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Friends of Turkey: A light-hearted thread.

although I admit that I know very little about Afghani

You should read about his tumultuous life, he changed the destiny's of Egypt, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Indian Muslims.

I am a follower of Dr. Israr Ahmad, but I do appreciate the mindset of Djamaluddin al Afghani who believed firmly in Pan-Islamic Unity and erasing the divisions among Muslims. Plus, he was instrumental in fighting the colonial powers, esp Britain, in his own way by creating pockets of resistance wherever he went.

Alot known about him is hearsay, and like Abu Muslim al Khorasaani who founded Banu Abbas, he was a secretive character. Even his name is a misnomer, as he was Iranian and not Afghani.
You should read about his tumultuous life, he changed the destiny's of Egypt, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Indian Muslims.

I am a follower of Dr. Israr Ahmad, but I do appreciate the mindset of Djamaluddin al Afghani who believed firmly in Pan-Islamic Unity and erasing the divisions among Muslims. Plus, he was instrumental in fighting the colonial powers, esp Britain, in his own way by creating pockets of resistance wherever he went.

Alot known about him is hearsay, and like Abu Muslim al Khorasaani who founded Banu Abbas, he was a secretive character. Even his name is a misnomer, as he was Iranian and not Afghani.
Dont say I am a follower of Dr. Israr Ahmad say I am a student of Dr. Israr Ahmed,
Do you know of any recording of Dr Israr where he speak about Damalddin ?
Turks and Azeris appreciate Pakistani support.

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was born in Salonica (today in Greece) in 1881. He is renown as the founder of the Republic of Turkey.

In 1915, he emerged as a military hero in Dardanelles during the Gallipoli campaign, and later became the leader of the Turkish national liberation struggle started in 1919.

In 1923, as the creator of the new Republic of Turkey, Atatürk established a form of government that reflected the wishes of the people thru the Parliament.

Sweeping cultural and socio-political reforms took place. Between 1926 and 1930, legal changes led the way for Islamic religious laws to be abolished and a secular system emerged.

Atatürk initiated a program for economic development in Turkey, which consisted of agricultural expansion, industrial and technological advances.

Determined not to stop there, Atatürk undertook the greatest challenge of all, a reform of the existing language. In 1928, he decided to abolish the Arabic script and incorporated the Latin alphabet with the Turkish.

With this came the impetus to develop the education of the country's citizens. Primary education was declared compulsory and great prominence was given to the education of women.

Mausoleum of Ataturk

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was President for 15 years, until his death in 1938, on November 10th. His achievements are a legacy to the modern state of Turkey and he is considered a pioneer of national liberation. Today his Mausoleum is in Ankara.

He was a great defender of the idea of peace at home and in the world. He explained his ideals about the responsibilities of humankind to each other by expressing;

Humankind is a single body and each nation a part of that body. We must never say 'What does it matter to me if some part of the world is ailing?' If there is such an illness, we must concern ourselves with it as though we were having that illness.

In 1981, his memory was honored by the United Nations and UNESCO on the occasion of the centennial of his birth. He will be always remembered as saying;

Unless the life of the nation faces peril, war is a crime. If war were to break out, nations would rush to join their armed forces and national resources. The swiftest and most effective measure is to establish an international organization which would prove to the aggressor that its aggression cannot pay.

He was not just a Turkish leader who led his country's war against aggressors, but also a peaceful son of humankind who sent very important messages to the other nations about the necessity of a peaceful and mutually respectful co-existence of all nations on the same planet.


Ismet Inonu during Worls War I

Ismet Inonu was born in 1884 in Izmir, in the Aegean region of Anatolia. His father was Mustantik Resit Bey and mother Cevriye Hanim. On 26th September 1906 he joined the 2nd Army as a superior captain and became a member of Ittihat ve Terakki party.

Inönü also took place in the Operational Army which stopped the 31st of March incident. During World War I he worked as a division manager in the ministry under the Minister of War Enver Pasha. In 1915 he was appointed to the 2nd Army Chief of Staff desk and promoted to Colonel on December 14th. He served in the 4th Army at the Caucasian frontier.

