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FSA kills Russian general in Syria

Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia

DAMASCUS: The Free Syrian Army (FSA) announced in a statement to Al Arabiya on Wednesday that it has killed a Russian general in Syria who was working as a consultant to the Syrian defense minister and head of general staff of military affairs.

FSA said the killing of the general, Vladmir Petrovic Kojaiv, along his private translator, Ahmed Aiq, evidence that Russia was embroiled in the Syrian crisis. The rebel army said a number of documents and maps about the opposition and FSA were also seized.

The operation was conducted by its Ghota Western Brigades from Damascus along with FSA countryside forces, the rebel group said.

How will Russia react now???Move in its forces in Syria to support Assad more openly?Russia can not afford to lose Syria.
How will Russia react now???Move in its forces in Syria to support Assad more openly?Russia can not afford to lose Syria.

Russians are not that brave. I think they will take the beatings.

Russians are not that brave. I think they will take the beatings.

The Georgians tested that notion too. Back to topic the KSA are a terrorist organization that goes around abducting and murdering. If anyone disagrees please i encourage you to pick up arms and attemp to overthrow your governement.
The Georgians tested that notion too. Back to topic the KSA are a terrorist organization that goes around abducting and murdering. If anyone disagrees please i encourage you to pick up arms and attemp to overthrow your governement.

an upgraded Version of the same lesson you were taught during the era of the soviet union will be repeated. :guns:
an upgraded Version of the same lesson you were taught during the era of the soviet union will be repeated. :guns:

And what lesson would that be, a 200:1 body count in our favore? :lol:

There are plenty of Saudis as well as other Arab nationals that have been captured or killed in Chechnya. Last time i checked, you as in your brothers lost, Chechnya is rebuild and you guys can't fight.
And what lesson would that be, a 200:1 body count in our favore? :lol:

There are plenty of Saudis as well as other Arab nationals that have been captured or killed in Chechnya. Last time i checked, you as in your brothers lost, Chechnya is rebuild and you guys can't fight.

:blah: as usual .should I start posting videos.
:blah: as usual .should I start posting videos.

Of what? Beheadings? suicide attacks? Attacking children? The large majority of casualties that Russia troops have suffered from have been hit and run ambushes, IED's, mines ect.

The first Chechen war was a disaster mostly because of poor planning and corruption. The second Chechen war was an easy victory. Georgia was simple curb stomped. Notice the pattern, the Russian military has real world battle field experience. They are improving and taking lessons. The equipment is improving, the tactics are improving, the generals are improving and the soldiers are improving.

You may post some propaganda videos but the reality is that Russia has proven that it can and will smash whatever it feels needs to be smashed.
Killing foreign national who is on official state visit is not good. FSA should try to convince Russia for their support to resolve issues.
Assad will go but by making Russia your enemy, FSA clearly shifting ti USA camp.
One can catch him and present over media, show truth to world. and then send him back to Russia or keep as POW.
Killing is never an option.
A saudi arabian jumping behind the American bald eagle threatening the Russian bear is quite hilarious.:rofl:

This scenario is for us, internet warriors. In real world now Russia has valid reason to label FSA as terrorist group. In civil war where entire world is watching you, political correctness is only way to win hearts.
This scenario is for us, internet warriors. In real world now Russia has valid reason to label FSA as terrorist group. In civil war where entire world is watching you, political correctness is only way to win hearts.

This is a war with open sides, Russia will support Al-Assad till the end. FSA knows well that what ever they do will not mollify Russian stance on Al-Assad so better to kill the enemy in war zone than capturing.
Assad regime days are numbered.

I do not understand the Saudi problem though , they do not themselves have democracy in their country ... Why are you so desperate for Syria then ? :azn: ... Your role in supporting dictators in Tunisia and Bahrain is well known ... What makes you so happy that a Russian General if the news is true is killed in Syria ? This will just invite more Russian influence ... Assad's not going to go anytime soon ...

A saudi arabian jumping behind the American bald eagle threatening the Russian bear is quite hilarious.:rofl:
The cowardice of the KSA is unparallel in the world ! It remains the only country in the world that needed the complete and total assistance of NATO to defend itself against a country with moderate war capability and technology - Iraq in the Gulf War and they dare threaten Russia :rofl:
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