most of the crimes are to do with the families of insurgents. Although I don't agree with this but he did great at taking the war to men who didn't think of beheading, raping, suicide bombing, invading neighbouring states and so forth. Very similar to the TTP now. He did the job, it wasn't pretty but now the region is quiet. We stand back and our region burns even more with each day.

War is brutal full stop. I don't advocate what he does entirely but some of this methods like driving tanks over injured rebels is a great idea.
Most of the crimes are to do with the families of insurgents. Although I don't agree with this but he did great at taking the war to men who didn't think of beheading, raping, suicide bombing, invading neighbouring states and so forth. Very similar to the TTP now. He did the job, it wasn't pretty but now the region is quiet. We stand back and our region burns even more with each day.

War is brutal full stop. I don't advocate what he does entirely but some of this methods like driving tanks over injured rebels is a great idea.

Ask Chechans how much they like this russian muppet... russians+ramzan are similiar to indians in IOK.
Ask Chechans how much they like this russian muppet... russians+ramzan are similiar to indians in IOK.

Met many bro, and most are either fine with him or indifferent. A minority dislikes for some of his methods. However NONE of them support the return to the Salafist insurgents running riot across Chechnya.
This is information war, my friend. War - is a way of cheating. Do not believe the enemy.

Dude, you guys need to chill off man. Don't do anything rash. This sort of stuff never washes off.
Came across the following on the web.
It seems the Crimean Tatars will be better off with a Russian Crimea than a Ukranian Crimea.

  • The Crimean authorities have announced that if the "yes" vote wins in the upcoming referendum (surveys indicate a 80%+ for the "yes") Crimea will have both Russian and Crimean-Tatar as official languages.
  • The Crimean authorities have also announced that Tatars will be offered a Vice-premiership, 2 positions of Minister, and several key positions in the "power ministries" (police, internal affairs, military, security, emergency) and that the budget to re-located Tatars deported by Stalin will be doubled.
Would the putch regime ban the Tartar language in Ukraine and deport Tartars from Ukraine?
To the people who deny this.

Just look at what the Russian barbarians did to the Chechynas and all the Muslim minorities in Eastern Europe, there is no denial and it's possible since Russia is one of the biggest anti Muslim bigot, go look what they did to the Russian Muslims.
they have a big number of muslims in russia russia unlike the west have been a good friend of many muslim nations before they helped Egypt syria iraq and many more they helped us build the aswan dam you should know this if you are Egyptian
by the way i asked you before many times are you Egyptian ? you never answer
To the people who deny this.

The news is also reported by the New Yorker.

Who Will Protect the Crimean Tatars? : The New Yorker

At first, Rustem Kadyrov could barely make out the mark outside his house, in the Crimean town of Bakhchysarai, but it filled him with terror. It was an X, cut deep into the gray metal of the gate.
saw four young men, strangers to the neighborhood, walking down the street, armed with batons. The men were also carrying pieces of paper, Ava told me—which she believes were lists of homes belonging to Crimean Tatars.

When war comes to town, all sorts of extremists use it for advantage. The test will be whether the Crimean govt. can keep racist thugs under control.

Same news confirmed by the Crimean Tartar official.

Crimean Tatars' homes marked with 'X'

Enver Umirov, a member of the Crimean Tatar parliament, said only four homes belonging to Tatars had been marked, raising questions as to why they were marked.

The good news is that only four homes were marked, so it looks like the work of idiot teenagers, not a major threat.
To the people who deny this.

Just look at what the Russian barbarians did to the Chechynas and all the Muslim minorities in Eastern Europe, there is no denial and it's possible since Russia is one of the biggest anti Muslim bigot, go look what they did to the Russian Muslims.

And Russia was a major supporter of Saddam Hussein who you love so much because he massacred Shia. And gassed Sunni Kurds. Most of Iraq's military hardware came from the Soviet Union.

You keep on trolling about Shia, injecting that crap into the Malaysia threads when its completely off topic.

Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact | Page 24

How two Iranian guys apparently heading to Europe ended up on a Malaysian flight to China

Did you even know that Saddam Hussein and his cousin Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr supported Baluchi seperatists in Pakistan and Iran as part of his pro-Soviet agenda.

1970s operation in Balochistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Discovery of Arms in the Iraq Embassy, Islamabad – 1973

The Friday Times:Caught! (But what?) by Shahid Saeed

Did you even know that Saddam told the Chechens to not fight Russia. I keep on hearing you profess your love for Saddam as a Muslim hero for crushing Shia and fighting Iran, and them talk about Chechnya in the same breath.

Iraq: Hussein Appeals to All Muslims - 10-25-02


Baghdad, Iraq

October 25, 2002

While we had meant to say this before this time and for more comprehensive reasons, the timing of this, however, came about because of the latest operation attributed to the Chechniyans in Moscow.

On the basis of these particularities, we say, after having expounded on the general aspects of what can be a good introduction that: although the Russians embrace the Orthodox Christian religion, we have not sensed from them a religious prejudice against Islam and Muslims, neither at the peoples level, nor at the level of the general state policy, throughout the previous era, and in the present one as well.

