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From IBA graduate to 'terror suspect'?

1) BJP, RSS, Shiv Sena are ALL religious nut cases in India. You can google it or read on the following link. I am SURE you'll come back and tell me how wrong and stupid any news or links are.....both the claims are in the links or on google. Type in "Hindu Extremists Converting Christians" or anything as such.

Religious fundamentalists and terrorism are very very different, unlike in Pakistan, I hope you know the difference. I will redicule your links cause bullshiting doesnt let you walk free, your claims needs better sources. The link mentions controversies and my word against yours quotes, hardly credible. Then again no statistics, do you want to search for "Pakistan religious terrorism"?

2) If you think issues as serious as killing minorities, forefully conducting terrorism based on religion, whether in India or Pakistan is a dick measuring contest, you are sore loser with a third class mentality. Nothing more can be said as you've clearly shown how you look at human lives and think about them. If it was Pakistan, you and your cousins from India would jump up and down all day highlighting religious intolerance in Pakistan. If God forbid, someone mentioned India and identified issues there, the holly cow disappeared and your true colors come out. Respect human life just as much as you would in Pakistan's case. Hindu terrorists are no better than Islamists. Its the same shiit supported by different religions!!!

Indians do not need a leasson from a Pakistani how to treats its minorities, we are far far better in that sense so it doesn't matter whether a Pakistani wants to equate the issues faced in Pakistan with India. See you say Hindu terrorists are no better than Islamists, clearly you are measuring both of these but then you have no statistics to prove any of your point just hogwash.

3) I know some people FROM Srinagar. Its probably rated much better in terms of Indian Army killing and raping Kashmiris who's lands been taken up. Western analysts provide a number of Indian Soldiers to Civlians at a ratio of 7:1, so of course, where its 7 times more military soldiers than the civilian population, it better be rated SAFER!!! Learn a thing or two about reality before just going on stupid and blind journey of patriotism!!

Hindu extremists convert 2,000 Christians in India | Christian News on Christian Today

Controversy over ‘Reconversions’ in India Leads to Proposal to Outlaw Conversions

Yeah you know some :lol:

We know the daily protests in Balochistan and the number of missing people, hell an activist who gave a lecture about missing people of balochistan gets killed immediately after her speech. :tup:

Western Analysts also say that Pakistan is the hotbet of terrorism and that ratio which I have never come across is fake. Most of the forces are deployed on the LoC cause guess what Pakistani Army has a state called Pakistan where military operations against India are take without even the airforce knowing about them :lol: And this PA has a bad habit of starting wars which they think grandly of but gets slapped repeatedly.

PS: I am still waiting for statistics and the claim of Indian Govt to make India a Hindu country if you have one :P and yeah we need credible sources
This is more dangerous than unemployed youth jumping on terrorism bandwagon. It will be almost impossible to bring change in such individual.

Pretty much impossible. You come across many who see things completely on a different reality plane. So much so that you cannot even reason your way out because what you see is not what he/she sees. What is absolutely irrational to you is perfectly rational for them. As dangerous as it gets.
Yeah Pakistan is lost.
Now go lungi dance on your roof and rejoice.
From IBA graduate to 'terror suspect'? - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

It is shocking to read that people like him after all that education, start becoming religious and slowly slide into jihadi activities.

I hope at least after this, those Pakistanis who eagerly lap up the fiction put out by their military and other leaders, stop believing the excuse such as RAW did it or Mossad did it. You have to start holding your military and government responsible for their ineptitude, self-empowerment and readiness to waste your lives for keeping their jobs and perks.
KARACHI: The Sindh chief minister's thunderbolt revelation yesterday that three "well-educated" students have been arrested for plotting recent terrorist attacks in Karachi sent shockwaves across the country.

As Mr Qaim Ali Shah disclosed the names of university graduates Saad Aziz, Mohammad Azfar Ishrat and Haafiz Nasir for being involved in heinous crimes, friends and former schoolmates took to Facebook and Twitter to express both horror and disbelief.

tujhay tatti bhe na aye, to yahi bolay ga is Pakistan lost? get a life fucking loser, your Prime minister is a freaking known hindu extremist and a proven Terrorist, murderer of thousands of innocent minorities, is India lost? YES especially when you are ashamed of being indians !
I am unable to comprehend how after watching 141 children get slaughtered in their own country, would someone go out and kill a bus load of people.

