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FSA received "Game Changing" weapons.

Both forces are getting foreign soldiers and support whether uniformed or non-uniformed. What good do you bring to Muslim brotherhood by licking American balls.

The West didn't butcher the Syrian people, but Iran, Hezbollah, Iraqi Shia militias, and Assad are killing the Syrian people, isn't that enough for him to side against his enemy? Have you ever asked yourself who took a full reponsibility for the bombing of the Turkish village -the village that is close to the Syrian boarder-

What about the bombing by Assad's SAA thugs of a Turkish house that resulted into the death of an elder woman and children?
I m absolutely stunned. Some neighboring countries are so stupid they are fueling insurgency. Once the powers which want Syria to be instable get what they want, they will leave a big mess with all these stupid neighbors to deal with.

Syria is getting all this because its the only country thats anti-Israel. And the idiotic neighboring governments are playing a game from they wont get anything.
Another Afghanistan is in making.
West is arming the so called Wahabi/Al-Quida insurgents against a regime. Right now all are "Friends of Syria", after 2 years these same people will be the most wanted terrorists of the world. How many times world will be fooled by USA/UK??
And i have seen some posts of Saudis here. Really shame on you if you like dead human beings. How you called yourself "Khudam-ul-Haramain"??

Whether Hizbullah is whatever or Asad is whatever. I am sunni but i like them because they are actively fighting Israel for last many decades. You and your regime have ever fired a shot against a jew ever?? Your 800 billion dollers in US banks is speaking not you.
Assad's main strength is fear.He has convinced most alawites and most non sunnis that if he loses,syrian rebels will commit genocide on them.That their fate is connected to his.The FSA has made grave error in not making any public statements to deny this or to the alawite community to join them in toppling assad,in other words they have accepted assad's version that if they win alawites and shias will be exterminated.Ofcourse this means since shia hezbollah is next they will suffer from insecurity complex of what happens when syrian patronage is gone and anti shia govt comes to power.Thus with iranian backing they have joined the fray.Now its battle to the death for both sides.

As for 'game changer',nothing will be game changer as long as Syrian air force has air superiority or west can convince russia to stop supplying ammunition that sustains assad's army.Iran supplies the trained manpower,hezbollah though small in number are battle hardened veterans through years of urban fighting against mighty IDF,rag tag syrian rebels are no match for them atm.From what i hear not just lebanese hezbollah but iranian hezbollah[thats speaks farsi] may also have joined the fight.
Assad's main strength is fear.He has convinced most alawites and most non sunnis that if he loses,syrian rebels will commit genocide on them.That their fate is connected to his.The FSA has made grave error in not making any public statements to deny this or to the alawite community to join them in toppling assad,in other words they have accepted assad's version that if they win alawites and shias will be exterminated.Ofcourse this means since shia hezbollah is next they will suffer from insecurity complex of what happens when syrian patronage is gone and anti shia govt comes to power.Thus with iranian backing they have joined the fray.Now its battle to the death for both sides.

There are Alawaites, Druze and Christians fighters among the FSA.
But these are very few compared to assad's army which is almost exclusively formed of alawite,shia and other minorities.
But these are very few compared to assad's army which is almost exclusively formed of alawite,shia and other minorities.

I have shown you an example only, but the YouTube is filled with these kind of videos.

No, the majority of the SAA were Sunnis, but the commanders were Alawaites.
I have shown you an example only, but the YouTube is filled with these kind of videos.

No, the majority of the SAA were Sunnis, but the commanders were Alawaites.

Of 200000 of career soldiers or professionals of syrian army 140000 are alawites.80% OF officer korps are alawites.Majority of conscripts may be sunni,and many have defected.This core of the army plus the 2 elite divisions the republican guard and 4rth mechanized division which are exclusively alwaite form the backbone of assad's forces.Hence as i said failure of syrian rebels that they oppose assad's tyranny,not shias or alawites.Despite a few examples majority with assad.
Of 200000 of career soldiers or professionals of syrian army 140000 are alawites.80% OF officer korps are alawites.Majority of conscripts may be sunni,and many have defected.This core of the army plus the 2 elite divisions the republican guard and 4rth mechanized division which are exclusively alwaite form the backbone of assad's forces.Hence as i said failure of syrian rebels that they oppose assad's tyranny,not shias or alawites.Despite a few examples majority with assad.