Rather, the Russian State, and the former Soviet Union, maintained good relations, aside from certain exceptions which we had criticized at the time, with the Islamic states and peoples, at the forefront of whom were the pillar of Islam: the Arabs.

Thus, we see that it is not wise that the Chechniyans lose the sympathy and the compassion of the Russians and the Russian State on any matters over which they differ, due to differences over whose opinion is the better one. It is obligatory that we say that this action will make the peoples of Russia look not at the cause, even if there was one, but rather at the consequence, and its apparent image. Then, the Chechniyans will have lost the Russians and others within the domain of Islam, and humanity. Furthermore, an opportunity will be made available to Zionism and America to stab at the Islamic religion, and the Muslims, by way of this path, and the consequent positions and behavior.

RFE/RL iraq Report

Iraq Report: October 5, 2001

PRO-MOSCOW CHECHEN ADMINISTRATION HEAD IN IRAQ. Akhmad Kadyrov, head of the pro-Russian Chechen administration, has arrived in Baghdad on a special plane from Moscow. It is possible that he will meet Saddam Husseyn, to whom he is carrying a letter from President Vladimir Putin, according to Moscow's TV-6 on 25 September. TV-6 notes that meetings with Saddam Husseyn are held "in the highest secrecy."

On 26 September, Interfax reported that Kadyrov had been able to pass Putin's message on to Saddam Husseyn. Putin's message reiterated Russia's eagerness to expand and promote cooperation. He also expressed Russia's interest in continuing to exchange views to promote relations between Russia and Iraq in all fields, according to Baghdad Television of 26 September.

Saddam Husseyn said that he considered Russia a friend of the Arabs. Saddam also dwelt on terrorism: He said: "Iraq was the first country to be victimized by terrorism 20 years ago. Others, regardless of who they are, experienced terrorism after Iraq did." He claims the terrorism to which Iraq was subjected was at the hands of Iran.

In an interview with journalists, Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri Al-Hadithi had the opportunity to state Iraq's position with regard to Chechnya, namely that Chechnya is an integral part of Russia. "Iraq is firmly against any manifestations of separatism in Russia." At the end of the audience, Kadyrov presented Saddam with a dagger made in Chechnya.

The Baghdad trip is the second stage of his tour of the Middle East; he is to go on to Amman from Baghdad. Last week he was in Cairo and Damascus. According to ITAR-TASS of 25 September, he informed President Putin of his talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Syrian President Bashar Al-Asad.

With regard to the situation in Chechnya, he said that the situation is especially complex "because there are many mercenaries from Arab countries among the militants, who fight for money and seek to seize power." He explained that "Russia is not waging a war against Muslims or Islam in Chechnya. The actions of Russian leaders are aimed at fighting the gangsters who murder clergymen and staff members of the Chechen administration."

The purpose of his trip through the Middle East is to establish long-term friendly relations and to settle problems connected with the rendering of humanitarian assistance to the population of Chechnya. (David Nissman)

Saddam supported what the Russians did in Afghanistan. Iran opposed the Soviets in Afghanistan and armed the "Tehran Eight" Shia resistance against the Soviets. Did you even wonder why America did Iran-Contra affair besides the reason of the Embassy Crisis? Because they wanted Iran to remain anti-Russian since Saddam would not budge from his pro-Russian stance and continued to import weapons from Russian Communists. This is why Israel bombed the Osirak reactor in Iraq and supported Iran instead.

The Soviets directly engaged and shot down Iranian helicopters after engaging in an air battle over Afghanistan.

Soviet Air-to-Air Victories of the Cold War - www.acig.org

And again, it was Soviet Russian Communists who armed, and trained Uyghur seperatists in the Ili Rebellion and in the 1960s to wage war against China.

The Uyghurs who established the Second East Turkestan Republic, like Ehmetjan Qasim, were card carying members of the Soviet Union Communist Party and supported by Stalin's Soviet Red Army and White Russian forces in 1944-1946. They established the East Turkestan Republic in 1944 as a pro Russian sattelite state.

Rebiya Kadeer admitted in her book "Dragon Fighter" that they were supported by the Russians and thought the Russians to be a superior people.

And again, the East Turkestan Revolutionary Party was armed by Soviet Russian agents and directed to wage insurgency in China in the 1960s.

Some Arabs respect Saddam for fighting for Arabs, they don't lie to themselves like you and pretend that Saddam was fighting for Muslims. Or the other lies you said, like when you claimed Iran supported the Soviets?

You try to fit everything into your distorted and error ridden view of the world, which from what I observe from your posts, is divided into Sunnis vs Everybody else.

Saddam was an ally of the Soviets and Russian Federation. Uyghur seperatists were allied to the Soviets and were Communist Party members. Iran was against the Soviet Union.

According to your twisted fantasy view, Saddam was a great Sunni hero who crushed the evil Shia and oh look I'm going to totally ignore Saddam's friendship with Russia, ignore his support to pro-Soviet Baluchi separatists, and now complain about Chechens getting oppressed, and oh look I'm going to lie and claim that Iran supported the Soviet Union without any proof whatsoever blah blah blah. You can't pigeonhole what you want to believe into what is reality.
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