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French Takes Lesson Of Past Mistakes Made On Turkey

In the latest installment of Star Trek, Vulcan home world got destroyed because of such stupidity. Earth on the other hand ended up controlling space and time (Ref: Timeship Relativity) and the whole of galaxy, within a short span of 1000 years!

Bad example my friend. :lol:

Do you know the Star Trek movie? In one episode Vulcans wait before they make the first contact with human people. They are waiting that humans make the next step in their development. After than, Vulcans contact humans and bring them to the next level of development.
It's not about being grateful or ungrateful, it's about business. Good business is good business, let's not mix pleasure with business!

Of course, but I don't think that Turkey can renounce of western nation like Germany and France. Not in the next decade.
In the latest installment of Star Trek, Vulcan home world got destroyed because of such stupidity. Earth on the other hand ended up controlling space and time (Ref: Timeship Relativity) and the whole of galaxy, within a short span of 1000 years!

Bad example my friend. :lol:

:lol:.... ok, I dont know all episode, in contrast to you. But I think this is a good example for understanding, what I am talking about. You will see, more countrys (industry nations) will make co-development of high-end products, with you.
After so many complains by Turkish members, for me not contributing enough in Turkish section, get ready to see more of me. For those of you, who don't know me, please know that I have a pretty bad temper when it comes to **bullshit**, what you can expect with that temper is some good technical input from my side! :D
@Neptune @Sinan @T-123456 - I'm here, so no more bitc*in why I don't contribute! :pop:
Bout time!

France should let Turkey in.... (Talking about EU that is)...
France can you know what,we dont need France and Germany.

Let me start here by saying:

1. There are no such creatures as Armenians.
2. There can't be a genocide, as point #1 is true.

Now, let's move on to more important things:

1. No one needs France. France's best time lies in it's past, not the future, while Turkey has a glorious future awaiting it.
2. Germans are irrelevant as well, they are a dying race and need fresh men and women to sustain the dying population.

Now with that out of the way, we can continue our discussions here! :pop:
Now,thats my bro!
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Never liked them overrated French and France. Some time ago I read an article saying that the statue of liberty was actually ordered by the Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid (if i remember correctly). The statue's initial title was actually 'Light of Asia', the shape was a bit different than how it looks now and was intended to be placed in Egypt at the entrance of the Suez canal, but the producers in France finally gifted the statue to the Americans when the Ottomans were busy with internal conflicts. Treacherous frenchies. You can google 'light of asia ottomans' to find more info.
interesting info about the statue :)

But back to the topic, I don't see how the French ministers comments has anything to do with what "privat" companies are doing. It's not on national level (perhaps with the exception of the power plan).

I think many forgets that it's not the government of France that has investments in Turkey, but privat companies who does the investment, and everytime the stupid politicians decides to pretend to be historians and decide things the relations go bad. And this will not change anytime soon because the french government doesn't have investments in Turkey.

I am at odds about this, on one hand I can see the advantage of reducing imports from France when they act like that while maintaining exports. Also use it to our own advantage politically, such as throw a fit, buy chinese HQ-9.

But the disadvantage is they'll spread lies in schools and everywhere once it passes the lawmakers. And we all know that if you repeat a lie enough times, everyone will start believing it. (personally I think it'd be better for Turkey to have good relations with all our neighbours except 2, but that is purely to further our own agenda)
I think we dont need france too,
But i think we need germany,
Because in Germany live 3million turks.

I would even go a step further and say that they See turkey as one of biggest enemies.
This discussion reminds me Sarkozy's behaviour on last trip to Turkey and Melih Gökçek's respond to him (chewing gum incident).. Frencmen are not welcomed in here unless they do not leave their arrogance.
This discussion reminds me Sarkozy's behaviour on last trip to Turkey and Melih Gökçek's respond to him (chewing gum incident).. Frencmen are not welcomed in here unless they do not leave their arrogance.

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They both do what is asked of them to do without questioning why,is what i meant.

You think they are same, because they don't ask why? Ridiculous!

You don't need Germany? Maybe you think Milgem doesn't need an engine. Maybe you think, Anka doesn't need an engine. Maybe you think Altay or Firtina doesn't need an engine. Maybe you think your U-214 doesn't need an engine.

Maybe you don't understand what I am talking about with my master/student example. Little padavan! ;)
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