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Fund Raising Status for Diamer Basha And Mohmand Dam

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Water mafia , makes 4.3 Billion Dollars (5 years) = 537 Billion Rupees in Karachi alone
50,000 Trips per day x 6,000 Rupees x 365 days x 5 years = 547,000,000,000 RUPEE OR 4.3 Billion USD

547 Billion for Dam can be recovered from just targeting Water Mafia
  • 32% :big_boss: Money is hiding here


1700 Billion may be a K2 like climb but we have already climbed 3.2 Billion

Anti Corruption Operation is needed to Tackle water mafia in Karachi
  • 547,000,000,000 RUPEE is massive number

Magic Formula : (We can build it 100% with donation as well)
  • Donation Campaign 50%
  • Money recovered from Water Mafia 32% funds hiding in this mafia hand
  • State budget 18%
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I want to setup a website for Dams fund status.

Can someone suggest domains name..


I need suggestion please...
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I want to setup a website for Dams fund status.

Can someone suggest domains name..


I need suggestion please...

There is a website ~
http://www.sbp.org.pk/ (State Bank of Pakistan)
http://www.supremecourt.gov.pk/web/page.asp?id=2757 (Supreme court)

It is a bit easier with official Government site for such matter [safer option]

I think what is missing is telling people about it on youtube, twitter and other social media
making people aware in your neighborhood. May be just bring it with friends in network or their parents

99% of population may not know what is the simple way to help

Top questions they ask; (Older folks)

1- Ok I want to help but I don't know how?
2- I don't use bank that much , due to robbers robbing people coming out of bank?
:big_boss: (This is the view older Pakistani have of Pakistani banks their mind is from 80's)
3- Will the money reach Bhasha Dam fund?
4- What is the total collected so far?
5- What are people saying about donation?
6- Ok I want to send by traditional wire is there a bank list for donation or account number? [send them to State bank site for list of alternative bank accounts]
[safer option this list is on Pakistan State Bank's site]
Here is list of All Banks in Pakistan collecting Funds for Bhasha Dam Fund
(Account Number / IBAN number)

  • 99% of People don't know how achievable it is 200,000,000 people x 100 dollar gets us the DAM ~ 20,000,000,000 Dollar , and you can run DAM project year to year

These type of question comes with older people (in my example my own parents asked)
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Donations are good but they will never be enough to cover the entire expense for the dam. Our best bet is to get China involved and add these major dams under CPEC.

And not just one dam, all major dams need to be added to CPEC:

Daimer-Bhasha, 5GW
Mohmand, 0.8GW
Akhori, 0.6GW
Dasu, 4.3GW
Katzarah, 15GW
Kalabagh, 3.6GW (if there is political consensus)

In totality we would probably need about 60 billion for all these dams and it would add about 29.3GW or 29,300MW. Keep in mind Pakistan's total installed capacity is 24 GW at the moment. This will not only solve our energy crisis, it would solve it for the next two decades atleast. The other added benefit is the massive bump in water storage capacity we get.

Had the CPEC been decided by a government that was loyal to Pakistan they would have added these dams rather than expensive coal power projects. Keep in mind 30-40 billion of the CPEC is just these expensive coal plants.
Had the CPEC been decided by a government that was loyal to Pakistan they would have added these dams rather than expensive coal power projects. Keep in mind 30-40 billion of the CPEC is just these expensive coal plants

Well coal plants are needed caz we also needed to develop thar coal which is also a huge resource and that will also pay its dividends as project goes along

  • Mathematically it is not impossible it is very very very possible

Ask is only $100.00 USD 1 Bill from each Pakistan

Ask is two 5000 Rupee Notes

Why is it possible for Each Pakistani to Pay the Bill for DAM?:

  • Majority of People work and live at least in 40,000 Rupee per Month Apartment
  • Majority of People also Own Property Worth 1 Crore to 3 Crore (Double/ Tripple Story)
  • Majority of People have Cars
  • Majority of People have 4-5 Motor cycles in Family