Tell me how does that happen.
Why are u confused? Its RAW after all this. These guys are brainwashed and paid heavy sum by RAW to do this. Like all pakistani on PDF believe that everything that happen in Pakistan is done by RAW. So assuming u guys are correct even this has to have a RAW angle. Right?

tujhay tatti bhe na aye, to yahi bolay ga is Pakistan lost? get a life fucking loser, your Prime minister is a freaking known hindu extremist and a proven Terrorist, murderer of thousands of innocent minorities, is India lost? YES especially when you are ashamed of being indians !
And u cant PROVE even a single blabber of urs in this post. As I say, Pakistanis love to believe in those things which they dont know or dont understand.

So I take this post of urs as a burst of frustration rather than any logical stuff.
My dear Indian friends,

Pakistan is not going anywhere. It is here to stay. Please start prepare your children for a torturously painful lifelong futile wait to see Pakistan falling. Don't repeat the mistake of your previous generation who met their fate waiting for this to happen and now left you in agony of this wait. Be nice to your children, they have to see painful things of Pakistan rising.

Thank you.

P.S. You will find us waiting for war or peace whenever you come to us with either of intentions.
It is shocking to read that people like him after all that education, start becoming religious and slowly slide into jihadi activities.

There is not any problem to be religious ... Millions of people are religious here but we are facing the problem by exporting terrorism in our country ... Few countrymen got brainwashed then they can do anything what their Master say .............
I am unable to comprehend how after watching 141 children get slaughtered in their own country, would someone go out and kill a bus load of people.

Tell me how does that happen.
When injustice prevails people take things into their own hands

Hence, why my DP is as a reminder ...

exporting terrorism in our country
Either you export out or you import in... :what:

Lately the media has been on a verbal diarrhea ...Being as insensitive as possible and trying to show Pakistan as bad as possible by linking everything to anything

When HIGH IQ serial killers in West kill, no one questions their IQ nor their educational background....but when it comes to Pakistan, lets question EVERYTHING!
why are people surprised ?? a good proportion of people that hold extremist views are highly educated.. period.
When injustice prevails people take things into their own hands

Hence, why my DP is as a reminder ...

Either you export out or you import in... :what:

Lately the media has been on a verbal diarrhea ...Being as insensitive as possible and trying to show Pakistan as bad as possible by linking everything to anything

When HIGH IQ serial killers in West kill, no one questions their IQ nor their educational background....but when it comes to Pakistan, lets question EVERYTHING!
Your posts are so defensive all the time,start defending the moment someone says Pakistan with out getting the full context
It is the job of intelligence agencies to exploit the weakanancies of society, and they are doing it well. Our intelligence community should start to get their acts together. I am repeating it here again and again that they cant sit on deffensive for too long. Some crackers across the border are necessary.
Apologies for spelling mistakes.
PA is a secular institution, not a sectarian one.
The attack on bus was a sectarian attack. It has more to do with mindset and misguidance by some extremist.
Sure Indians will find every evil of the world in PA and will want it to be disbanded.
Will you agree with me that the title of the thread is kind of funny? What being 'highly educated' and 'elite' has to do with terrorism? A majority of BJP/RSS/VHP activists/members are also 'highly educated' yet hell bent on terrorizing the minorities; the Indian media working in Nepal was also not operated by uneducated or lowly educated folks yet it did what it did. There appears not to be a link between 'formal education' and religious/nationalistic/political extremism.
The top level terrorists (or masterminds) are almost always smart and educated to a decent level. Without that you cannot outsmart law enforcement agencies.
The foot soldiers (like kasab) are usually from poorer/less advantaged background.

Being religious does not make one terrorist. It however makes it slightly easy to hire somebody as foot soldier. But you have to be simple minded/poor/illeterate to become a low level terrorist. Being young helps too.
A terror mastermind/leader on otherhand almost never in it for 72 virgins or afterlife, its always some sort of demand usually political, that he/she thinks cannot be met without violence.
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