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Frustrated Americans on the AFPAK war

Afghanistan "The graveyard of Empires"

Those westerners remind me of the way we used to think back in the day... Now look at them this way of thinking was our downfall and I am pretty sure very soon they will follow suit.
It's not the frustration of the Americans that counts, rather the sweat blood and tears, as well as words of Pakistanis. Their people are not suffering, only their special forces and contract employees know what war is and what the fight is all about, just like the common Pakistani except they know better the enemy, they know about the cancers hiding within Islam better than us, such is their plannings and preparations.
a) "We need to borrow the $800 million from China to give it to Pakistan; now they will simply get the money directly from China. Is this a good thing? Perhaps."
They have every right to be frustrated. I'd leave it to them ;)
h) "Send more troops. At least 500,000 more. Start the draft. Cut Social Security and NASA to fund the surge. Cut off food stamps. Let U.S. poor and elderly die in the streets. Strip search all passengers before boarding planes. National ID. Random searches in your email. Tap your phone. We need to get those 20-30 terrorists hiding over there. Never mind the 15,000 people murdered each year in the United States by U.S. citizens with U.S. made weapons."

Very true.This my friend has been the dilemma of humanity since the beginning. World spends trillions on defense yet a few percent would be enough to eradicate every social evil in the world.
a) "Should have invaded and castrated the lunatic failed rogue state of Pakistan decades ago."

b) ">China has vowed that it would continue supporting its close ally Pakistan. The statement came a day after the United States announced it would suspend $800 million worth of security aid to Islamabad. <

This is what encourages Pakistan to show us the middle finger."

c) "PAKISTAN you are coward's spend some money too help your #$%$ stay free U>S>A> says' kiss our #$%$"

d) "China and Pakistan those 2 SOB belong together we helped them and they both stab us in the back."

e) "Pakistan will make a hundred threats in the next couple of months. How dare the infidels cut off part of their jizyah tax!"

f) "What do you expect from a country full of Ben Chods?"

g) "We aren't in a Great Depression, the poor and rich aren't suffering. We're in a Great Middle-Class vaporization. The rich get richer and the poor stay at minimum wage everything provided for (welfare trap). What Great Depression? it's the Great Liberal Economic Restructuring Renaissance (GLERR), produced by decades of social engineering."

h) "Pardon me, but for 10 years Pakistan hasn't even been IN the fight. they've been swallowing US dollars like a drunk on St Patty's day and screwing us like the lying thieves they are. "
a) "We should just drop a bomb right in the middle of the Sahara Desert."

b) "The US has to borrow the money from the chineese to give to other countries that our grand kids will have to pay back. How does this make sense?"

c) 'In poker terms, "Call"'

d) "Quick!!!! send them more borrowed money to they'll be our friends again!!!!"

e) "You threaten the United States of America???? I guess with the moron we have in the "white" house, why not threaten the USA?????"

f) "I say give India the $2 Billion in military aid we used to send pakistan. Let the hajji's like to put that in their pipe and smoke it."

g) "Their army is a bunch of pimps."

h) "I'm surprised Barrack HUSSEIN Obama has not drone bombed his American states yet. He did declare Americans who disagree with him as his enemies. He has used much harsher words and actions to condemn American citizens than he has used against his Islamic brothers.

I'd rather be drone bombed and taken out quickly rather than suffering a slow death in America under his policies against his own citizens."
a) "We are being strong armed by Pakistan? Talk about the inmates running the asylum."


c) "Hey Pakistan, go to hell. Typical backstabbing islamic scum bags."

d) "Pakistan is mad because the US gave all its computer assistance work to India 'Hello, I am Rahib, do you have a problem with your computer today? '."

e) "not exactly the sort of help that will be missed."

f) "Pakistan sounds strangely like American system-sponging liberals. If we take away their handouts, all hell will break loose. Both Pakistan & liberals seem to hate America equally too. Cut them both off. If they cry, laugh at them."

g) "What's our chicken-hawk-in-chief going to do?"

h) "screw Pakistan, screw India, screw Afhhanistan. Cut 'em all off and tell them to go pound sand"
a) "We should just drop a bomb right in the middle of the Sahara Desert."

Hmm I didn't know that the Sahara Desert was in South Asia.

I guess I must have not been paying attention when it magically moved from Africa to Pakistan/Afghanistan :rolleyes:
d) "Pakistan is mad because the US gave all its computer assistance work to India 'Hello, I am Rahib, do you have a problem with your computer today? '."

h) "screw Pakistan, screw India, screw Afhhanistan. Cut 'em all off and tell them to go pound sand"

Mixing outsourcing and WOT. Frustrated yet imaginative Yankees :P
Pound sand????Is that supposed to be an insult?
a) "We are being strong armed by Pakistan? Talk about the inmates running the asylum."


LOL, "trousers" were invented in the Middle East (Ancient Persia).

The Westerners thought it made the Persians look like barbarians. But now all the Westerners are wearing trousers, and making fun of people who don't. :rofl:
Hmm I didn't didn't know the Sahara Desert was in South Asia.

I guess I must have not been paying attention when it magically moved from Africa to Pakistan/Afghanistan :rolleyes:

ROFL, I don't think it makes a difference to them.Got this map of the world from an average US perspective.
ROFL, I don't think it makes a difference to them.Got this map of the world from an average US perspective.

Lol I've seen that before.

Americans are definitely not stupid people but some Americans do come off as being ignorant about the world outside America as we can see with the comments.
Lol I've seen that before.

Americans are definitely not stupid people but some Americans do come off as being ignorant about the world outside America as we can see with the comments.

I think those few Americans come off as highly amusing, too me personally at least :D
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