In 1918 he became War Ministry advisor. On 9th April 1920 he came to Ankara and was selected as a member of the Army Command by T.B.M.M. (Turkey Grand National Assembly).

On 25th October 1920 Ismet Inonu became commander of the Western Frontier and stopped the Cerkez Ethem riot. During the War of Independence he won the 1st and 2nd Inonu campaigns against the Greeks. At the end of World War I he represented T.B.M.M. government in the Armistice of Mudanya and at the Treaty of Lausanne.

Ismet Inonu as President

On 30th October 1923 Inonu became the first Prime Minister of Turkey. After the death of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (10th November 1938) he was elected as the President and carried the title until 14th May 1950.

Between 1950-1960 he stayed in politics as a Parliamenter of Malatya and the leader of the main opposition party. Later he was elected as Prime Minister again, 3 times between 1961-1965, total of 10 times and governed for a total of 16 years and 10 months. On 20th October 1972 he resigned from his party and became a member of the Republics Senate.

Ismet Inonu spoke German, French and English, and had 3 children. Died on 25th of December 1973, today his tomb is in Ankara, at the Mausoleum of Atatürk.

One of his sons, professor Erdal Inonu, became also an active politician during the 80's and 90's in various socialist parties. He passed away on October 31st, 2007.


Adnan Menderes was one of the prime ministers of Turkey between 1950-1960, born in Aydin in 1899 and died in Istanbul in 1961.

Adnan Menderes

Adnan Menderes came from a wealthy family. He studied at the American College in Izmir until 1916 when he served his military service. He fought against the invading allied army during the War of Independence between 1920-1923, after World War I. After the proclamation of the Republic he entered the politics in the CHP party and was elected a deputy of Aydin province in 1931. During that time, he was graduated from the Law School of the University of Ankara.

In 1946 he formed the Democratic party (DP) together with Mr. Celal Bayar, one of the first legal opposition parties in Turkey, after Atatürk's party CHP. He became the deputy of Kutahya province and served for four years. When his party came to power in 1950 during the first free elections in Turkish history, Menderes became the Premier. In 1955 he also assumed the duties of foreign minister at the same time. Menderes also won the 1954 and 1957 elections, thus serving as prime minister for 10 years. During his terms, he followed liberal economic rules, allowing more private enterprises, and hold good relations with both East and West. Also, he miraculously survived a plane crach in 1959 when he and other government officials were flying from Istanbul to London. He became very popular amongst the public during those years, but at the same time he censored the newspapers and arrested journalists in order to oppress the opposing political parties, therefore we wasn't liked much by the intellectuals.

On 27th of May 1960 an army coup under General Cemal Gürsel toppled the government and Menderes was arrested. He was charged with violating the Constitution and trialed in a prison on Yassiada, a small island in the Princess Islands archipelago off Istanbul. He was found guilty by the military court and sentenced to death by hanging on the Imrali island at the Sea of Marmara on 17th of September 1961, along with two other cabinet members who were Mr. Fatin Rustu Zorlu, Foreign Affairs Minister, and Mr. Hasan Polatkan, Finance Minister.

In 1990, after 29 years of his death, the Parliament cleared of any misconduct of Adnan Menderes and pardoned him. Today, his mausoleum is located next to Turgut Ozal's mausoleum in Istanbul. Also, Adnan Menderes University in Aydin province and Adnan Menderes Airport in Izmir are named after him. His son, Mr. Aydin Menderes, served as a deputy in the Turkish Parliament until the elections in 2002.

Time to amp up this thread. It's boring. No wonder Turks don't stay long on this forum.

No one listens to Ottoman songs anymore. Here's what Turks listen to. This song was literally everywhere the last time I was in Istanbul.

Turkish version of MADTV.

They're parodying Sezen Aksun- an old Turkish singer

And here's a song by her and Turkey's most famous singer Tarkan.

Aynur Aydın- looks like Lana Del Rey but much more prettier. And her songs are catchier.
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