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Frontier Corps officially links Afghan intelligence to terror groups in Balochistan

Afghanistan should rather work for its development.Engaging in proxy battle with ISI is wrong and may be even suicidal.

India for its own reason is forcing Afghanistan into this.But again one war with india will settle the dispute once for all
I was kind of surprised to see the heading and jumped to the thread to see people discussing afghan involvement in balochistan..... and expecting to get a relief for we Indians...... But then........

I guess i should stop judging the thread looking at the heading......

Really? And how, pray, do you know that the arms were paid for by India?


or are you just shooting from the hip as usual?

Whose training and funding NDS and Afghan military intelligence officials?

could someone translate the OP's news report??

plus,what is meant by "Official"???


we couldn't buy our own weapons,how we'll be able to buy weapons for "Pakistanis"??we still have tens of millions of public toilets to make and hundreds of millions to feed.plus remember,we've a "Hindu Extremist" govt in power,who despise muslims,be it from Islamabad or from Balochistan. :D

and even if it is provided by India and Afghanistan,just take it as a complement of 3 decades of proxy war waged upon us and 2 decades of proxy war waged upon Afghanistan by Pakistan.its time for payback. :rofl::rofl:

plus,if I'm not wrong,all these weapons are easily available in Pakistani Black market.though I couldn't recognize the pistols.also,G-3 isn't made by Russia and used by ANA or India.

Incase you forgot to read english version of news and do some critical thinking. The truck carrying weapons came from Afghanistan.

India turns to Russia to help supply arms to Afghan forces| Reuters
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Incase you forgot to read english version of news and do some critical thinking. The truck carrying weapons came from Afghanistan.
India turns to Russia to help supply arms to Afghan forces| Reuters

If I remember correctly,Afghan Taliban is coming from Pakistan.doesn't that make Pakistan responsible,well, "Officially"??ain't we both know that there are a lot of things are happening in Pak-Afghan border.even Pakistan admitted that they're not in control.I presume,Afghanistan still not in control of East Afghanistan properly.only few days ago,few Pakistanis bragged about it and said,when ISAF couldn't retrieve Entire Afghanistan,how will ANA..so,doesn't that mean,the many pockets are still not under ANA's control and Taliban could send helping hand to Baluchistan.If I remember correctly,few month ago(don't remember the date) ,one reports claimed just like it.plus,its not new from Pakistan.Pakistan blamed some 9 foreign intelligence(belongs to United States, India, Afghanistan, Iran, UAE, Israel, Britain,Oman and Russia) agencies for distabilizing balochistan,yet,couldn't provide a single conclusive proof against them.
If I remember correctly,Afghan Taliban is coming from Pakistan.doesn't that make Pakistan responsible,well, "Officially"??ain't we both know that there are a lot of things are happening in Pak-Afghan border.even Pakistan admitted that they're not in control.I presume,Afghanistan still not in control of East Afghanistan properly.only few days ago,few Pakistanis bragged about it and said,when ISAF couldn't retrieve Entire Afghanistan,how will ANA..so,doesn't that mean,the many pockets are still not under ANA's control and Taliban could send helping hand to Baluchistan.If I remember correctly,few month ago(don't remember the date) ,one reports claimed just like it.plus,its not new from Pakistan.Pakistan blamed some 9 foreign intelligence(belongs to United States, India, Afghanistan, Iran, UAE, Israel, Britain,Oman and Russia) agencies for distabilizing balochistan,yet,couldn't provide a single conclusive proof against them.

So a truck carrying approx 1 ton weapons isn't a sufficient proof? Americans catching NDS agents meeting with TTP 2nd in command and other higher ups isn't sufficient? The onus of providing proof isn't on Pakistan. It is on Afghanistan to explain why it is doing such things and why indian trained and funded Afghan Intel agencies destabilizing us since 2004

To and fro motion is easy b/w mountainous areas. Have you bothered to see the terrain?

@mafiya | Party will begin when the dynamic of a superpower foothold will recede.Chun chun kay maringy :)

Sirji, As they say in urdu, " Bakri kai us doodh ka kaya faida jo meinganiya daal kar dai". We handled the entire bugti thing miserably. Those days, tribals were surrendering in 2006. kalpar bugtis were being brought in to counter Akbar bugti threat and then killing of bugti white washed all the efforts.
@mafiya | Disagree. No one has the upper hand. Our fingers are not even 'in' yet. The power dynamics in Afghanistan are in no one's favour the way things are. How they change in the future, remains to be seen.
So a truck carrying approx 1 ton weapons isn't a sufficient proof? Americans catching NDS agents meeting with TTP 2nd in command and other higher ups isn't sufficient? The onus of providing proof isn't on Pakistan. It is on Afghanistan to explain why it is doing such things and why indian trained and funded Afghan Intel agencies destabilizing us since 2004

To and fro motion is easy b/w mountainous areas. Have you bothered to see the terrain?

you're relying on USA's report now??since when??last time I remember,they used drones to bomb "Innocent Pakistanis" and accused Pakistan and ISI for actively supporting Taliban.what should be your stance on those??plus,you're crying river over one truck weapons??Taliban probably posses more weapons than ANA itself.who should bear the responsibility of those weapons??and OBL died on Pakistan soil.does that mean Pakistan took the stance against UN and Interpol to hide world's most dangerous criminal???

my friend,you're more in deep $H!T than India or even Afghanistan will ever be.neither Pakistan will ever can prove that those weapons are "sponsored by India or Afghanistan",nor it is true.plus,you're accusing AF for secretly dealing with Taliban.your own country is openly dealing with them.what is the offense in that case??
@mafiya | Disagree. No one has the upper hand. Our fingers are not even 'in' yet. The power dynamics in Afghanistan are in no one's favour the way things are. How they change in the future, remains to be seen.