Some Professions Pay More People in this Group can easily donate 1 Lakh each
  • Doctors ----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Dentist----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Heart Surgeon----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Specialist----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Civil Engineers----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Programmers----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Chemical Engineers----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Judges----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Lawyers----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Accountants----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Business Sales Consultant----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Human Resource Manager----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Sales Representative----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Business Owner----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Restaurant Owner (Private Bus Owners, Transport Truck Company,......)
  • Building Construction Company ---->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Real Estate Agents----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Farm Owners----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Farm Land Owners----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Property Rental Business Owner----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Executives in Large Multinational Bank----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Executives in Large companies----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Shadi Hall Owner----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Teachers / University / Government (Public service and Private Tuition classes)
  • Military Professional----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation
  • Private Bus Driver / Taxi / Transporter----->Yes he can pay 10,000 Rupee Donation

  • Where is Pakistan's Banker's Association Group of CEO to announce donation on behalf of All Banks in Pakistan? Can they pay 10,000 rupee for each of their employees ??
  • Where is Pakistan's Business community (Lahore/Karachi/Quetta/Peshawar) to Donate 10,000 for each active business ?
  • Where is Pakistan's Doctor and Medical Association group to arrange for collection of 1 Lakh from each Doctor for donation?
  • Where is Pakistan's Engineering Group , which would donate for each Engineer in Pakistan
  • Where is the Realtor Group in Pakistan who will announce 20 Lakh from each realtor / Construction party
  • Where is the Dental Community in Pakistan , Donating 1 Lakh from each dentist
  • Where is the media association announcing 1 Lakh or more from each TV Anchor and 10,000 rupee for each employee of TV / Newspaper
Some Professional Pay Less and that is ok that is why we have Oversea Pakistani sending Donation to help out
  • Gardener ----> May be they can pay 100 rupee
  • Home Servant----> May be they can pay 100 rupee
  • Cleaner----> May be they can pay 100 rupee
  • Clerk----> May be they can pay 100 rupee
  • Farmer who does not owns own land----> May be they can pay 100 rupee
  • Brick Maker----> May be they can pay 100 rupee
  • Goods transporter----> May be they can pay 100 rupee
  • Barber----> May be they can pay 100 rupee
  • Milk Man----> May be they can pay 100 rupee
  • Sabzi wala----> May be they can pay 100 rupee

So based on this figure we can see 80% people who are in the Good Pay Zone can easily pay their share .... or more

The 20% who get less Pay , their share can be handled by the Help from Overseas Pakistani Donations
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10,000 Rupee Eidy donated by kid :pakistan::pakistan:

1500 Rupees from Pakistan :pakistan:

3500 Darham from Saudia

$100 from CANADA

$100 from CANADA

$100 from CANADA
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$800 Dollar from USA

PaaaaPer Seller , gives 20 Rupee for Dam fund :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
If this man is in your City give him company order for Paaper for company party

$2000 from somewhere in world for Pakistan :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
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1,000,000 (10 Lakh Rupee donation from Pakistan Furniture council)

ISLAMABAD (APP) - Pakistan Furniture Council (PFC) Sunday announced a donation of Rs1 million for construction of Diamer-Bhasha, Mohmand dams’ fund and expressed solidarity towards a noble cause initiated by Prime Minister Imran Khan to raise funds for this cause.

Meera donates to dam fund
25,000 rupees



10,000,000 (Donate 1 Crore Rupees) check handed over to Cheif Justice

A delegation of SPARS Group headed by its chairman Saleem Basheer Liang, called on Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Mian Saqib Nisar in Islamabad today.

The delegation presented a cheque of 10 million rupees as donation to Supreme Court of Pakistan Diamer Basha and Mohmand Dam Fund.

2 Days Salary of All Rescuers will be donated for DAM fun

Rescue 1122 Director General Dr Rizwan Naseer announced donation of two days salary of all rescue officers and one-day salary of all officials for Diamer-Bhasha and Mohmand Dams Funds in the light of decision of the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

PIA to donate 4 Crore Rupee in DAM Fund

Emotional Appeal from Pakistan , claims he will always Stand with Pakistan :pakistan:

Sarfraz & Cricket team (32 Lakh Rupees)

1000 Euro from Pakistani donated for Pakistan :pakistan:
overachiver :smokin:

1000 Euro from Belgium

850 British Pound donated for Pakistan :pakistan:

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500 Riyal from little child in Saudia

5,000 Dollar from France

Pocket money from Little girl for Pakistan

3 Lakh donated from Girl

21,000 Rupees from Saudi Arabia from Pakistani

1,000 Qatri Riyals for Pakistan Pocket money says the kid

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