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Gandhis divided Pakistan: Rahul

well this kid will takeover Congress chairmanship sooner or later....even Congress senior janta avoid to answer Rahul remarks to media.....
I kinda agree with Bull. If it wasnt for the political descision taken by Indira, there would have been no military action at all. You need guts at the political level to make such a descision, the rest comes after, army, etc, etc

If it had been Manmohan or another such leader, India would not have gotten involved. I give her credit for the liberation of Bangaldesh.
From an unexpected corner!

Mushahid appreciates Rahul Gandhi for exposing 1971 reality
Tuesday April 17, 2007

ISLAMABAD: Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Secretary General, Pakistan Muslim League and Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Committee has appreciated the statement of Indira Gandhi's grandson, Rahul Gandhi, since he is the first Indian who has told the truth of 1971 after 35 years.
Talking to the media here, he said that Rahul Gandhi's statement citing the breakup of Pakistan in 1971 as "an achievement of the Gandhi family" shows that the Indian strategy was clear from day one, namely, to partition its neighbour through sponsorship of state terrorism.

India created and armed the Mukti Bahini just as it created and armed the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka.

It is an irony of history that the Frankenstein monster of terrorism and extremism that Mrs. Gandhi created ultimately devoured her in the form of the Khalistan movement through its leader Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindrawala.

Senator Mushahid Hussain said that equally important was the issue of the mindset in the Indian establishment and their political elite regarding Pakistan, which was also evident in the controversy over the Quaid-i-Azam, Mohammad Ali Jinnah after Mr. L. K. Advani praised him. He urged the Indian leadership to cross the psychological hump viz-a-viz Pakistan and in future, stop perceiving Pakistan as an 'enemy' which had to be either weakened or divided since the law of nature is that policies ultimately reap what they had sowed.

Is it only me or some guys here also wonder if the world never know about this? What is the fuss about something which every kid knows?
What he is suggesting is continue to fund Kashmiri freedom fighters just like the way India did in Bangladesh.
Batman understand the context.

Everynow and then India is blamed as a country of fanatic hindus and yet the hardest of hardes Hindu oriented political parties have lost ground ina country where 80% are hindus. Now what does that tell you?
If as is being accussed BJP, Bajrangdal would have been the sole power in Indian politics.

Every now and than Indian religous minorities, ethinic groups and low cast had been subjected to genocide in hindu majority state, so how do you want the world to see it!
All these years, Indian security agencies had been hiding behind the ISI blame game or fake encounters of kashmiris or sikhs carying Pakistani ID without realising the irony, that one day truth may come up on surface.
This also is reason enough for those culprits not to let the peace process develop.

BJP lacked leadership to represent India at international level. Even the fanatic hindus sensed that and empowered the congress to sucess. Now since this minority vote can make the difference they have more control in the state affairs than majority moderates and the public speech of R.Gandhi endorse this fact.
I trust, he is not a fanatic and neither is he writting his own speeches. In other words these were not his own words but they certainly does reflects the manifesto of congress.

Now look at your own country and see which parties are gaining support. Now do you realise where the hardline fanatics are gaining ground.

When I look at Pakistan, I see Musharaf in power, who is facing fanatics head on and in the process has been labled as right hand of Bush by fanatics, Indian media and Al-Qaeeda.
There are also some political factions like Qazi, Benazir and N.Sharif, who are struggling to destabalise the present government by hook or by crook and they are being facilitated again by same international media.
Which part you see hostile to your state? Aligning with Bush or countring fanatics.
Yes but now it should be done openly..as there is no shame in this game...you guys did it in 1971 and your politicians are proudly admitting it ;)

Man, i hardly think that the statement of Rahul Gandhi can be construed as a national admission for interference in Pakistan. And it wouldnt be considered even in international instutuitions like UN. This is good just at a bilateral mud throwing match.

And Pakistan has been very openly doing it till now. Only 9/11 made sure that there was enough pressure on Musharraf to conceal it and reduce it. Rest assured, the amount of insurgency that Pakistan has ppumped in Kashmir can only lessen. India has gone through the worst mate, and yet nothing happened. So there is hardly anything left up Pakistan's sleeve for India now.
BJP lacked leadership to represent India at international level. Even the fanatic hindus sensed that and empowered the congress to sucess. Now since this minority vote can make the difference they have more control in the state affairs than majority moderates and the public speech of R.Gandhi endorse this fact.

Haha, clearly you have not had much experience of democracy. These statements are a joke.
Finally India admitted that it has interfered in our internal affairs in past & will also do so in future by using agencies such as RAW, bugthi etc.

Now I hope they don't cry foul when its our time to return the favour
Let's be honest, you've tried to wrest away Kashmir right from 1947. Don't pretend to hold the "moral highground" in that regard. It is a Dog Eat Dog world out here. May the better ones survive.
Finally India admitted that it has interfered in our internal affairs in past & will also do so in future by using agencies such as RAW, bugthi etc.

Now I hope they don't cry foul when its our time to return the favour

There are copies of the letter Indira send to US president saying we would be forced to intervene if the refugee population continue to grow the same way.

So the fact that India intervened is a very well known fact.

Havnt you read IA reports on Mukthui bahani, how they turned against their own masters and said they wanted to kill the Pakistani POWs against the wishes of IA.
They would never leave us in peace.

End of the day we would have to decide which one of us lives or both dont, that would be the day of peace in region, I hate extremism but we are not left with any choice, the fanatics like Gandhi family have made the region a place where millions and millions are suffering and he is proud of his forefathers great job.

When a common man hear this from the top slot of ruling party that they have delevered the promises and would do so again, one is forced to think about comming scenirios and about their defence.

If this guys is not killed by some Sikh freedom fighter, he would definatly push the region to a deadly war.
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