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Future of Muslim World

^^ its a race to the top :pakistan:

Pakistan will be on top... All we lack is a good leadership which is about to come (Imran Khan) We are on top in military we will be on top in economics also :pakistan:
Good for you if it happens...but not based on the discovery of "Water Kit" or with the help of the engineer in below video, I am baffled after reading the comments of the people form Pakistan in the youtube comment section - it shows how ignorant majority of the Pakistani are kept by your system, who belive such fake engineers to take them out of their current misery - on the other hand you guys don't recognize the real talent from your country such as your famous scientist Abdus Salam a Nobel laureate in Physics...

Worlds first water driven car like Limousine First time invented in Pakistan!!!

Do you guys still believe the above stupidity!!!, the fake engineer says he had a plan to manufacture sports car in Pakistan but unfortunately some one stolen the plan form him and manufacturing that car in India!!! as far as I know India don't manufacturer any kind of sports car as of today!!!

and all pakistani companies hired him to make a fool out of themselves is what you are saying, pakistanis may come with fake prophet and what not, but its the public opinion that matters, atleast he didnt make fool out of the government and the military like the water car guy in america did
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because noting will come out of thin air be it for India or for Pakistan or any other country - you need a system in place to make massive strides in economny to be in Top 10 Economies of the World, now tell me when a country go hysteria on a Water Kit and entire political setup trying to hog limelight out of Water Driven Car, how do you expect to be a top 10 economy in 20 years??

You are now implying and suggesting that
because people responded in a certain way to a scientific claim, they are unlikely to
improve their economic condition in 20 years' time. Seriously, is this the best you could do?

The mixed responses of people to the "Water Kit" have about as much bearing
on Pakistan's economic trajectory for the next 20 years, as the mixed responses
to the claims of cold fusion a quarter century ago did on Western economies of today.
So the country going "hysterical" or politicians "hogging the limelight"
- as you so colorfully put it - are irrelevant justifications for
dragging the Water Kit into a discussion that was about whether
Islam qualifies as a religion or not. Kindly do not attempt to derail the discussion.

Might I also suggest that you take the time to learn the meaning of the word "conflate"?
Hint: It is NOT antonymous to the word "deflate" :)
.......each and every muslim was taught that Islam is a way of life!! Not some rituals! it has a political system, it has financial system, it is like a written constitution that codes everything related to life!

Same way kids are taught many things and fairy tales, but at some points those kids grown up and start asking some serious questions. But some kids never grow up and continue to believe in the tall tales. Here are some examples for you my dear poster.

(fairy tale) ----- their baby brother/sister was delivered by stork (angel) and what not
(probing question)........... Mum and Dad being frisky had nothing to do with that? Really?

(fairy tale)--- Santa clause brought all those gifts
(probing question)........... What was mum doing while kissing Santa
(probing question)........... How did that portly fella squeeze through chimney anyways

(fairy tale)--- Ali baba opened the door by shouting "khul ja sim sim" (open sesame)
(probing question)........... why didn't he use a remote control? dummy!

(fairy tale)--- Islam was supposed to be complete code for everything including kitchen sink
(probing question)...........Why is the center of Islam (modern day Saudi) has been the center of darkness when it comes to science, constitution, arts, literature? and for 1000s of years?

So my dear poster, you see, it is upto you to continue believing in the fairy tales, or grow up and ask some serious questions.


Disclaimer: No person or religion or nationality was intentionally harmed in this post. (PETA approved!)
Same way kids are taught many things and fairy tales, but at some points those kids grown up and start asking some serious questions. But some kids never grow up and continue to believe in the tall tales. Here are some examples for you my dear poster.

(fairy tale) ----- their baby brother/sister was delivered by stork (angel) and what not
(probing question)........... Mum and Dad being frisky had nothing to do with that? Really?

(fairy tale)--- Santa clause brought all those gifts
(probing question)........... What was mum doing while kissing Santa
(probing question)........... How did that portly fella squeeze through chimney anyways

(fairy tale)--- Ali baba opened the door by shouting "khul ja sim sim" (open sesame)
(probing question)........... why didn't he use a remote control? dummy!

(fairy tale)--- Islam was supposed to be complete code for everything including kitchen sink
(probing question)...........Why is the center of Islam (modern day Saudi) has been the center of darkness when it comes to science, constitution, arts, literature? and for 1000s of years?

So my dear poster, you see, it is upto you to continue believing in the fairy tales, or grow up and ask some serious questions.


Disclaimer: No person or religion or nationality was intentionally harmed in this post. (PETA approved!)

Look, Muslims don't have to listen to the lecture about their future from a certified turn-coat like you! Your lecture should on the art of treachery because you excel in that art.
my opinion : DARK even my european world's future is dark......i can only see china and to some extent, india as world leaders........
Same way kids are taught many things and fairy tales, but at some points those kids grown up and start asking some serious questions. But some kids never grow up and continue to believe in the tall tales. Here are some examples for you my dear poster.

(fairy tale) ----- their baby brother/sister was delivered by stork (angel) and what not
(probing question)........... Mum and Dad being frisky had nothing to do with that? Really?

(fairy tale)--- Santa clause brought all those gifts
(probing question)........... What was mum doing while kissing Santa
(probing question)........... How did that portly fella squeeze through chimney anyways

(fairy tale)--- Ali baba opened the door by shouting "khul ja sim sim" (open sesame)
(probing question)........... why didn't he use a remote control? dummy!

