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French Rafale UAE deal back on - report

Im surprised that India didn;t demand it when EADS offered it....make you wonder if the deal was corrupted from the start.

India didn't ask Rafale because India knows that in matter of ToT it has higher chances getting things from France than the EFT consortium. And other reason was that France is just one country while in case of EFT they have four different countries, so it would be easier to share the burden of development and production of aircraft than France, so even if they move some of the equipment production lines to India it wouldn't affect them much, however in case of France it would be like moving a major source of revenue out of the country.
for what role exactly? arnt your tornados ground attack role?

RSAF Tornadoes are for A2G Ground Attack Role.

You guys ever heard of the Tornado ADV (Air Defence Variant) ?

Saudi Air Force is the only Air Force still flying the type (Others were the RAF and the Italian Air Force). Although not a true dog fighter but it can carry all the A2A missiles (BVR & WVR)

It was close... It was really really close... Then Syria happened. That's one. Two these expensive European equipment is the best in the world at the moment. We want to replace our old and aging F-5s with Eurofighter Typhoons and tectonic shift in capabilities. We also have the Tornados who are close to saying goodbye to flying all together. I personally in favor of the F-35 to replace the Tornados.
Respected Arab, Asalam-O-Alikum,
You are quite right but the fact is that if Saudis are interested in Typhoon then they should have joined the program in 1990s as this will help you in knowing all the details about aircraft's and much more and you only have to pay for the production cost and more over your people will also gained jobs because the parts manufacturing has been divided according to their share in the program and you can gain money from other countries as well. Like RSAF could have 300 EF-2000s till 2020. Please don't mind and forgive me
Allah Hafiz.
UAE is buying EF from uk no rafale wrong info see the video on you tube of dubai air show
I hope that it will going to wait for T-50s or J-20s as they have great fighters
:thank_you2:The point is simple, we aint inferior to you in any way

This is how inferiority complex manifests it self (irrespective of you being inferior of not) since you are trying to prove this without anyone insinuating that you are.. !!
But its a good chance for UAE to join the T-50 Program in this way they will not only gain a good fighter but also the cost will be reduced to just The Cost of Production and they can also gain money from sales as well.
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