Our civilian leaders maybe incapable of thinking strategically, but the army and intelligence is a different story, they've already had a roadmap for what needs to happen.
you're relying on USA's report now??since when??last time I remember,they used drones to bomb "Innocent Pakistanis" and accused Pakistan and ISI for actively supporting Taliban.what should be your stance on those??plus,you're crying river over one truck weapons??Taliban probably posses more weapons than ANA itself.who should bear the responsibility of those weapons??and OBL died on Pakistan soil.does that mean Pakistan took the stance against UN and Interpol to hide world's most dangerous criminal???

my friend,you're more in deep $H!T than India or even Afghanistan will ever be.neither Pakistan will ever can prove that those weapons are "sponsored by India or Afghanistan",nor it is true.plus,you're accusing AF for secretly dealing with Taliban.your own country is openly dealing with them.what is the offense in that case??

Now you are blowing a steam. You don't even what I'm talking. Do a google, about Bajaur TTP chief and TTP second in command in American custody in afghanistan along with NDS agents meeting them . These are not reports. These are proven news.

I'm crying over a truck because it isn't the first time they sent this and this truck was destined for baloch terrorists not TTP not Afghani talibaanis. I'm amazed why are you linking this shipment to Afghan taliban when they have nothing to do with Balochi's and quetta? You are not even aware of the fact that Those weapon shipments mostly move through FATA areas bordering Afghanistan.

Seriously you need to read some background story on this particular region. You are no making any sense at all. Weapon shipments for balochi terrorists From Afghan taliban? The most absurd thing ever heard.

OBL died in Pakistan, because he was a single person. American couldn't detect 11 Terrorists on it's soil who conducted 9/11. So what? disastrous intel failures happen all the time, does it mean American Intel agencies were complicit in 9/11?

Our country openly dealing them, that you can see, but You ignored the fact America and it's allies are openly engaging them too, what was the point of providing them office in Qatar? remind me again, America can engage them and we can't? What kind of twisted logic is yours?

@mafiya | Disagree. No one has the upper hand. Our fingers are not even 'in' yet. The power dynamics in Afghanistan are in no one's favour the way things are. How they change in the future, remains to be seen.

India objective is to keep us busy by hiring afghani brains and guns from Tribal side and using baloch in balochistan side.They are successful in it and we are still stuck at being creating strategic depth with zero percent success in it.
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Seems like someone running Afghan Intel is taking too much hashish...why is he leading Afghanistan on suicide mission?
Now you are blowing a steam. You don't even what I'm talking. Do a google, about Bajaur TTP chief and TTP second in command in American custody in afghanistan along with NDS agents meeting them . These are not reports. These are proven news.
I'm crying over a truck because it isn't the first time they sent this and this truck was destined for baloch terrorists not TTP not Afghani talibaanis. I'm amazed why are you linking this shipment to Afghan taliban when they have nothing to do with Balochi's and quetta? You are not even aware of the fact that Those weapon shipments mostly move through FATA areas bordering Afghanistan.
Seriously you need to read some background story on this particular region. You are no making any sense at all. Weapon shipments for balochi terrorists From Afghan taliban? The most absurd thing ever heard.

OBL died in Pakistan, because he was a single person. American couldn't detect 11 Terrorists on it's soil who conducted 9/11. So what? disastrous intel failures happen all the time, does it mean American Intel agencies were complicit in 9/11?

Our country openly dealing them, that you can see, but You ignored the fact America and it's allies are openly engaging them too, what was the point of providing them office in Qatar? remind me again, America can engage them and we can't? What kind of twisted logic is yours?

Red Part.......

I never doubted over the news.but is it much of an offense while your country is meeting both Afghan Taliban and TTP??you guys accused Afghanistan that they're directing TTP to Pakistan.but where is the proof???the chief might have travelled to secure some "Peace Talk".in fact,your own politicians are cheering for TTP.

Blue Part....

I draw the parallel comparison.the porous border holds multiple elements which is neither in control of Pakistan,nor in control of Afghanistan.how Pakistan reached to the conclusion that it is sent by some Afghan agency and not came via some black market or terrorist camps off the border??

Green Part...

you misunderstood my post.I said arms to baloch rebels by TTP,not Af Taliban.about OBL,if OBL could live free in Pakistan for 10 years and Pakistan was not involved into it,same can be said about various TTP chiefs living in Afghanistan.so,just capturing some TTP leaders points towards nothing.

pink part....

I'm not accusing Pakistan govt about anything.if Pakistan can deal with Taliban(TTP),same can be said about ISAF and Afghanistan as well(AF Taliban and TTP).don't blame them for an act which you're performing.its as simple as that.now,did Pakistan govt "Officially" ever accused Afghanistan on "Supporting the Baloch rebels".some minister's comment doesn't count.any case lodged or something like this ever happened.forgive my ignorance as the first post was in Urdu and don't know what it said.

and another question,those who were involved in arms trafficking,are all of them Afghan national or Pakistanis??
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