(fairy tale)--- Islam was supposed to be complete code for everything including kitchen sink
(probing question)...........Why is the center of Islam (modern day Saudi) has been the center of darkness when it comes to science, constitution, arts, literature? and for 1000s of years?

So my dear poster, you see, it is upto you to continue believing in the fairy tales, or grow up and ask some serious questions.


Disclaimer: No person or religion or nationality was intentionally harmed in this post. (PETA approved!)

You are attacking the faith of Muslim majority countries when you should be attacking their leaders. Is Kingship allowed in Islam? The answer is no and yet there are kings, shieks, emirs, whatever you want to call them in most Arab lands. You said it yourself Mubarak of Egypt was a king. In the case of Pakistan when has a Muslim political party ever came into power? The answer to that is never and yet Islam gets blamed for all of Pakistan's shortcoming when it is the secular party leaders doing all the damage. Is that fat propositioner Nawaz Sharif a good example of a Muslim leader? Or how about that fool Zardari who was trying to hug Sarah Palin on national television. Your anger is misplaced my friend.
No matter how much time has been passed, say whatever u ppl want, that was 1400 yrs ago we are in 21st century. I beg u for God sake. Islam is still the same, Quran is still the same and will be. Salah is still in Arabic.
We can't change the rules of Islam by ourselves. Just try to understand that's not an isolation.

If we will not follow that Allah will not let us enter Paradise.
We are not allowed to create more that 1 islamic state, that is forbidden in Islam.

I am not here to fight over this. But just trying to tell where the solution is.

Thank you!
You are attacking the faith of Muslim majority countries when you should be attacking their leaders. ...

It is offensive that you use the word "attacking Islam", while my humble request to netizens was "Think/use your head".

Coming back to the topic.

Those corrupt religious and political leaders are the ones who gave you all WRONG and utterly misleading idea that somehow you can dig out every solution from Quran Hadees without ever using your own head,.

It is like drug trafficker selling you hashish and ganja, and telling, take one puff and all your worries will go poof.

--- Dum dum maro dum, mit ja-ay ghum,
--- Bolo subah shaam, Mullah-Ayatullah/ Mullah/Ayatullah.

So my dear, the day you all will start questioning everything and anything taught to you as fairy tales, that will be the day when Pakistanis will progress, they will throw away religious and political shackles, liberate themselves from the slavery of religious khawancha farosh Mullahs.

Hope you understand now.


Disclaimer: No person or religion or nationality was intentionally or unintentionally harmed in this post. (PITA approved!)
Wow. I intended to thank some posts. I intended to give na opinion. But all posts here are offensive disgusting and plain stupid.

Well F U 2.

I realized what people know about Arabia and Arabians is close to zero. Most of the people here are extremely ignorant and is proud of it. I see a post I like amd I want to thank but ALwAYS and ALWAYS they must slip an insult to our nation here or there.
No matter how much time has been passed, say whatever u ppl want, that was 1400 yrs ago we are in 21st century. I beg u for God sake. Islam is still the same, Quran is still the same and will be. Salah is still in Arabic.
We can't change the rules of Islam by ourselves. Just try to understand that's not an isolation.

If we will not follow that Allah will not let us enter Paradise.
We are not allowed to create more that 1 islamic state, that is forbidden in Islam.

I am not here to fight over this. But just trying to tell where the solution is.

Thank you!

Yes my dear brother, Quran is the same, Islam is the same,

BUT (a huge BUT)

Our Islamic practices have reverted back to the pre-Islamic beduins or even worse.

--- Just like pre-Islamic beduins had put up statues and symbols in Kaaba, we too have put up invisible statues and symbols in our hearts,

--- pre-Islamic beduins had shut their minds to new ideas, and guess what we too have done the same.

--- pre-Islamic beduins used to cheat and lie in their daily dealings, guess what Pakistanis individuals and businesses lie and cheat on daily basis. The longer the beard the bigger the thief.

--- pre-Islamic beduins used to say that our worshipping method is prefect and everyone else must comply. And yes my brother we too are killing and maiming others if they do not follow our religious leaders diktats.

--- pre-Islamic beduins would not fight or kill or harm during the months of Hurum and especially Ramadan.
Guess what, so many so-called Muslims have become worse compared to pre-Islamic beduins. They are now killing, maiming, suicide bombing etc. etc. In fact non-Muslims now KNOW that Ramadan is here so there will be suicide and terror attacks. This is something even Kuffar didn't do, but many so-called Muslims are now doing it with pride.

And the list goes on and on and on and on.

Remember this post is asking you to question the "Islamic practices" and not "Islam".

As long you keep this in your mind, you should be able to question all the fairy tales these corrupt Mullahs and Ayatullahs are telling you.


Disclaimer: No person or religion or nationality was intentionally or unintentionally harmed in this post. (PITA approved!)
Wow. I intended to thank some posts. I intended to give na opinion. But all posts here are offensive disgusting and plain stupid.

Well F U 2.

I realized what people know about Arabia and Arabians is close to zero. Most of the people here are extremely ignorant and is proud of it. I see a post I like amd I want to thank but ALwAYS and ALWAYS they must slip an insult to our nation here or there.

Mine too ! :cry:
my opinion : DARK even my european world's future is dark......i can only see china and to some extent, india as world leaders........

You already have a head start, you are already in India..I believe ;)

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