Only 2 divisions are Shias while the remaining are Sunnis. As I stated earlier, the Higher commands posts were given to Alawites more than anyone else. In addition, I keep fallowing the Arabic MSM on daily basis, and I had seen plenty of Alawites in Tukrey in my own eyes, their population can never make %80 of the Army, I don't know where did you get your information from. The FSA had already stated that Al-Awaites will never be hold accountable for what Assad had done or doing.

Surprisingly, Assad's uncle joined the Syrian National Council a few months after the uprising.
Only 2 divisions are Shias while the remaining are Sunnis. As I stated earlier, the Higher commands posts were given to Alawites more than anyone else. In addition, I keep fallowing the Arabic MSM on daily basis, and I had seen plenty of Alawites in Tukrey in my own eyes, their population can never make %80 of the Army, I don't know where did you get your information from. The FSA had already stated that Al-Awaites will never be hold accountable for what Assad had done or doing.

Surprisingly, Assad's uncle joined the Syrian National Council a few months after the uprising.

Right from wikipedia,also a fifth of turkish population are turkish alawites.

''With its headquarters in Damascus, the Syrian military consists of air, ground, and navy forces. Active personnel were estimated as 295,000 in 2011, with an additional 314,000 reserves. Paramilitary forces were estimated at 108,000 in 2011.[26]

The majority of the Syrian military are Sunni, but most of the military leadership are Alawites. Alawites make up 12 percent of the Syrian population but are estimated to make up 70 percent of the career soldiers in the Syrian Army.[10][27] Of the 200,000 or so career soldiers in the Syrian Army, 140,000 are Alawites.[28] A similar imbalance is seen in the officer corps where some 80 percent of the officers are Alawites. The military’s most elite divisions, the Republican Guard and the 4th Mechanized Division, which are commanded by Bashar's brother, are exclusively Alawite. Most of Syria’s 300,000 conscripts and air force pilots are, however, Sunni.[10][29] Because of the Alawite composition of the Syrian armed forces, its interests are closely aligned with those of President Bashar al-Assad and the Assad family.''
Right from wikipedia,also a fifth of turkish population are turkish alawites.

''With its headquarters in Damascus, the Syrian military consists of air, ground, and navy forces. Active personnel were estimated as 295,000 in 2011, with an additional 314,000 reserves. Paramilitary forces were estimated at 108,000 in 2011.[26]

The majority of the Syrian military are Sunni, but most of the military leadership are Alawites. Alawites make up 12 percent of the Syrian population but are estimated to make up 70 percent of the career soldiers in the Syrian Army.[10][27] Of the 200,000 or so career soldiers in the Syrian Army, 140,000 are Alawites.[28] A similar imbalance is seen in the officer corps where some 80 percent of the officers are Alawites. The military’s most elite divisions, the Republican Guard and the 4th Mechanized Division, which are commanded by Bashar's brother, are exclusively Alawite. Most of Syria’s 300,000 conscripts and air force pilots are, however, Sunni.[10][29] Because of the Alawite composition of the Syrian armed forces, its interests are closely aligned with those of President Bashar al-Assad and the Assad family.''

Why do you take everything Wiki has for granted? The SAA used to be made of 450k, so the estimation is quite inaccurate. The Alawites are defecting everyday, perhaps that's the reason why Assad was seeking Hezbollah assistants. Now, he only has 50-65k in the SAA, nothing more.
Why do you take everything Wiki has for granted? The SAA used to be made of 450k, so the estimation is quite inaccurate.

200 k regular soldiers plus 300 k conscripts plus air force personnel roughly comes around around 450 k ground troops.
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